Johnnyt RIP


AzB Gold Member
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I enjoyed JohnnyT's posts, he will be missed. My deepest condolences to his family and friends.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
He lived a full life. He will be missed! I teased him sometimes and he took it in stride. Glade I never bet against him.
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Oh wow I'm so sorry to hear that. I wish the best to you and the family please give everybody my condolences that's unfortunate


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Still saddened.


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
RIP-My condolences. I bet he wasn't half as ornery as he made himself out to be.


Welcome to the resistance
Silver Member
RIP Johnny

One of my favorite pool stories on here was when the FedEx guy stopped by john's house and got hustled...or was it the painter


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Sorry to hear of another loss in the AZ community. Condolences to his family and friends.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
RIP Johnnyt.

My condolences to all his close friends and especially to his family.

The outpouring of emotions from the forum members is testament to his popularity here at AZ. One can only imagine how his family members must feel. His impact here is obvious as so many have shown.

I had many PM's with him over the years and he always responded with simple easy to understand honesty. I never met him in person but like so many here felt like I had. That was the impact his words and statements had.

AZ has lost another of the great members and we are less than we were before for it.

Goodbye Johnnyt, Thanks for sharing your time and thoughts with us!


Marital Slow Learner.
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I received the following email today...

Good Morning,
My husband, Johnny T , aka John Terrell has been a member for many years and although he could be feisty and argumentative, he loved and supported your group for over 10 years, He made many friends over the years and many of your members he held in high esteem. I just wanted to reach out and let you know he passed away August 29 after a prolonged illness. If you could please let the members know, I would appreciate it.

He will be missed.


Thank you for passing this along Mike. Definitely a sad deal. This place, while at times a bit cantankerous, also feels like extended family at times, as well.
My sincere condolences to his family and friends.
Best regards.
Joe P


Fargo Rating 597
Silver Member
RIP Johnny... he was passionate about pool his whole life, and was posting here right up til the end.


AzB Gold Member
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Our thoughts and prayers for his Wife and Family