Anyone have an opinion on this?


Best Tips For Less
Gold Member
Silver Member
I wish you the best of luck with it. As far as paying someone to endorse it, I think it's only fair if they make money with it and your paying or giving them free products, you deserve a piece of their prize money. Put that in a contract and see how many of those guys who only like to recieve like it then.

Thats how I roll. I get 60% of any USA Tournament winnings Drophel Gropplesetter from The Republic of Ishi gets and if he learns English TV commercials might be made. So far 3 out of the 4 players that have beat him stated "It was not as easy as I expected"


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
^I'm still a Honest, and upstanding person, Im not out to mislead,or scam anyone, never have, never will be..

Only thing that's new about me is that, I have simply created a product, that I do believe will be beneficial for the World of Billiards..

I intend to market this product in hopes to better peoples games, and provide a alternative Ld shaft which combines the properties of low deflection,a stiff hit,and great feedback/feel all in one shaft..

Currently to my knowledge, there's no LD shafts on the market , that posses the 3 characteristics mentioned above ,combined in 1 shaft , "The Ghost" shaft however does posses all 3 properties..

The concept seems to be more than some people can fathom..

I understand the doubt and concern, being that if I was a outsider looking in ,Id have doubts and questions as well.

Until the product is available for purchase ,I expect doubts, that's natural with the current state of our World..

With that all being said, prior to the launch, to believe, or not to believe the statements in regards to "GHOST of MEGALODON" LD shafts, is a decision which the inquirer/potential consumers are free to choose using their own discretion..

As I stated before , Ill quote yet again ,,

"Believe what you will, I however already know,what you all will come to find out soon enough, "Ghost of Megalodon" LD shafts ,
may not claim the throne of shafts, but it will stand among the best of them !!!!!!!!!! "

Been making mine with those qualities for many years.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
QUOTE=JoeyInCali;3700248]Yes, but did you patent yours after asking people how to seal and finish it ?:grin-square::eek:[/QUOTE]

:eek:, no. Maybe there is still time???


Robert's Cues
Silver Member
Miracle Shaft

Not that I put much value in a machine playing pool, but why not take them to someone like Meucci or Barionni with their machines and make a video of how they compare to other shafts in the deflection area. As the old saying goes, ONE PICTURE WORTH THOUSAND WORDS :deadhorse:


Rick Geschrey
Silver Member

Just because someone has professed knowledge in engineering or physics concerning pool and an new idea does not assume the fact that they have any knowledge of putting a finish on a cue. There is no direct correlation between the two.

This is the Ask the Cue Maker forum, what better place to seek out advise on the finishing process. No need to pile on, unless berating others makes one feel better about themselves.:tongue:




AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Many people have ideas that they need help with getting into production. I wish him the best, but as others said, I'd love to see what's so revolutionary about the same shafts quality makers have sought after for years


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
this skillzelite is as sharp as a bag of rocks

in the main forum a question was ask about bending your shaft as you draw the ball. this was skillzelite's answer,
If he's just laying the shaft on the table with slight pressure, it wont effect it , but if he applies enough pressure it effects the woods structure,and eventually will cause the shaft to have a taper roll ..

need we say more about this guy ?????


Go for it.
Silver Member
in the main forum a question was ask about bending your shaft as you draw the ball. this was skillzelite's answer,
If he's just laying the shaft on the table with slight pressure, it wont effect it , but if he applies enough pressure it effects the woods structure,and eventually will cause the shaft to have a taper roll ..

need we say more about this guy ?????

He forgot to add that with more pressure it will cause structural damage, splinters, and uncontrollable sobbing. Lol.



Best Tips For Less
Gold Member
Silver Member
I guess as winner of the 50th post on this thread contest I get to ask the question.

Is there a Member named "Anyone" that was asked his/her opinion?