Earl/Shane Scoreboard


Slow day
Silver Member
Why should Shane be allowed to break past the line?

I will bet that the CB was not passing the line... please... It looks like it is his new phoby or trick. It's pretty disturbing to have to stop the routine of a shot. JMO


Silver Member
Oh you're talking about Earl?

Yes, I am talking about Earl. I'm not defending him. He is all drama, all the time. But you guys are just as bad for heaven's sake. So, in fairness, leave the drama to Earl and the housewives.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Why should Shane be allowed to break past the line?

Earl had to continually ask him to move the ball back...something like 5 racks in a row.

It's not like Shane wasn't warned previously multiple times.

The funny part is there were a few times that Earl was over the line and Shane never even looked at it or said a word (I am sitting where I can see right down the headstrong line). I am betting if he said something Earl would have lost his mind. Earl punched the table twice, hard; but when Shane got out of line and hit the table hard with the chalk in frustration, Earl literally jumped out of his seat and said "He can't do that. That's interfering with the table."

I would be fine with it if it wasn't all a big double standard. Earl wants everyone to be perfect and can do what he wants, as long as the other guy doesn't do it also. Doesn't seem quite right to me.


Four Points/Steel Joints
Silver Member
Have either of them ran multiple racks?

not to my knowledge, but I admittedly wasn't paying strict attention. I wouldn't be surprised if no one runs more than 2 two racks. Shane even said anything more than two racks is going to be a surprise.

That table is ridiculous. I really can't believe some of the shots these guys pulled last night.


Silver Member

Originally Posted by paksat
After watching this guy for most of the night, i have my answer on why pool isn't where it should be.

Yeah, it's Earls fault pool is in its current state, and can't be part of olympics, or get TV rights, or get fans interested......GIVE ME A FREAKIN BREAK ALREADY..

The NFL has this;

1. murderers
2. rapists
3. burglars
4. wife beaters
5. drug users
6. drug sellers
7. drug parties
8. hookers
9. gun toting thugs
10. Guy who drowned DOGS !!!!!

Yet, some how the NFL is a multi BILLION dollar business, but Earl is holding pool back.. puhlease !!

I mean, really?? folks are now blaming Earl for the downturn of pool?? This is what I mean about being freaking ridiculous for heavens sake. Now, if anyone tells me they don't watch or support any NFL football, they get a free pass on some more negative Earl comments....but jeez......Number 10 on the list...... KILLED freaking dogs !! Somebody so much as kicks my dog ain't going home without a little added ventilation !!

That's gotta be a little worse than Earl ? It don't make Earl righteous, or give him a free pass, but for heavens sake put a little perspective on the whole thing.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Second for the Mars Man

I second the Mars Man. Earl's behavior is way, way over the line. He is an embarrassment to the Confederacy, the United States and to the world of pool. To me the comments about deafness were the least of it, although the most obviously politically incorrect. The other 90% of his behavior was just a pile of steaming s***. It's one gigantic sharking move, so gigantic, continuous from start to end that it is disguised as a personality disorder.


Paranoid Schizophrenic, isn't that a disability? Justin referred to Earl as "crazy" last night. Isn't that just as bad or worse than what Earl said? Because Earl is more "crazy" than Shane is deaf.


Silver Member

Paranoid Schizophrenic, isn't that a disability? Justin referred to Earl as "crazy" last night. Isn't that just as bad or worse than what Earl said? Because Earl is more "crazy" than Shane is deaf.

BINGO ! But the haters can't let go. The funny thing is they are paying $25 to watch SVB get the ass kicking of his life !! I still love SVB, but sometimes experience trumps out youth......


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The funny part is there were a few times that Earl was over the line and Shane never even looked at it or said a word (I am sitting where I can see right down the headstrong line). I am betting if he said something Earl would have lost his mind. Earl punched the table twice, hard; but when Shane got out of line and hit the table hard with the chalk in frustration, Earl literally jumped out of his seat and said "He can't do that. That's interfering with the table."

I would be fine with it if it wasn't all a big double standard. Earl wants everyone to be perfect and can do what he wants, as long as the other guy doesn't do it also. Doesn't seem quite right to me.

Were the balls still moving when Earl did it? If not it is a totally different thing.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The funny part is there were a few times that Earl was over the line and Shane never even looked at it or said a word (I am sitting where I can see right down the headstrong line). I am betting if he said something Earl would have lost his mind. Earl punched the table twice, hard; but when Shane got out of line and hit the table hard with the chalk in frustration, Earl literally jumped out of his seat and said "He can't do that. That's interfering with the table."

I would be fine with it if it wasn't all a big double standard. Earl wants everyone to be perfect and can do what he wants, as long as the other guy doesn't do it also. Doesn't seem quite right to me.

lol now now, you're just a hater


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Originally Posted by paksat
After watching this guy for most of the night, i have my answer on why pool isn't where it should be.

Yeah, it's Earls fault pool is in its current state, and can't be part of olympics, or get TV rights, or get fans interested......GIVE ME A FREAKIN BREAK ALREADY..

The NFL has this;

1. murderers
2. rapists
3. burglars
4. wife beaters
5. drug users
6. drug sellers
7. drug parties
8. hookers
9. gun toting thugs
10. Guy who drowned DOGS !!!!!

Yet, some how the NFL is a multi BILLION dollar business, but Earl is holding pool back.. puhlease !!

I mean, really?? folks are now blaming Earl for the downturn of pool?? This is what I mean about being freaking ridiculous for heavens sake. Now, if anyone tells me they don't watch or support any NFL football, they get a free pass on some more negative Earl comments....but jeez......Number 10 on the list...... KILLED freaking dogs !! Somebody so much as kicks my dog ain't going home without a little added ventilation !!

That's gotta be a little worse than Earl ? It don't make Earl righteous, or give him a free pass, but for heavens sake put a little perspective on the whole thing.

It's no secret there is a clique of players who don't like Earl which is why he isn't on the Mosconi team. Those players have followers and I suspect a lot of the hatred toward Earl is from that group.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
BINGO ! But the haters can't let go. The funny thing is they are paying $25 to watch SVB get the ass kicking of his life !! I still love SVB, but sometimes experience trumps out youth......

100-70 is all I have to say. With no gimmicks, no bs, no 5 year old stomping.

Just a straight beat down.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
100-60 is all I have to say. With no gimmicks, no bs, no 5 year old stomping.

Just a straight beat down.

Say what you want about the "gimmicks," but all of them actually test who is truly a better pool player. The break spot makes the break mean a lot less, and for the most part - we all know how much the break is the luck factor in this game. The bigger table tests just how good your shot making really is, and the 10 having to be played last means you actually have to run to run out the whole rack instead of taking the easy combo for the win. I personally think that Earl put these things in place to see who is superior pool player, he's just trying to take as much of the luck factor out as he can. That being said, Earl's behavior is just unacceptable. If it keeps going the way it is, he should be warned that the match will just get cancelled, plain and simple. There should at least be a ref like Jay at a match like this to keep Earl in check.
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