The only way I will ever play 9 ball again...


1-Pocket Addict
Silver Member
So what if the player shoots a combo with the 9 at a normal stroke speed. Is that luck? What if he calls the shot, is that luck too?

No, that is fine. If you make a planned shot resulting in the win then I lost because you out played me. But if you shoot that same shot and miss and it goes 2 rails and off another ball into another pocket, that is luck.


1-Pocket Addict
Silver Member
Hey, as long as you call that 10 rail, 3 carom, 4 ball combo, we straight Mutha F****!


I am Keyser Söze
Silver Member
Bingo. And how would you (the royal you, not you personally, SS) feel if you lost a tourney because of "luck"? The hypothesis that "luck evens out" doesn't make one feel better during that particular time that he/she played well, but still got beat when his/her opponent didn't exactly outplay him/her. Does it make me feel better that luck "supposedly" evens out when I just lost a tourney due to it not being in my favor at that particular time, but gee, "it might be in my favor next time?" Nope. I want to be OUTPLAYED, not outrolled.

Take the luck out of it. Bring the skill, commitment, and accountability back into the game.


Believe me, i have had it happen. More times then i care to count.

I'll give you an example of luck evening out.
Years ago, i was playing in SBE's amateur event. I'd say probably over 16 years ago.
I was playing a guy From Patterson NJ who was pretty well known.
It was hill hill in i believe, the second set. (memory is foggy) and i had already won the 1st set.
It was his break, and he snapped the 9 ball in.
I won the coin toss for the final set, and proceeded to snap the 9 ball in, to give me a whopping 1-0 lead.

Same exact luck was displayed. (9 got banged around in both instances)
But my 9 ball was minuscule in comparison to his 9 ball in terms of the power and the impact that it had.

Obviously i have gotten lucky.
No pool player can say that they haven't.
I'd just rather see it get reduced to where it isn't a significant issue. That's all.


Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
Bingo. And how would you (the royal you, not you personally, SS) feel if you lost a tourney because of "luck"? The hypothesis that "luck evens out" doesn't make one feel better during that particular time that he/she played well, but still got beat when his/her opponent didn't exactly outplay him/her. Does it make me feel better that luck "supposedly" evens out when I just lost a tourney due to it not being in my favor at that particular time, but gee, "it might be in my favor next time?" Nope. I want to be OUTPLAYED, not outrolled.

Take the luck out of it. Bring the skill, commitment, and accountability back into the game.


Here the thing, if you are playing in a tournament, more often than not its a race to X. So you are going to tell me that the person who didn't 'out play you' got lucky X times?

If I miss a 9 ball, leave it in the jaws... Are they lucky or am I bad?
If its hill hill and they slop in the 8ball, was luck the only reason they won?
If they miscue on the 9, hill hill, did I get lucky?

Nobody likes to lose like that, but ask yourself, could I have done anything different in that set to change the outcome? Most of the time, yes.
Also, ask yourself, did I get lucky in that set too? Most of the time, yes. Like a kick safe, kicking a ball in, slopping a ball in, ect


I am Keyser Söze
Silver Member
Nobody will constantly get lucky or unlucky. People have bad days, where things don't go well, but in the long haul, it all evens out.

You have no idea how wrong you are.
And one bad day in say 6 or 7 years worth of luck still means that the luck is consistent.
Everyone can have a bad day.
Still doesn't stop them from being lucky.


1-Pocket Addict
Silver Member
Here the thing, if you are playing in a tournament, more often than not its a race to X. So you are going to tell me that the person who didn't 'out play you' got lucky X times?

If I miss a 9 ball, leave it in the jaws... Are they lucky or am I bad?Bad
If its hill hill and they slop in the 8ball, was luck the only reason they won? Lucky
If they miscue on the 9, hill hill, did I get lucky? Bad

Nobody likes to lose like that, but ask yourself, could I have done anything different in that set to change the outcome? Most of the time, yes.
Also, ask yourself, did I get lucky in that set too? Most of the time, yes. Like a kick safe, kicking a ball in, slopping a ball in, ect

A miss is a miss any way around it, those come down to fundamentals. There is nothing fundamental about luck.


Big Perm

1pkt 14.1 8 Banks 9 10
Silver Member
Missing a shot or shape is not bad luck, it is a lack of the oppropriate skill to get the job done. If I miss I have no problem losing, but if some guy craps in 7 racks in a row, F*** that!

I have yet to see anyone crap in 7 racks in a row.....can you post a video or provide a vivid description of the event please?

Yes, missing a shot or shape can be bad luck....a table can roll off, a pocket can be cut wrong, the ball can hit a piece of chalk, the table might have a seam....

Your first statement doesn't make any say people get lucky and crap in balls, but "missing a shot or shape is not bad luck" are contradicting yourself :grin:

Is it or isn't it?

MN Kid

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Rather than incorporate "fixes" to the game just do what I do, Don't play it.

I cannot explain it but I absolutely abhore the game. Wish I didn't as I think any game can improve upon ones skills but this one I just flat bugs the livin' snot out of me. Feel the same way about jump cues.



Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
A miss is a miss any way around it, those come down to fundamentals. There is nothing fundamental about luck.


But you missed my point. They still got to the hill.. They are still shooting that 8ball, if they got that far against you, maybe they arn't as "lucky" as you think.

In a race to 1, yea, you can get lucky. In a long race, the better player wins and they lucky player cries.

Trust me, I have lost money and tournaments because of a bad roll... sometimes I'm left with it, sometimes I did it to myself. Regardless, there are things in that set that I could have done differently that they would have never got to the hill to begin with.


1-Pocket Addict
Silver Member
I have yet to see anyone crap in 7 racks in a row.....can you post a video or provide a vivid description of the event please?

Yes, missing a shot or shape can be bad luck....a table can roll off, a pocket can be cut wrong, the ball can hit a piece of chalk, the table might have a seam....

Your first statement doesn't make any say people get lucky and crap in balls, but "missing a shot or shape is not bad luck" are contradicting yourself :grin:

Is it or isn't it?

No video but it has happened to me. Not a 7-pack, but balls were lucked in that led to him winning each game.
Anything out side of what you can control can be lucky or un-lucky.


Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
You have no idea how wrong you are.
And one bad day in say 6 or 7 years worth of luck still means that the luck is consistent.
Everyone can have a bad day.
Still doesn't stop them from being lucky.

Sorry man, never met someone who always gets lucky. I would love to see how they do with 2 weeks worth of blackjack.


1-Pocket Addict
Silver Member
But you missed my point. They still got to the hill.. They are still shooting that 8ball, if they got that far against you, maybe they arn't as "lucky" as you think.

In a race to 1, yea, you can get lucky. In a long race, the better player wins and they lucky player cries.

Trust me, I have lost money and tournaments because of a bad roll... sometimes I'm left with it, sometimes I did it to myself. Regardless, there are things in that set that I could have done differently that they would have never got to the hill to begin with.

But you are still relying on luck to depict the better player. I am not talking about missing a shot or not getting shape as being un-lucky because it is not. Does it happen? Yes, but pool is a game based on fundamentals and perfection. Are the top pros where they are because they are lucky? No, it is because they are striving for perfection. Does luck intervene? Sure, but there are ways to limit it to purify pool.


I am Keyser Söze
Silver Member
Sorry man, never met someone who always gets lucky. I would love to see how they do with 2 weeks worth of blackjack.

OH...MY...GOD! REALLY!!!! (thinking to myself, is this deja vu or WHAT)

You need to clarify this for me.

How did talking about luck in pool, get transformed into luck at blackjack, when they are two completely different things?
If i remember the title of the thread, it involved 9ball in the title.
It did not involve BLACKJACK!

We are talking about luck in POOL, and luck being a factor in POOL.

It's really not that hard to understand. (for some)

So in the future, please limit your answers to the topic at hand, otherwise they will be considered invalid and unsound.

If you don't like that, you can start your own thread about luck in blackjack.


1-Pocket Addict
Silver Member
OH...MY...GOD! REALLY!!!! (thinking to myself, is this deja vu or WHAT)

You need to clarify this for me.

How did talking about luck in pool, get transformed into luck at blackjack, when they are two completely different things?
If i remember the title of the thread, it involved 9ball in the title.
It did not involve BLACKJACK!

We are talking about luck in POOL, and luck being a factor in POOL.

It's really not that hard to understand. (for some)

So in the future, please limit your answers to the topic at hand, otherwise they will be considered invalid and unsound.

If you don't like that, you can start your own thread about luck in blackjack.

LMFAO! Timing is everything.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
At the amateur level, there is a lot of luck in all pool games. How many times have you seen a banger run a rack of 8-ball by just haphazardly flying their cueball around the table with no plan for position? I have seen it a lot, especially on a barbox. How is that any less lucky than someone crapping in a ball (or even two balls) while running a rack of 9-ball?

I think the DCC is proof positive that 9-ball is not just "all luck". It's an f'ing race to 7, what many people would call a coin flip, yet year after year the guys we see at the right edge of the bracket are ones that we would fullly expect to see there. If there was as much luck in 9-ball as some people suggest, you would see a certain percentage of mediocre players coming through that bracket by virtue of just sh*tting their way through matches.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't really care for the game. I don't know if it is the luck factor or that I think it is mindless pool fodder. The following are the only rules I will ever use to play this game.

Scratch goes in the kitchen after the break or on any scratched shot, the incoming player has the option to differ to the fouling player if they so wish, even after the break.
In game fouls are played where they lie, no ball in hand, the incomming player has the option to differ or take the shot as they see fit.
All shots are call pocket.
Making the 9 ball out of turn results in a loss to the shooting player. The 9 ball if made on the break, spots on the foot spot.

If anyone else has any other ideas to make the game a little more "pure", please let me know.


You are trying to take the game back to the old days before Texas Express was around. Now all they do is pull an easy safe, get ball in hand, and run out on shots my wife could make (she doesn't play).
Back in the days before the Express, there were a lot of shot makers out there. There are some players out there that will try hard shots, but more than not, they are going to play safe. This for me make the game boring so I would rather watch the grass grow or paint dry than watch or play nine ball under these rules.:boring2:


I'll need an Orange Crush
Silver Member
How about this.... control whitey so you don't scratch, and don't foul it either.

Even though you don't have to call the pocket, most players don't slop the ball in, and if slop is what they rely on to win games, a good player will distroy them over a set.

Now, in short sets or something like BCAPL league play, yeah, playing only a game or two against an opponent sucks if they get lucky.


Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
OH...MY...GOD! REALLY!!!! (thinking to myself, is this deja vu or WHAT)

You need to clarify this for me.

How did talking about luck in pool, get transformed into luck at blackjack, when they are two completely different things?
If i remember the title of the thread, it involved 9ball in the title.
It did not involve BLACKJACK!

We are talking about luck in POOL, and luck being a factor in POOL.

It's really not that hard to understand. (for some)

So in the future, please limit your answers to the topic at hand, otherwise they will be considered invalid and unsound.

If you don't like that, you can start your own thread about luck in blackjack.

OH...MY...GOD! REALLY!!!! (thinking to myself, is this deja vu or WHAT)

You need to clarify this for me.

Why does it matter if I'm talking about pool, blackjack or Russian roulette? Luck is luck and luck runs out. NOBODY consistently gets lucky...

We are talking about luck, and nobody is lucky or unlucky.

It's really not that hard to understand. (for some)

So in the future, please limit your answers to something that uses logic, otherwise they will be considered invalid and unsound.

If you don't like that, you can start your own thread about people who are only lucky playing pool and nothing else.