T-Rex updates


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
The trick to being a good woofer is entice your prospective opponent to get in action with humor, and then after you reel them in, ensure they have fun along the way. It is not ridicule them to the point of embarrassment. Woofing is, indeed, an art form.

Photo of two of THE BEST woofers depicted below.

View attachment 742680
Well said!!😂
I think this is the same comparison as John Schmidt vs Jason Shaw.

I bet both would agree that Schmidt is the better 14.1 player even though Shaw holds the highest run.

Watching them play a real game against each other would be interesting.

Tony definitely moves better than Shane. But Shane runs balls better.
And ball running is the tip top number 1 most important skill in 1 pocket. Anybody saying otherwise just doesn’t get it.


from way back when
Silver Member
ball running is the top thing among top players. but between more average players moving is the top thing in one pocket.
and i am right about this.

of course this applies to any match up where one is only slightly or marginally better at one facet than the other.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
ball running is the top thing among top players. but between more average players moving is the top thing in one pocket.
and i am right about this.

of course this applies to any match up where one is only slightly or marginally better at one facet than the other.
What?? Kinda like chess where you assemble your forces on your side of the bluff, then attack?? Lol.
Sounds about right, for B players.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
ball running is the top thing among top players. but between more average players moving is the top thing in one pocket.
and i am right about this.

of course this applies to any match up where one is only slightly or marginally better at one facet than the other.
I think there's several ways you can be a great one pocket player:
1) Be creative in shot selection along with having the nerve / confidence to take some chances​
2) Be patient, conservative and cautious​
3) Be able to run a lot of balls​
Personally, I don't buy into "one pocket knowledge and experience" trumping everything else. I think someone like Tony, for example, is just a good pool player that's extremely creative in his shot selection. Shane is really good at #2 & #3.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think there's several ways you can be a great one pocket player:
1) Be creative in shot selection along with having the nerve / confidence to take some chances​
2) Be patient, conservative and cautious​
3) Be able to run a lot of balls​
Personally, I don't buy into "one pocket knowledge and experience" trumping everything else. I think someone like Tony, for example, is just a good pool player that's extremely creative in his shot selection. Shane is really good at #2 & #3.
Lately watching SVB play 1pkt I have been amazed at how aggressive his play often is. He banks a ball at warp speed and smashes the rack apart. To miss would be a bad thing.😉 He plays off angle combos,caroms,billiards with the nonchalant attitude of Tony but his confidence is most often rewarded.

That is not to say he can't squeeze but it is obvious he would rather shoot.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Lately watching SVB play 1pkt I have been amazed at how aggressive his play often is. He banks a ball at warp speed and smashes the rack apart. To miss would be a bad thing.😉 He plays off angle combos,caroms,billiards with the nonchalant attitude of Tony but his confidence is most often rewarded.

That is not to say he can't squeeze but it is obvious he would rather shoot.
I have only watched him play 10 or 12 racks. When I watched, he didn't try anything fancy or risky. Really boring and conservative in fact.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
ball running is the top thing among top players. but between more average players moving is the top thing in one pocket.
and i am right about this.

of course this applies to any match up where one is only slightly or marginally better at one facet than the other.
What?? Kinda like chess where you assemble your forces on your side of the bluff, then attack?? Lol.
Sounds about right, for B players.
I think there's several ways you can be a great one pocket player:
1) Be creative in shot selection along with having the nerve / confidence to take some chances​
2) Be patient, conservative and cautious​
3) Be able to run a lot of balls​
Personally, I don't buy into "one pocket knowledge and experience" trumping everything else. I think someone like Tony, for example, is just a good pool player that's extremely creative in his shot selection. Shane is really good at #2 & #3.
There's something to be said for a player who specializes in one discipline or another.
I know for a fact there are shots I'll take (and make) that many players have never seen - simply bcuz they haven't been a student of the game as long or been driven by an all consuming desire to learn every fricken facet of said game - as I was.
Doesn't mean they can't smoke my ass, but it does give me a fractional edge, imo, and in this game of MMs, thats all it takes to W at times.
Love of the game can manifest as a palpalable solid, if one so chooses to accept it.
Otherwise, it moves on.
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ball running is the top thing among top players. but between more average players moving is the top thing in one pocket.
and i am right about this.

of course this applies to any match up where one is only slightly or marginally better at one facet than the other.
Moving is of course important, I’m not saying it’s not. But being able to actually punish your opponent for their errors is the most important thing at ALL levels. Sorry it’s not really all that debatable.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Moving is of course important, I’m not saying it’s not. But being able to actually punish your opponent for their errors is the most important thing at ALL levels. Sorry it’s not really all that debatable.
I think punish is a bit strong.
Taking advantage of others mistakes or hesitancy to make the kill during play is what competition is all about.
I think I could defeat someone without resorting to punishing them. Many players I call friends. I'd hate for them to think I was gonna slap that ass and not look back bcuz I wouldn't want them doing it to me. Lol.
Perhaps if I was having a bad day or had a hangnail or toothache.
.. 😂😂


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My opinion is, Shane really doesn't like one pocket, for whatever reason. I assume this by his table presence in one pocket vs playing 8 ball or 9 ball and by the velocity he shoots some shots. Because of his incredible ball pocketing ability, he will be a title contender at any of the games he plays. He is the best ambassador for pocket billiards we have and all other pro players will make more money at the tournaments he chooses to compete in, simply by him being there. If for no other reason than that I always pull for him.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
I think punish is a bit strong.
Taking advantage of others mistakes or hesitancy to make the kill during play is what competition is all about.
You even argue with yourself. I guess there’s something to be said for consistency. Remember folks, don’t punish your friends. Just make the kill. 😂


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Moving is of course important, I’m not saying it’s not. But being able to actually punish your opponent for their errors is the most important thing at ALL levels. Sorry it’s not really all that debatable.
I think punish is a bit strong.
Taking advantage of others mistakes or hesitancy to make the kill during play is what competition is all about.
I think I could defeat someone without resorting to punishing them. Many players I call friends. I'd hate for them to think I was gonna slap that ass and not look back bcuz I wouldn't want them doing it to me. Lol.
Perhaps if I was having a bad day or had a hangnail or toothache.
.. 😂😂
You even argue with yourself. I guess there’s something to be said for consistency. Remember folks, don’t punish your friends. Just make the kill. 😂
Nah. My auto correct tossed phrasing in there that I didn't type. 'Kill' is a word I never use online. Period.
It's either possessed or I'm delusional and typing while asleep at the switch. That's certainly possible. Lol😂
Good example just popped up. I typed 'very' possible and it changed it to 'certainly' possible.
If I don't go back thru and proofread what I've written, that's on me if it's gets misunderstood.
Does anybody else have a haunted auto corr??
I've tried everything to shut it down. It's off in settings!!!
Anybody?? How'd you fix it??


Today's top players have changed one pocket into a different game. In the old days, when balls weren't run as easily as today, there were more battels in every rack. Those with a lot of one pocket knowledge had a bigger advantage than today. Now, you might see a pro one pocket specialist execute a shot their opponent doesn't know or wouldn't have thought of once every 5 or 6 racks. In short, that quote above from Gorst about not knowing what to do doesn't happen very often, and when it does, he'll just push out somewhere and take the intentional. Once he gets his chance, he'll get that ball back pretty effortlessly.

Along those same lines, Shane has an interesting one pocket strategy; he doesn't even try to do anything really fancy, risky, or creative. He doesn't need to. And despite his shot making ability, he doesn't even play that aggressively. He tends to shoot the simplest, lowest risk shot. When it's his turn to run balls though, he does that better than most. That boring, vanilla style has suited him fairly well for someone that doesn't play or enjoy one pocket.
That's strong way to do it.

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
Sounds like a day in the life of guys matching up at any old action pool room across the South. I've been woofed at like that to play for $100. I actually kind of miss that.

Three of the best woofers I can remember off the top of my head were: Jimmy King, Bobby Pickle and Atlanta Danny. some of the shit Jimmy King would say was actually frightening. I witnessed him dress down JJ to play to the point where it was hard to listen too. Talking all that nonsense about patching an eye, but everyone knew he had a glass eye.

I actually enjoy this stuff. Sorry if it's offensive to others.
That shit got old a long time ago! I’d be pissed too.