Mosconi "Snakes" ?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Wearing a mask when you have been in a “bubble” with a small group of people who all tested negative multiple times seems a bit silly doesn’t it?
And the all pulled them off to talk while literally rubbing shoulders with each other anyway.

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Agree. Shouldn't have let them sit shoulder to shoulder like that.

Why the couch?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This was beyond typical trash talk. Shaw was opening commenting on the same accusations against Shane in the same vein as the ones made by Mike Dechaine a few years ago.

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This was beyond typical trash talk. Shaw was opening commenting on the same accusations against Shane in the same vein as the ones made by Mike Dechaine a few years ago.

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Are you talking about the accusation of SVB having a listening device?

We know he has a hearing issue but is he getting coaching through it?

I doubt it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Are you talking about the accusation of SVB having a listening device?

We know he has a hearing issue but is he getting coaching through it?

I doubt it.

No. A much more serious and criminal allegation.

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CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
Watching the press conference, and they call out Shaw for the recent social media 'snakes' comments, but he won't say what it's about. Then he doubles down that the entire team are snakes, including Chris Robinson...

Any ideas what he is talking about? Did Shane chop the rail with Dennis?
It's less real than the political theater in the reverse engineered nonsense we are supposed to call reality. :rolleyes: "Land of the plumed, feathered serpent" lol - that's an interesting one to research!


recreational banger
Silver Member
Looks to me like a shining example of why people should avoid social media while drinking...


Some thoughts on the press conference. Overall, definitely looking forward to watching this tomorrow.

Overall, I think Emily did a good job asking questions and getting everyone engaged. I think they should do a little better of a job screening the zoom questions though. They all seemed to focus on the lack of crowd for Chris/Fedor and the captains. I would have liked to have seen a bit more variety.

The players need to step up their game in these settings. You can tell pool players don't have to do anywhere near the amount of interviews/public speaking that other athletes do. Half of them could barely speak coherently when answering the questions, not to mention some of their attempts at trash talk. I know this is supposed to be a casual conversation and matchroom wants to play up the trash talking but if you can't be witty, at least try to be comprehensible.

I've barely heard of that Joey Gray guy before but he certainly came off as a clown in this press conference. They asked him why he was there or what he brought to the team and all he talked about was how he works out and ran a marathon. Cool... Maybe this can just be chalked up to him trying too hard though. I guess I'll have to wait and see.

I haven't been a huge Filler fan in the past but he impressed me in this interview. I wouldn't have guessed he'd be one of the mature ones in the room based on past antics but his answers were good and he was gracious when talking about Skyler's previous performance. Gotta feel for the guy though when the first comment Emily makes to him is about how Pia isn't there with him. I mean yeah he's young, but he's still 23 and Pia is his wife not his mommy...


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
I thought the press conference was terrible. The questions had no depth, the analysis was cliched, and few said much of any consequence.

The match must be decided on the field of battle, and tomorrow the players can let their cues do the talking.


recreational banger
Silver Member
I thought the press conference was terrible. The questions had no depth, the analysis was cliched, and few said much of any consequence.

The match must be decided on the field of battle, and tomorrow the players can let their cues do the talking.
Agree least Emily looked always. ;)


Ace in the side.
Silver Member
Lineups for Day 1

SVB/Corey vs. Filler/Fedor
Robinson vs. Kaci
Billy/Sky vs. Albin/Shaw
SVB vs. Albin


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
No. A much more serious and criminal allegation.

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that discussion is pointless and has nothing to do with pool imo.

overall i don't think this press conference was a bad idea, but the attendees except for corey and albin seemed like fish out of the water. which is understandable. i was glad to see, or hear, sports journalist michael mcmullan paying some attention to pool