Maybe not new question but why woman not as good as men in certain sports?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ken, you stated that men make 2-3 more balls than women on the break. That's a bit different than saying they just make more. Sure, they make more but I think your numbers are a bit off.

No you are back peddling. YOU SAID...

I think Karen Corr's performance at Joss events is proof that a woman can compete with the men. I don't buy the break argument one bit. If you can go the entire set without missing, you're going to win an overwhelming amount of the time no matter who you're playing.

With that said, it doesn't take an anthropologist to tell you that men are more likely to participate in competitive games & sports over women. We can sit here and argue nurture over nature but it's still going to leave us in the same place. More men play pool so you're looking at skewed results. But, don't be mistaken for one moment. Pool is not great athleticism. It doesn't require strength. There is nothing a man can do that a woman can't do.


Pool Addict
Silver Member
Ken, you stated that men make 2-3 more balls than women on the break. That's a bit different than saying they just make more. Sure, they make more but I think your numbers are a bit off.

I agree Jude. Ken, if you can find examples where both men and women (pros) played on the same table with the same conditions and the men consistently made more balls then I would concede that I am wrong.

I'm not saying that you are wrong, I just think the situation is a bit exaggerated.

In any case I don't think the break alone says a man is better than a woman in pool.

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
Women are better martial artists than men, they need to be trained at pool

I talked to Allison Fisher about this recently and I personally believe she (and other women) can beat any man on the planet. At some point I'm going to dedicate some time to prove this is true, and I'm very confident what the results will be.

Women are better martial artists than men, they need to be trained at pool as if it's a martial art, not a "sport" or a "game" as done it the past. 'The Game Will be the Teacher'


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I agree Jude. Ken, if you can find examples where both men and women (pros) played on the same table with the same conditions and the men consistently made more balls then I would concede that I am wrong.

I'm not saying that you are wrong, I just think the situation is a bit exaggerated.

In any case I don't think the break alone says a man is better than a woman in pool.

Okay so if I can get statistics from a tournament where women and men both played on the same day, how much would you like to bet?



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I talked to Allison Fisher about this recently and I personally believe she (and other women) can beat any man on the planet. At some point I'm going to dedicate some time to prove this is true, and I'm very confident what the results will be.

Women are better martial artists than men, they need to be trained at pool as if it's a martial art, not a "sport" or a "game" as done it the past. 'The Game Will be the Teacher'


How about you back Allison Fisher against SVB at 10 ball on TAR. I was under the understanding that SVB had a backer and was taking all comers.

You are barred but maybe your horse isnt...;)

If you "PERSONALLY BELIEVE" then bet it up....I think you could get all the action you want.

Best of rolls my friend,



Pool Addict
Silver Member
Okay so if I can get statistics from a tournament where women and men both played on the same day, how much would you like to bet?


5 bucks or all my V cash!

I don't have enough courage of my convictions to bet any serious cash in this matter but if you can find fair statistic proof that men average 2-3 more balls on the break than the women I would like to see it.

Accu stats evidence would suffice.


O8 Specialist
Silver Member
I talked to Allison Fisher about this recently and I personally believe she (and other women) can beat any man on the planet. At some point I'm going to dedicate some time to prove this is true, and I'm very confident what the results will be.

Women are better martial artists than men, they need to be trained at pool as if it's a martial art, not a "sport" or a "game" as done it the past. 'The Game Will be the Teacher'

Win a set? Sure... Consistently win, negative imo.

You can pick 10 women and I can pick 10 men and we can draw straws to match them up and I don't think you will like that outcome.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
5 bucks or all my V cash!

I don't have enough courage of my convictions to bet any serious cash in this matter but if you can find fair statistic proof that men average 2-3 more balls on the break than the women I would like to see it.

Accu stats evidence would suffice.


What I said is men consistently make more balls on the break then women. I am willing to bet it. (more than $5..:rolleyes:)

I followed up saying because of this they play and have to make less balls than women.

I have often see men make 3 or more balls on the break...I have never seen a woman make more balls than a man.

Sure some nit will come on here that someone did once or that their grandmother smoked cigarettes for 100 years and never got cancer.

I am saying that men make more balls on the break on average consistently.

Still shaking my head about someone wanting to bet a whole $ your lunch money.:smile:

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Jude Rosenstock

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

What I said is men consistently make more balls on the break then women. I am willing to bet it. (more than $5..:rolleyes:)

I followed up saying because of this they play and have to make less balls than women.

I have often see men make 3 or more balls on the break...I have never seen a woman make more balls than a man.

Sure some nit will come on here that someone did once or that there grandmother smoked cigarettes for 100 years and never got cancer.

I am saying that men make more balls on the break on average consistently.

Still shaking my head about someone wanting to bet a whole $ your lunch money.:smile:


Following up on your Moneyball comparison (which wasn't bad), let's look at this a bit more. In my opinion, another true MoneyBall statistic would be how often a player scratches. Obviously, if you're making more balls on the break than your opponent, you're doing great but if you're scratching a third of the time, you could be losing. There's no denying that the harder you hit 'em, the more likely you are to scratch. Once you've subtracted the errors, what are you left with? Is the harder breaker still better?


Pool Addict
Silver Member
Now who's back pedaling? Honestly what did you have in mind? What is your bet and what are your terms exactly? You expected someone to bet you a large amount on something ridiculous as this and then you will set the terms?

Sorry if I offended you with such a small amount of money on such a stupid thing! If you expect more on something like this you should probably bark at someone else! Now, be real tough and call me a nit! lol


AZB's own 8-ball jihadist
Silver Member
Evolution is the simple and scientifically plausable answer. Men who are successful in competitive ventures are seen as prefferable mates to females and that has caused a drive in men to "win" that women have less of. Men generally don't look at competitive success as a high priority in potential mates and as such it is not a genetically enhanced thing in females.

Women are less competive at sports for the same reason that male deer grow huge antlers to fight other males with while female deers do not. The male birds with crazy plummage to attract females of the same species who do not have the same elaborate feathers.

Males of every species have competition driven into them by evolution to attract mates, females not nearly so much and not in the same way at all.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I talked to Allison Fisher about this recently and I personally believe she (and other women) can beat any man on the planet. At some point I'm going to dedicate some time to prove this is true, and I'm very confident what the results will be.

Women are better martial artists than men, they need to be trained at pool as if it's a martial art, not a "sport" or a "game" as done it the past. 'The Game Will be the Teacher'

Secondly CJ -

I understand you only went to DCC once, but since that time several women have played at DCC. (Janet Lee, Karen Corr, Sarah Rousey, and others)

If I remember right, and none of them have done well against the men.

We can look to see they even cashed, but I doubt it.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Following up on your Moneyball comparison (which wasn't bad), let's look at this a bit more. In my opinion, another true MoneyBall statistic would be how often a player scratches. Obviously, if you're making more balls on the break than your opponent, you're doing great but if you're scratching a third of the time, you could be losing. There's no denying that the harder you hit 'em, the more likely you are to scratch. Once you've subtracted the errors, what are you left with? Is the harder breaker still better?

I agree that would be a good item to review.

I am inclined to agree that men scratch more on the break.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Now who's back pedaling? Honestly what did you have in mind? What is your bet and what are your terms exactly? You expected someone to bet you a large amount on something ridiculous as this and then you will set the terms?

Sorry if I offended you with such a small amount of money on such a stupid thing! If you expect more on something like this you should probably bark at someone else! Now, be real tough and call me a nit! lol

Nope, didnt call you a nit....(If you read that and saw yourself as a nit that isnt my fault).

Maybe you should reread what I wrote. Everyone wants to state the exception instead of what I wrote.

Men will consistently make more balls on the break than women. (KEN)

Jude said they may scratch more, and the more I think about it, he may be right.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Dennis Orcullo is a top money winning pro and doesn't break all that hard using a Magic Rack in 9 Ball. He's smart enough to pattern rack though and runs 6 packs.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Dennis Orcullo is a top money winning pro and doesn't break all that hard using a Magic Rack in 9 Ball. He's smart enough to pattern rack though and runs 6 packs.

Maybe he would play Allison Fisher...

CJ thinks he is a dog against Allison Fisher.
