Deputy Shot Overnight in Florida Named William Gentry


My Pride and Joy
Gold Member
Silver Member
I spook with William at the SBE show the past few years. He was a very talented cue maker & also a pleasure to talk with. My deepest thoughts & prayers go out to Williams family & friends. RIP sir


Likes to draw
Silver Member
WOW.. Tragic is right. What a shame... Thoughts and Prayers to the family...

He had great talent and I'm sure many things I wasn't aware of.. :(


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Deeply saddened and was fortunate that we had a chance to see and visit with William at the SBE this year.
One nice and personal individual.

Condolences to the family and William you will be missed.

Myron & Daphne

Here are a couple of cues I had the pleasure to view and take pictures of during the SBE event in 2015...

Gentry No. 1


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Same series at SBE event in 2015...

But Gentry No. 2


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Superior Cues--Unchalked!
Gold Member
Silver Member
I'm still feeling numb from learning about this today. I spent more than an hour talking with William at the recent SBE. Such a likable and steady man. His passion for cuemaking and the great lengths he's gone to in the service of learning/ improving his cuemaking are an incredible story by itself. It's a sad day in the billiard community. Hat's off to William Gentry for his public service as a sheriff. Very unfortunate to be blindsided by an armed cop hater in the line of duty.

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
I'm saddened and disgusted when I see stuff like this. How is an animal like this even on the streets? Seems like with his record he should have already been incarcerated for life. Cops like William put their ass on the line for us every day! Perhaps we can do some fund raising to help out the family if needed. Please let us know. Thanks


Mini cues
Silver Member
I never met Mr.Gentry, to tell the truth until today I am not even sure if I had ever seen one of his cues. I saw this thread this morning when I first checked in to AZ and realized that this world had lost a good man today.. My heart hurts.


RIP Kelly
Silver Member
My heart goes out to the family. Convicted felon with a history of violent run-ins with law enforcement, I hope he gets the death penalty for this murder.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member

Very sad....thoughts and prayers to his family..

Hope the p.o.s. Is hunted down like the frickin dog he is..

Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
Since first reading about this tragedy and this shooter, I have been wondering whether in cases like this one would there have been some policy in place for how to best respond to such calls.

Specifically, this bad guy had a history of assaults against law enforcement officers (more than once) and was a convicted felon who is not supposed to possess any firearms. So if there's a call to respond to that guys house where it's alleged that he shot a neighbor's cat (a felon with a gun), then this guy has a lot to lose; he's probably facing some hard time - likely making him that much more desperate and dangerous.

Who knows how much of this info they may have known ahead of time? I'm sure the authorities will be examining all facets of how this horrible event went down and if any measures can be implemented going forward to make responders less vulnerable.

here's a video of the growing memorial and the arraignment of the shooter:

I have to agree with ctyhntr that with this guys history and if FL allows it, I hope he gets the death penalty.

brian kc
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Registered Pool Offender
Silver Member
Prayers for Bill's family.
I hope they hang the scumbag who shot him.

Joey... The Lib's will likely do all they can to make sure that the perp gets all the help he needs. If it was me that could dish out the punishment to the perp he would be pushed out of a plane at 10,000 feet so he has time to think about what got him to that point.

R.I.P sir.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Since first reading about this tragedy and this shooter, I have been wondering whether in cases like this one would there have been some policy in place for how to best respond to such calls.

Specifically, this bad guy had a history of assaults against law enforcement officers (more than once) and was a convicted felon who is not supposed to possess any firearms. So if there's a call to respond to that guys house where it's alleged that he shot a neighbor's cat (a felon with a gun), then this guy has a lot to lose; he's probably facing some hard time - likely making him that much more desperate and dangerous.

Who knows how much of this info they may have known ahead of time? I'm sure the authorities will be examining all facets of how this horrible event went down and if any measures can be implemented going forward to make responders less vulnerable.

here's a video of the growing memorial and the arraignment of the shooter:

I have to agree with ctyhntr that with this guys history and if FL allows it, I hope he gets the death penalty.

brian kc

First let me say how sad I am to hear this bad news and my thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

Also to what kicked chicken said, it's not 100% accurate felons r a loud to own a gun but it must be a powder gun
or muzzle loader.
And the truth is those can be just as dangerous the more gun powder u use the more powerful it will it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Today I woke up and reality set in. William was one of the good guys! He had a likable personality, a dry witty sense of humor and most importantly made himself available for all us. When it came to his passion for cue making, he was striving for perfection like his mentor. I was one of his biggest fans and am proud to own his work. William - RIP my friend .. see you on the other side.

Sent from my iPhone using AzBilliards Forums


champagne - campaign
Silver Member
Its a terrible thing, and as bad as it sounds, it comes with the job and the men and woman of law enforcement and armed forces should get a lot more recognition than they do. Just a few days ago an officer in my town was shot and killed. In a small town like this it really shakes everything up being a highly rare occurrence.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
So sad to hear this... a good guy who made beautiful classic cues.. I'd buy the cue above in a heartbeat.

This murderer better never see the light of day again.