Taiwan TOI

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
There is ONE thing that BOTH players have in common - TOI

Why do you keep ignoring the main topic of this thread and keep promoting your technique ? Nobody said anything about your technique is good or bad here, we only discussing what taiwaneses pros use, not what is better of worse.
If you want to promote your technique then resurrect one of your old threads or start a new one.

So you are taking the position that Taiwan TOI has nothing to do with the technique TOI?

Taiwan TOI - Yesterday, 10:36 PM
I just watched this video and both of these guys are MONSTER players. They play 14.1 to 60 and one guy gets 1 ball and misses and the other guy runs 60 and out. Then they play a race to 6 of 9 ball and the guy who lost 14.1 runs a 4 pack before the other guy ever gets to the table.

There is ONE thing that BOTH players have in common. They both play TOI on almost every ball of every game. If you don't believe me, watch the video and see where they hit the cue ball and how it comes off the rail. They play what I called "dead ball" pool before I ever heard it called TOI, but it is the SAME thing. If you don't think CJ knows what he is talking about, then what do you think about these guys? They seem to think it works.

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
For many pool players it's a natural tendency to want to spin shots in with "outside"

Yes... That is exactly what he is doing.

Click the link below to go back to your aiming forum.


TOI isn't an aiming system, everyone knows that. ;)

For many pool players it's a natural tendency to want to spin shots in with outside "helping" English. This technique is very useful, especially if you're trying to change the natural angle of the cue ball after contact. There's another way to do this if you want to "master a shot" so you can hit the three parts of the pocket. To do this you must become more accurate and develop a "FEEL" for the pocket. This isn't any more difficult, it just requires you to simplify your Game and reduce calculations.

There are three {main} calculations you make to be accurate using "outside English," 1st) - you must judge the immediate deflection and 2nd) - you must judge how much the spin brings the cue ball "back" to it's original "shot line". 3rd) - you must decide where to hit the cue ball to accomplish the intended shot. (these calculations are related, but not necessarily connected like they are with the TOI Technique)

You will find it's necessary to hit these shots at a variety of speeds and a variety of spins to do what you need with the cue ball. This takes a LOT of different calculations because speed effects deflection AND spin. Where you hit the cue ball and how far over to get your "outside English" also effects deflection AND spin.

Over the course of hours, you will have to make numerous calculations and instinctive judgments to make every shot as planned. With the 'Touch Of Inside' system of play I am showing you how to reduce the amount of calculations and instinctive judgments considerably.

The TOI Technique shows you how to hit one "theme" of speeds, one "theme" of spins, and one "theme" of deflection. I have played many players in my life and the only concern I had was if they would play long enough. Because, even though this edge against other accomplished players may be only 1-2%, it will show up over time.

If you're cutting a ball at a "half ball" angle down the rail to the left and using "outside" (right English") you cue ball is immediately going to deflect into the object ball slightly. To overcome undercutting it you will need to spin the cue ball to make it curve back and the spin will help cut it in. This may "FEEL" like it's helping the cut, but IS IT REALLY?

You are having to hit the speed correctly, the spin correctly, the contact point (shot line) correctly and hit the cue ball precisely to do this. I'm sure you do this very well, but how about under pressure? How do you make all these calculations playing a champion player? This is where your unconscious will start to falter and break down.

You are simply over whelming yourself with these calculations and when you add pressure? I don't know, how does it effect you, do you play better or worse? How about over the course of a 5-10 hour set, do you rely on your game to get better and better or do you have "ups and downs?" With the TOI Technique I teach players how to use (as much as possible, of course there's exceptions, and less that you may think) ONE SPEED - ONE SHOT ANGLE REFERENCE (center or edge) - ONE TIP TARGET (the "Touch" of Inside).

The one thing you guard against {using TOI} is overcutting the ball, however, if you're going to miss a shot would you rather over cut it or under cut it? I don't know about you, but when I under cut a shot I feel like a "dogged it," however, when I over cut a shot I feel like I know what I need to do to correct what I did wrong.

TOI increases consistency, which strengthens confidence and makes your Game strong, reliable, and very intimidating.


Silver Member
Why do you keep ignoring the main topic of this thread and keep promoting your technique ? Nobody said anything about your technique is good or bad here, we only discussing what taiwaneses pros use, not what is better of worse.
If you want to promote your technique then resurrect one of your old threads or start a new one.

TOI is in the title & in the 2nd. sentence of the 2nd paragraph.of the OP.

They were put together by the OP. The players were not singled out as THE topic.

In fact I would take the main topic to be TOI & not the players.

I'm just saying.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
TOI isn't an aiming system, everyone knows that. ;)

For many pool players it's a natural tendency to want to spin shots in with outside "helping" English. This technique is very useful, especially if you're trying to change the natural angle of the cue ball after contact. There's another way to do this if you want to "master a shot" so you can hit the three parts of the pocket. To do this you must become more accurate and develop a "FEEL" for the pocket. This isn't any more difficult, it just requires you to simplify your Game and reduce calculations.

There are three {main} calculations you make to be accurate using "outside English," 1st) - you must judge the immediate deflection and 2nd) - you must judge how much the spin brings the cue ball "back" to it's original "shot line". 3rd) - you must decide where to hit the cue ball to accomplish the intended shot. (these calculations are related, but not necessarily connected like they are with the TOI Technique)

You will find it's necessary to hit these shots at a variety of speeds and a variety of spins to do what you need with the cue ball. This takes a LOT of different calculations because speed effects deflection AND spin. Where you hit the cue ball and how far over to get your "outside English" also effects deflection AND spin.

Over the course of hours, you will have to make numerous calculations and instinctive judgments to make every shot as planned. With the 'Touch Of Inside' system of play I am showing you how to reduce the amount of calculations and instinctive judgments considerably.

The TOI Technique shows you how to hit one "theme" of speeds, one "theme" of spins, and one "theme" of deflection. I have played many players in my life and the only concern I had was if they would play long enough. Because, even though this edge against other accomplished players may be only 1-2%, it will show up over time.

If you're cutting a ball at a "half ball" angle down the rail to the left and using "outside" (right English") you cue ball is immediately going to deflect into the object ball slightly. To overcome undercutting it you will need to spin the cue ball to make it curve back and the spin will help cut it in. This may "FEEL" like it's helping the cut, but IS IT REALLY?

You are having to hit the speed correctly, the spin correctly, the contact point (shot line) correctly and hit the cue ball precisely to do this. I'm sure you do this very well, but how about under pressure? How do you make all these calculations playing a champion player? This is where your unconscious will start to falter and break down.

You are simply over whelming yourself with these calculations and when you add pressure? I don't know, how does it effect you, do you play better or worse? How about over the course of a 5-10 hour set, do you rely on your game to get better and better or do you have "ups and downs?" With the TOI Technique I teach players how to use (as much as possible, of course there's exceptions, and less that you may think) ONE SPEED - ONE SHOT ANGLE REFERENCE (center or edge) - ONE TIP TARGET (the "Touch" of Inside).

The one thing you guard against {using TOI} is overcutting the ball, however, if you're going to miss a shot would you rather over cut it or under cut it? I don't know about you, but when I under cut a shot I feel like a "dogged it," however, when I over cut a shot I feel like I know what I need to do to correct what I did wrong.

TOI increases consistency, which strengthens confidence and makes your Game strong, reliable, and very intimidating.

I'm not going to bother reading any of this and I don't care to, but give it a break. You are past shameless self promotion.

You can contribute to AzB without mentioning TOI every post.

Let me guess, Jayson Shaw beat Mika Immonen, because TOI!!! :speechless:

This thread is about two players on the other side of the globe. I highly doubt they know anything about your TOI crap. Sure, they might have shot a few shots with inside english, but they don't shoot every shot with an acronym.

This is exactly why I believe AzB should have different membership levels. People coming here to sell shit need to pay for a dealer membership of the appropriate value. Jerry has shown me how kind he can be, in the past, and I'm all for supporting AzB to the fullest extent, but this TOI mumbo jumbo is getting old.

TOI is in the title & in the 2nd. sentence of the 2nd paragraph.of the OP.

They were put together by the OP. The players were not singled out as THE topic.

In fact I would take the main topic to be TOI & not the players.

I'm just saying.

If that's the case, then TOI needs it's own subforum. I see three or four threads a day that have a TOI topic or suddenly turn into CJ promoting his business.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
TOI is in the title & in the 2nd. sentence of the 2nd paragraph.of the OP.

They were put together by the OP. The players were not singled out as THE topic.

In fact I would take the main topic to be TOI & not the players.

I'm just saying.

That was EXACTLY my POINT! The POINT WAS/IS that CJ ISN'T the ONLY one who has recognized the BENEFITS of TOI!

There are a LOT of people on here who CONTINUALLY bash TOI and say CJ and anybody else who mentions it do not know what they are talking about.

I was just PROVING to those who CAN SEE that a LOT of the Taiwan professionals utilize the "floating" ball technique. A LOT of the Filipino players do the same.

If you watch the video you CAN SEE where the cue ball is being struck and the "effect" of the cue ball.

You can buy people books and send them to school, but you can't make them read and understand. Sometimes they have to figure out stuff by themselves....if they ever figure it out.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Let me guess, Jayson Shaw beat Mika Immonen, because TOI!!! :speechless:


As a matter of FACT, Shaw used inside English on the MAJORITY of his shots. If you DON'T believe me, watch the video.

For what it's worth, I created this thread and if you DON'T like it, then YOU can find something else to keep you occupied. Why don't you create something that will benefit people instead of coming on here bashing people.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
That was EXACTLY my POINT! The POINT WAS/IS that CJ ISN'T the ONLY one who has recognized the BENEFITS of TOI!

I'm sure TOI works just fine and dandy for you folks, but read below and you'll see why we are tired of hearing about this TOI junk.

There are a LOT of people on here who CONTINUALLY bash TOI and say CJ and anybody else who mentions it do not know what they are talking about.

Bashing TOI? No. Bashing CJ? Yes, because he's a walking talking advertisement for TOI. You want to sell your TOI secrets, pay for ad space, just like Atlas, Master, Simonis, and even Zero-X Training has done.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Why don't you create something that will benefit people instead of coming on here bashing people.

Obviously you didn't pay attention to any Pay-It-Forward threads that actually did good for the AzB community. Promoting TOI by showing off some dudes play in another country doesn't benefit anything.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm sure TOI works just fine and dandy for you folks, but read below and you'll see why we are tired of hearing about this TOI junk.

Bashing TOI? No. Bashing CJ? Yes, because he's a walking talking advertisement for TOI. You want to sell your TOI secrets, pay for ad space, just like Atlas, Master, Simonis, and even Zero-X Training has done.

From what I can see, CJ is a Gold Member and can contribute what he likes. Whether you like it or not is another matter.

If you want to bash people, create your OWN thread.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Obviously you didn't pay attention to any Pay-It-Forward threads that actually did good for the AzB community. Promoting TOI by showing off some dudes play in another country doesn't benefit anything.

So, if I'm showing people on AZB that a certain technique is "utilized" and "works" for world-class players it is somehow NOT benefitting anything or anybody on here?

Are we supposed to post things that show people "how to do something" or "how not to do something"? I'm confused.


CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
AZ's like TV, if they don''l like the channel they should flip their remote control.

From what I can see, CJ is a Gold Member and can contribute what he likes. Whether you like it or not is another matter.

If you want to bash people, create your OWN thread.


I've also had a front page banner for 27 straight months.

AZ's like TV, if they don''l like the channel they should flip their remote control.

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
the system top road players used to dominate the gambling world.

Obviously you didn't pay attention to any Pay-It-Forward threads that actually did good for the AzB community. Promoting TOI by showing off some dudes play in another country doesn't benefit anything.

Thousands of players world-wide have benefited
from TOI - the system top road players used to dominate the gambling world.

It was a secret, now it's been made known.....and the world will never be the same.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I watched one game of 14.1 - the guy with the blonde hair came to the table with the score 1-0 in a race to 60 and ran 60 and out.

1. The guy with the blonde hair was not using inside. He was using center ball the vast majority of the time. On shots requiring English he was using whatever English the shot required.

2. He is a pro level 14.1 player.

3. Between racks once they paused for a commercial.

4. I saw an NBA placard next to the table - is the NBA sponsoring Chinese pool?

5. I didn't recognize the logo on the cue ball. I wonder what brand of balls those are.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thousands of players world-wide have benefited
from TOI - the system top road players used to dominate the gambling world.

It was a secret, now it's been made known.....and the world will never be the same.

I can play too, CJ.

Here's my picture of a sign:



Silver Member
I just watched this video and both of these guys are MONSTER players. They play 14.1 to 60 and one guy gets 1 ball and misses and the other guy runs 60 and out. Then they play a race to 6 of 9 ball and the guy who lost 14.1 runs a 4 pack before the other guy ever gets to the table.

There is ONE thing that BOTH players have in common. They both play TOI on almost every ball of every game. If you don't believe me, watch the video and see where they hit the cue ball and how it comes off the rail. They play what I called "dead ball" pool before I ever heard it called TOI, but it is the SAME thing. If you don't think CJ knows what he is talking about, then what do you think about these guys? They seem to think it works.


Look, I know a whole lot about TOI. Neither of those two players were using TOI as their normal aiming method. Some one is confused.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
TOI is not "inside english," your tip is over too far if you're applying english.

When a player favors center and outside it would benefit them to explore the "inside dimension," they never know what they may find.....until the light is turned on. :idea2:

I also practice these things myself.

For 20 minutes I'll ONLY shoot severe spin shots - for 20 minutes I'll play with my hand at the balance point, and compact my stroke - for 20 minutes I'll play with my head 24 inches higher over the ball than normal (etc.).

To make break-throughs we must be willing to practice what we don't normally do, and in many cases exaggerating your weaknesses will bring quicker results.

From my experience, if we're not willing to do this, our opponent probably is. ;) Play Well, and the game will be your teacher.

Well said.

TOI works great imo. I start every shot with TOI, if I need some outside I pivot. One thing I did though is I tried what CJ said, was it "hard" - yes but I got it rather fast - If I´m CJ at the table - NO! On the other hand I beat the ghost playing 10 but I struggle with that ...... 12 ball ghost.
You can see TOI used correctly by watching the CB, "heavy", "floating", "dead" etc etc and if you need some outside you will see that to - If you are wilingl to "see it". You can also look at the OB - it travels "truer" to the pocket - "no swerve, English".
But the biggest issue is still - TRY IT!!!!!! You can only learn something never loose it.
Play your game and try to get the CB heavy, floating and a lightbulb will turn on.

Big kudos to CJ to making all the efforts - and some to explain it. Imagine yourself explain what you do when you play great (any game)? Seek for the greatness not the opposite and you will connect the dots way faster.

CJ - pm your phnr and I will call you up, time for the next level:wink::).

