Integrity of videotaped runs... Sascha


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Sascha, don't let this episode rob you of your enthusiasm for 14.1. There are good times ahead for you if you persist in the pursuit of your goals.

You've come clean and learned your lesson, and should, by every right, remain welcome to be an active member of this forum.

Good luck in your quest for a high run.

yep. i was just thinking the same thing. he hits 'em pretty straight and i can only see him getting better


i simply do not trust people who do things like this. this is not just a mistake, it's is a character flaw that no doubt extends beyond pool. he's taking our time and trying to con us. as a result, sascha has lost lost my respect. he should leave and not return. :eek:uttahere:



I am Keyser Söze
Silver Member
i simply do not trust people who do things like this. this is not just a mistake, it's is a character flaw that no doubt extends beyond pool. he's taking our time and trying to con us. as a result, sascha has lost lost my respect. he should leave and not return. :eek:uttahere:


During the past 20 years, there have been many people i have seen who lied about accomplishments. Some, ridiculously so.
Even top pros.
To me, it is part of what is to be expected when dealing with all the egos and the status and possible acclaim when people are trying to get a piece of the limelight and establish a pecking order.

Personally, i could care less as i have become numb to it happening, and everyone who sees it going on simply roll their eyes at all the tall tails.:rolleyes:

I am one that never forgives, and absolutely never forgets.
That isn't suited for everyone, i know, but it's how i live my life.
So i can completely understand Sausage's sentiment.

It is safe to say that regardless of how many apologies someone might make, everything from this point on can and will be treated with a grain of salt and more intense scrutiny.
It should be expected.

Although i am sure that if some decent runs are posted and there is no tampering, that would go a long way to satisfying some people.

Just don't expect everyone to be satisfied.
That's simply asking too much.


Slow day
Silver Member
i simply do not trust people who do things like this. this is not just a mistake, it's is a character flaw that no doubt extends beyond pool. he's taking our time and trying to con us. as a result, sascha has lost lost my respect. he should leave and not return. :eek:uttahere:


Don't you think that you are a bit hard on this one?

He made a mistake, he recognized it immediately and he apologized to all of us. You accept it or not, you are free. But, if you can't forgive someone, even without forgetting what he did, for such little things... then I feel sorry for you.

Banishment is just out of line. He hurt more himself than anybody else. He just learnd a lesson with this one. It's not like he had stolen or physically hurt someone.

As for the character, I don’t think we should/could judge someone on such acts.

Just my 0.2 cts ;)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Don't you think that you are a bit hard on this one?

He made a mistake, he recognized it immediately and he apologized to all of us. You accept it or not, you are free. But, if you can't forgive someone, even without forgetting what he did, for such little things... then I feel sorry for you.

Banishment is just out of line. He hurt more himself than anybody else. He just learnd a lesson with this one. It's not like he had stolen or physically hurt someone.

As for the character, I don’t think we should/could judge someone on such acts.

Just my 0.2 cts ;)

I dont vote banishment but if this was a one time thing I could say ok but this was on multiple videos. I accept the apology just know that everything you post from now is pretty much guilty until proven innocent and that you did that to yourself. I hope you can get over the hump and back into the promise land.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
just know that everything you post from now is pretty much guilty until proven innocent and that you did that to yourself.

i know that i did it to myself as i said earlier. I sure will be innocent from now on. You are free to triple check every minute of the future runs i will post. you will find nothing. If you ever accept and forgive is free to you. thanks.

Steve Lipsky

On quest for perfect 14.1
Silver Member
I stand somewhere in the middle. Yes, Sascha came clean but did so only after he was caught with video evidence against him. At that point, his only two options were to never post again or to post what he posted. I'm happy he chose the 2nd option, but let's not kid ourselves, this apology was not forthcoming without the accusations.

Sascha, what you did was egregious, most notably because it happened multiple times. I can't think of a possible reason why someone would do these things, and I was sort of hoping your apology would be more explanatory and give us some insight as to what you were thinking.

I was going to type that you don't owe us anything, but I thought about it and I kind of think you do. If you were some guy playing a 14.1 match somewhere who was accused of cheating (but not a regular on here), and someone in this forum publicly called you out to explain yourself, I could understand you refusing and saying you don't owe us anything. But... you are a regular here, you made friends here, and in many ways you took advantage of our trust. I think you do owe us something a little better than "I am truly sorry and won't post here anymore if you don't want me to."

- Steve


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Steve i really don´t know what to say, sure you are right but i really don´t know the reason in doing so. maybe i wanted this so bad, maybe i wanted to see where i get....i probably can´t give you an answer on this that satisfies you.

all i can say it won´t happen again. those who can´t forgive and forget, you are free to read my posts or not.

Dan Harriman

One of the best in 14.1
Silver Member
Rep is more important than love for the game

For some people I notice they are desperately reaching for others approval. Is it how we play the game or if we can win the approval of others. First and foremost you must love the game, I would have never said anything about my 280 ball run if my roomate would not have posted it here. We all have insecurities (myself way included) Ok Sacha.

I know your on the popularity bandwagon but I hope you will learn to think for yourself Sasha and not focus so much on what the "in crowd" says. I only say this cause u have sent me some rough waves my way in the past and I have never done anything to you.


High Run 127
Silver Member
I Understand

Steve's comments are right on and I am very happy that he made a statement. I believe that I can answer the question better then Sascha.
I do believe he did it b/c of wanting Respect & Acknowledgment of his peers. Everyone of us, including myself wants both of those feelings but
many of us try hard to earn them by doing things the right way. I totally appreciate when someone tells me that I play well and ask me for advise. It is a good feeling. He totally did something that was wrong as many players will tell you how they never lose. It is like that in every sport. Deep down he wants to be known as a great player and went about it the wrong way.
Like I said before. We all learn from lessons in Life and hopefully it makes us better people. One is never too old to learn a lesson. I hope that Sascha becomes a better person by this. It is up to him and only he knows the answer to that.


Don't you think that you are a bit hard on this one?

He made a mistake,

As for the character, I don’t think we should/could judge someone on such acts.

Just my 0.2 cts ;)

i don't think it's harsh at all. like i posted in the other thread; this is more than a character issue, it's a respect issue. he disrespected all of us, not just once but over and over until he gets caught. he's proud of his pic with, schmidt but then uploads fraudulent videos that he knows schmidt will likely see. that's complete, unadulterated, wanton disrespect.

One is never too old to learn a lesson.
absolutely but we can't be taught character. if sascha were a 6yo and did this, we could teach him about character, respect, morals and honesty. but sascha is not a child. he may for the sake of these forums, try not to defraud us again but i seriously doubt that he's going to change on the inside and that's what really counts.
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High Run 127
Silver Member
Lessons Are Learned

Lessons are learned by people no matter how old.

Everyone who has made comments have made good points in all the Threads on this subject. For those of you that want to "Hang" him, just don't read his posts any longer or comment on them.
For other people who want to forgive him, continue to read his posts & write comments.
It is as simple as that.
As for punishment. He has to carry the embarrassment always & hope that people forgive him, maybe that is punishment enough at his age.
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14.1 & One Pocket Addict
Gold Member
Silver Member
People are not as hard-wired as you say they are

i don't think it's harsh at all. like i posted in the other thread; this is more than a character issue, it's a respect issue. he disrespected all of us, not just once but over and over until he gets caught. he's proud of his pic with, schmidt but then uploads fraudulent videos that he knows schmidt will likely see. that's complete, unadulterated, wanton disrespect.

absolutely but we can't be taught character. if sascha were a 6yo and did this, we could teach him about character, respect, morals and honesty. but sascha is not a child. he may for the sake of these forums, try not to defraud us again but i seriously doubt that he's going to change on the inside and that's what really counts.


Knock it off. If you take a step back and take a big picture look at what you're doing, you're merely a cog in the animosity wheel. It goes round and round. In the "End pattern" thread, you seem to be going round and round with Danny H., "claiming" that you tried to forgive and forget (while Danny obviously is letting his emotions get the best of him), but yet you take no measures to stop the spread of this animosity. It flows through you, instead of stopping *at* you.

Therefore, you should be one of the LAST people to make judgments about what's on the "inside" of a person, let alone Sascha. Look inside yourself and make amends there, before offering up criticisms of other people.

Yes, Sascha defrauded us. Yes, Sascha knowingly did it at the time. But do you know for sure if he were merely blinded by his exuberance to achieve a high run, rather than trying to pull the hard-and-fast one on us? No, you don't. I personally "feel" Sascha to be a good man, that just got caught up in the high run craze. He might've even been so blinded with the excitement/reward of reading all the "wow, what a nice run, Sascha!" comments, that it could've just built up over time. We'll never know. Personally, I offer Sascha my forgiveness. I'll even forget the incident even occurred after sufficient time has passed. I've seen many who *you* would probably say was "dirty" on the inside, turn out to be very kind, caring, loving people that lived a very good life. Just a few transgressions, but they learned from them, and set their life straight after that. People are not "hard-wired" as you say they are.

Again, just like with my reply to you in the "End pattern" thread, it's food for thought.



Silver Member
Lessons are learned by people no matter how old.

Everyone who has made comments have made good points in all the Threads on this subject. For those of you that want to "Hang" him, just don't read his posts any longer or comment on them.
For other people who want to forgive him, continue to read his posts & write comments.
It is as simple as that.
As for punishment. He has to carry the embarrassment always & hope that people forgive him, maybe that is punishment enough at his age.

I am at a loss for words. Mike says it well above, though.


Socially Aware
Silver Member
Cut the guy some slack. What did he really gain anyway by running 103? Did he win a high dollar bet? It was just him showing off his game however he wanted too. I can't believe the soap box some people in this thread are on. Did he disrespect or promote the game? No attention is bad attention right? Not many even check this forum unless there is drama, myself included.

I'll go away but I hope all of you asked to be judged so harshly for the next lie or mistake you don't get caught in. That just makes you better at getting away with your BS and in no way makes you a better person than Sascha. You guys are roasting one of your own do you realize that? You have a small enough 14.1 community that alienating anyone should not be an option.

Sascha, mistakes happen along with the occasional lapse in judgment. Don't let it get you down, it's a part of being human. You will grow from this.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If i video'ed myself cheating on my wife and she seen the tape was it a lapse in judgement? a temporary misstep because i wanted to be with someone else so bad? or am i just a idiot? there were full intentions here and it was pre meditated, not an accident that it was posted on a server uploaded to a pc or then have links posted here...........gee there are great players in this world but your true character shows only when there is no one there to watch you!