TAR podcast reviews/suggestions


BPT Champion
Silver Member
I figured I'd start this thread for Justin and Mark. What did everyone think of the podcast tonight? I personally thought it was very insightful and could be a great tool in helping find a consensus on several key topics in the pool world from fans. My one suggestion would be to get some set questions from viewers on here before the show. Its easy, especially with someone like Mark, to get deep into topics and spin off into others. Plus it would help keep the show running smoothly towards the end. Overall this is a great idea.


"Lock Doctor"
Silver Member
I figured I'd start this thread for Justin and Mark. What did everyone think of the podcast tonight? I personally thought it was very insightful and could be a great tool in helping find a consensus on several key topics in the pool world from fans. My one suggestion would be to get some set questions from viewers on here before the show. Its easy, especially with someone like Mark, to get deep into topics and spin off into others. Plus it would help keep the show running smoothly towards the end. Overall this is a great idea.

It was a great thread. I'd like to know more about plans to grow the amateur side of the sport.

Is there any chance that TAR and associates could Live stream the finals of the BCAPL Nationals? That would be great and if it were later archived on Youtube or Ustream would provide a historical record.

Thanks to Justin and Mark for doing this. I look forward to more.


High Def Videos!!!
Silver Member
I liked it a lot. I have always liked the "loose, unscripted" feel of TAR's broadcasts.

My brain only woke up near the end and thought to myself, why didn't I just copy and paste people that posted questions, into notepad, so as soon as I saw Justin lean over to look for questions, I could have just pasted the questions right then for him. Then he would have had several to choose from.

Oh well, maybe next time :smile:


BPT Champion
Silver Member
My brain only woke up near the end and thought to myself, why didn't I just copy and paste people that posted questions, into notepad, so as soon as I saw Justin lean over to look for questions, I could have just pasted the questions right then for him. Then he would have had several to choose from.

Oh well, maybe next time :smile:

Damn Cali, you're slipping. Come on man, you're better than that!! :grin:


Silver Member
I just hope that JA, CW or a member of the APA accepts Marks offer to join them at some point.

Mark Griffin

AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Beav, thanks for starting this thread.

We really (at least I do) want some feedback.
Calired had a grea idea for tracking the questions.

We need to know what YOU want to have discussed and who you might want to ave interviewed.

We can only do so much on our own so speak up!

Mark Griffin


Looks Indian to me..
Silver Member
I slept the pod cast. I've got a question. Can you archive it so it can be viewed afterwards?



BPT Champion
Silver Member
Beav, thanks for starting this thread.

We really (at least I do) want some feedback.
Calired had a grea idea for tracking the questions.

We need to know what YOU want to have discussed and who you might want to ave interviewed.

We can only do so much on our own so speak up!

Mark Griffin

Hey Mark, I know its a long ways off, but do you think it would be feasible or productive to choose a few select members of the pool community and attempt to have a roundtable discussion at some point during or right after the BCA's in Vegas, since everyone will be there? I know that Justin will be stretched thin with all of the other events he'll be tackling, I just know one reason its so hard to really work out issues out is due to everyone so rarely being in the same location.


BPT Champion
Silver Member
I slept the pod cast. I've got a question. Can you archive it so it can be viewed afterwards?


Yes, Justin said he was going to try and get that done right after they stopped it. So who knows, it might be up there now. If not, it will be soon.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Email notification

I didn't watch all of it, but appreciated the Email notification. I need to check my email more often during the day.

TAR/Mark-thank you for another cool idea and presentation.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Cant you make it an iTunes Podcast?
One would have many benefits from that (e.g. simple subscription with auto update and auto sync on iPod etc.)!


Silver Member
I thought the podcast was great and hopefully let the average pool fan in on some of the inner workings of the pool industry along with some of the politics that seem to go hand in hand.
Remembering that this was the first shot at doing this it is exciting because we know if it was that good now how good will it be when they get used to what they are doing?

I only have 2 suggestions, A) continue to keep it real and say whats on your mind, if anything open up a little more. B) I think that Mark and Justin should be perminent fixtures on the show whenever possible. I know that Griffin tends toshy away from the spotlight a little but due to the nature of this show I think his input from his side of the industry mixes great with Justin's side, then of course put the guest in the middle and let it go. Thanks guys I enjoyed it.

JB Cases

Silver Member
I can't wait to see it. I have TWO suggestions though.

1. put the video on Itunes.
2. put the audio on Itunes.

I really really really miss the podcast interviews that Chad did for TAR. I mean I miss that they stopped. I still listen to them periodically and enjoy them.

lee brett

Silver Member
Great job by Mark and his sidekick :) also i got a mention, im famous now lol.

Mark the olympic committee is the way other academies are funded, im wondering if there is anyway of contacting them over this, and explaing what the coaches with Randy and others was going to do, maybe get some funding off them to set up a base in Vegas, I have also offered to cycle across america from NYC maybe amsterdam billiards to LA, maybe hollywood billiards to raise funds for the academy and maybe can get the newspapers and tv interested in the story and get some more publicity for pool. Just a thought.

keepp up the good work, and hope to see you both sometime soon.


Looks Indian to me..
Silver Member
Interview Suggestions

1.) Charlie Williams
2.) Barry Behrman
3.) Archer, Putnam, Morris

Get it all out on the table...

Tom In Cincy

AKA SactownTom
Silver Member
Thanks Mark and JCIN for the first of many podcasts.

the podcast idea, getting the news about the pool industry into the players and fans HEADS.

When I first watched the youtube version this morning there had only be 14 views, when I refreshed it was up to 43, AZers did follow the link to the podcast.

Leagues survival without the pros. I'm not sure I agree with Mark on this. Most of the league players I've ever been associate with or knew, only were vaguely familiar with what a pro was, let alone care. Other then the 'Black Widow' and Minnesota FATS 95% of amateurs couldn't name a Pro.

Honest and sincere responses to ideas and happenings in the current state of pool. Payball and the ABP association are two of the many subjects Mark and JCIN broached.

I think there was just a little too much 'bashing'. The CW and ABP and Payball weren't what I would think as positives in this podcast, but then again, I know these subjects had to be discussed with comments that needed to be put out in the open.

I didn't like that JCIN kept interjecting his comments before Mark could finish his... LOL.

The open structure is nice, but got very slow at times. JCIN would start to say something and take more than just a few moments to finally spit it out.

It would be nice to have topics addressed and discussed and then move on to the next topic. The flow would keep the viewers from falling asleep.

Is there anyway JCIN could sit further away from the guest? so that JCIN doesn't look like "Hagrid"
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