

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
HIRUN526 said:
That's odd ...I've lived in Florida for 23 years and have shot pool in gin mills,bars,pool halls etc. all over the state and I have never heard that term used. If someone used that term around me I would tell him that is an unacceptable term to use and refrain from doing it.

I have been shooting pool for about about 28 years and have shot in many states around the country and I have never experienced any racism.

Well, as a writer, I have to guess that I'm more observant than you are. I'm going out to play in a bar tourney tonight. Black players only participate in this one now and then and when they do they adhere to local rules. Still, as is the case with bigots, they will not amend their bias and if someone leaves them snookered they will again use the term.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think a racist will not associate with a person of another heritage. Language is by definition the way we categorize or group the things we see in life, sometimes its cute, sometimes its ugly.

Watch what they do not what they say. Come on down to the pool hall and we will see what you can do.

Big Perm

1pkt 14.1 8 Banks 9 10
Silver Member
Growing up, I'd hear racist terms and it would make me angry....living in small towns in the south, it was pretty prevalent, so hearing the N word or spik, chink, or any other terms was a common thing.....my blood would boil and it would get under my skin....over time, and especially these days, it doesn't bother me as much.....it's become obvious these terms are typically used in ignorance, and not through hatred....

Let me explain....I've had family members that use the N word have good friends that are black.....good friends of mine say mexican or spik, but one of our best friends is hispanic.....they don't use these terms around friends or productive members of society.....they use it when someone cuts them off in traffic, they steal something, they assault someone, and so on.....so basically, they hate theives, a-holes, and worthless people, which I can honestly say I don't like much either....they just happen to use an ignorant term, and when it comes down to it, they don't hate a race of people...

Now, racism still exists everywhere, but I honestly believe that most people aren't as racist as they might think they are......they just use ignorant terms when referring to bad or worthless people....my two cents...

Oh, and I still here racist terms in pool halls, but again, they are used in ignorance, not hatred....


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I see your point, Big Perm, but the issue is complicated. People are denied opportunites based on ignorance rather than hatred, and that would seem to constitute racism. Racism can't be limited to racial hatred, though that's certainly its most obvious manifestation.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i didnt want to start a war with this thread, my thought was that in most cases pool players are color blind, given my experiences. I like that, sure I use the bad words but in jest, never with any intent to insult or hurt anyone-I respect all people except nits and liars etc. but that isnt a race issue, thats a single person issue. My point was that pool in most cases creates a bond between players that over rides our ethnic heratage and to me thats strong, a good bond among a wide viraty of people of all races, religons etc. I havent seen that in many other places in life and thats something that pool players should be proud of, that was the point of this thread. Unless they are bald guys from bakersfield, ;), or fat guys from northern ca<----me

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
Fatboy said:
i didnt want to start a war with this thread, my thought was that in most cases pool players are color blind, given my experiences. I like that, sure I use the bad words but in jest, never with any intent to insult or hurt anyone-I respect all people except nits and liars etc. but that isnt a race issue, thats a single person issue. My point was that pool in most cases creates a bond between players that over rides our ethnic heratage and to me thats strong, a good bond among a wide viraty of people of all races, religons etc. I havent seen that in many other places in life and thats something that pool players should be proud of, that was the point of this thread. Unless they are bald guys from bakersfield, ;), or fat guys from northern ca<----me

I resemble that remark.


World's best B player...
Silver Member
> I can attest to this word being used frequently around here,in the normal bars AND the old men's pool room,and in the same context as it's been described here,as a method of b****ing about you not leaving them an open shot. It's always older,white hillbillies that use it too. I learned a LONG time ago to not use that word openly unless you are prepared to fight every person of color in the building or area that is offended by the word. I've even heard it used like this. A local player was asking me if there were any real top players that were black,and before I even had to chance to mention guys like Cicero,Rags Woods,or Bugs,who the locals would be most impressed with because bank is such a popular game here,another older man spoke up and said this. "There's never been any n-word pool champions because they don't have enough sense,they'd rather steal the balls than put them in a pocket". He went on to use the word to describe Tiger Woods and Vijay Singh,saying he had a standing bet with another guy where he gets the pick of everyone else in the field at a televised PGA event,and the other guy takes Tiger by himself. If anyone but the n-word wins,I win. He came unglued when I told him that you can't use that word to describe Tiger,and that HE,an old,miserable,broke white man that does nothing but drink and *****,was more of an n-word than Tiger. Tommy D.


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
doesn't count

mbvl said:
I hear "gringo" every day at the pool hall. Doesn't that count?

No it doesn't. I will leave it at that to avoid derailing this thread.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I agree that they're not the same. I don't think your explanation would "derail" the thread, but it would lead to a reflection on racism that might be more appropriate in the npr forum.


< Searing Twins
Silver Member
Race in my area

I've been playing in Charleston for many years and i've never heard a racist remark made about players in my area. I'm white and some of my best pool friends are black. We've had some Asian teams that have started playing in the leagues and we all have respect for each other regardless of race and we just enjoy the game win or lose.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
When I was about 17 growing up in Louisiana we used to travel to find any tournament we could. We went to southern Arkansas quite a bit and were in Monticello one night. They had a tournament in the back of a video store weekly and one night a black guy asked my friend and I if we wanted a money game. I beat the guy out of about $20 and he told us about a ring game at a bootleggers joint. Monticello at the time was a dry county. My buddy and I walked in and were the only two white guys and I gotta admit I was pretty nervous.

It was a $5 a man ring game with about 6 players and we were much better than anyone there so my buddy was afraid the guys would think they were getting hustled. He wanted to throw off and just barely win or break even but the guy that brought us there had seen me play. I told my buddy to play his best and we ended up winning about $180 between us. Every time we made a good shot the guys gave us compliments and handed over the money with laughter about how they were getting their butts kicked. They were the nicest guys I've ever beaten out of money and taught both of us a lesson at a young age.



Play in these conditions?
Silver Member
ccshrimper said:
When I was about 17 growing up in Louisiana we used to travel to find any tournament we could. We went to southern Arkansas quite a bit and were in Monticello one night. They had a tournament in the back of a video store weekly and one night a black guy asked my friend and I if we wanted a money game. I beat the guy out of about $20 and he told us about a ring game at a bootleggers joint. Monticello at the time was a dry county. My buddy and I walked in and were the only two white guys and I gotta admit I was pretty nervous.

It was a $5 a man ring game with about 6 players and we were much better than anyone there so my buddy was afraid the guys would think they were getting hustled. He wanted to throw off and just barely win or break even but the guy that brought us there had seen me play. I told my buddy to play his best and we ended up winning about $180 between us. Every time we made a good shot the guys gave us compliments and handed over the money with laughter about how they were getting their butts kicked. They were the nicest guys I've ever beaten out of money and taught both of us a lesson at a young age.


Great story Shane, for your fifth post a damn good one!!! Rep...


Play in these conditions?
Silver Member
Many times after the playing dies down someone will approach me with a question of the game itself. You can tell that the person is ate up....
Ate up with pool in that they eat and sleep it. They are hooked with the game and hungry for information.

I immediately feel that kindred spirit. That bond. I start pouring out any information they want. It's a brotherhood. And I will help my brother.

I freely give information but I let them know up front every time two things: One, any information you get from anyone can be right or wrong. Be skeptical, test it and judge for yourself. Two, I'm happy to give you this information your are a brother in this brotherhood of pool. I would expect you to do the same thing. Besides, sometimes an accomplished player can learn in these exchanges as well...

I have learned from races different than my own and shared my knowledge with races different than my own. It is pretty unique environment that all walks of life share a bond on the green cloth...


Known Sinner
Silver Member
I just gotta say that with all of the hip-hop and rap stars freely using n----r in every context it has lost it's sting. To let yourself be troubled by others who want to pull your string when using this and other phrases only shows that you have not developed a strong sense of self respect. I have thick skin because I learned at a very early age the words hurt only if you let them. The PC crowd would have you believe that someone can be forever dammaged by words that are used frequently by the very ones that claim to be victimized by the utterences. When will everyone stop looking for excuses to be offended and stop walloing in their own mire of victimology?
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Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
you are absolutely right

hangemhigh said:
I just gotta say that with all of the hip-hop and rap stars freely using (N _ _ _ _ _ edited by Hu) in every context it has lost it's sting. To let yourself be troubled by others who want to pull your string when using this and other phrases only shows that you have not developed a strong sense of self respect. I have thick skin because I learned at a very early age the words hurt only if you let them. The PC crowd would have you believe that someone can be forever dammaged by words that are used frequently by the very ones that claim to be victimized by the utterences. When will everyone stop looking for excuses to be offended and stop walloing in their own mire of victimology?

It isn't very creditable to claim the word is so horrible while it is exploding out of every boom box around and thump-thump truck at ear damaging decibels all day long, almost exclusively in the possession of blacks. Like it or not those hip-hop and rap artists are the trend setters for many of our youth, white and black. Does anyone think that only the black children are imitating their words when the whites and other races are imitating everything else?


PS: Please edit the word. You are absolutely right that this ridiculous PC correctness that it can't be used in context is silly but I believe it is a banning offense on these forums and nobody knows what color you are unless you tell them. The great thing is that few if any here care after you tell them. I don't want to see you banned is the only reason I suggest the edit.
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Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
legally no

mbvl said:
How about "chingada gringo"?

Legally it still doesn't matter. From a practical standpoint, if someone says that to me the only question is do I put the boots to them when they hit the floor or not.



Dr. Kevorkian of Threads
Silver Member
I'm with VIProfessor on this one. What matters is if they play well, they are in the club, generally the less mouth the better.

That goes for any race, and ladies as well. I have no problem admitting I got my ass kicked, it happens all too often but less than 30% of the time... guess my action is soft. I play Japanese every day and Philippinos when they come around.

Regarding green, I look forward to the day a Martian walks in looking to shoot a bit. We only have to agree I don't get eaten alive if it wins. Other than that, rack 'em up and lets see who is better today. Some folks still need to get with planet pool, I'm looking forward to galaxy league pool.


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
well I think we have to draw the line somewhere

I think it is OK to let the Martians play but those seven tentacled aliens from Vespa Minor should be banned even if they are in our galaxy. They have a stroke that can't be matched by anyone limited by bones and joints. One tentacle on the floor isn't the same as one foot either! I also content that several thousand eyes are a considerable advantage even if it is racist to call the people from Plegia bug-eyed geeks.


Kevin said:
I'm with VIProfessor on this one. What matters is if they play well, they are in the club, generally the less mouth the better.

That goes for any race, and ladies as well. I have no problem admitting I got my ass kicked, it happens all too often but less than 30% of the time... guess my action is soft. I play Japanese every day and Philippinos when they come around.

Regarding green, I look forward to the day a Martian walks in looking to shoot a bit. We only have to agree I don't get eaten alive if it wins. Other than that, rack 'em up and lets see who is better today. Some folks still need to get with planet pool, I'm looking forward to galaxy league pool.