Will Mike Surber Ever Get Justice ? ? ?

Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
It's been far too long for a murderer of a good man to be running around free to potentially harm someone else. :angry:

There has been video surveillance, still photos, and even an AMW piece run on the person thought to be connected to this crime.

Why hasn't he been brought in?

What are the police doing to find him?

Who can be called or emailed to get some answers?

Can we do anything more?

Mike Surber deserves justice.

brian kc


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
hard to accept he has a little less priority than a hangnail

It's been far too long for a murderer of a good man to be running around free to potentially harm someone else. :angry:

There has been video surveillance, still photos, and even an AMW piece run on the person thought to be connected to this crime.

Why hasn't he been brought in?

What are the police doing to find him?

Who can be called or emailed to get some answers?

Can we do anything more?

Mike Surber deserves justice.

brian kc


It is hard to accept that one of our own has a little less priority than a hangnail but that pretty much covers it. His never was a high priority case as murders go although all murders are pretty high priority. With the passing of time his case has hit the dead case file. It is still officially open but the odds are that the only way the perp will be caught is if he is offered up on a silver platter, either somebody dimes him or he has a screw loose enough to confess to this while arrested for something else.

Somebody will read over the case every year or three along with all of the other old stuff hoping something has happened since the last time someone looked that there will be an easy case to be made now, if not back to the bottom of the pile.


John Novak

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's been far too long for a murderer of a good man to be running around free to potentially harm someone else. :angry:

There has been video surveillance, still photos, and even an AMW piece run on the person thought to be connected to this crime.

Why hasn't he been brought in?

What are the police doing to find him?

Who can be called or emailed to get some answers?

Can we do anything more?

Mike Surber deserves justice.

brian kc

Police may have a good idea that he did it, however, its not what you know, its what you can prove....prosecutors wont file charges on something unless they feel they can win it.......may take years, or may never happen at all...........

Fast Lenny

Faster Than You...
Silver Member
It is sad but in some places the unsolved murder cases are at only 1 in 5 getting caught and other places are 4 in 5 nabbed. I think something like 6000 or so murders go unsolved every year. I heard nationwide its about 50/50 chance of getting caught or getting away with it, pretty crazy to think about.


some of the kids
Silver Member
Police may have a good idea that he did it, however, its not what you know, its what you can prove....prosecutors wont file charges on something unless they feel they can win it.......may take years, or may never happen at all...........

I think this is closer to the truth.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Rayjay is right.....

Sad to say but there is no Justice in the USA.
Just the LAW.

You have got to go out of the country for Justice.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
thanks for the bump to bring this back up for everyones consciousness
i hope they find the guy
he gives resistance
and they have to kill him


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Shame Mike was one of the good guys and he held up good for the cash played banks really well

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
I think ultimately someone will snitch on him (he may be in jail somewhere now) or one of us will spot this guy somewhere. His image is fixed in my head!


Silver Member
I cant believe kicken chicken brought this up today.

I didn't know Mike S but I did see all the threads on here and was just thinking about this earlier and went out on the web and looked into it. To see if anyone was ever caught.

Amazing!! I was just doing that earlier today.

The guy has a familiar look,,someone should know who he is. The more its put up,,like on FB. The better the chances.

I have posted the AMW before in several places.


Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
Here's the particulars from amw:

Miss. Police Seek Billiards Player's Killer

When professional billiards player Michael Surber didn't show up for a game, his friends knew something had to be wrong. They were right -- Michael had been stabbed to death in his home. Police have video surveillance of a man they've named as a suspect, and they need your help identifying him.

Sex: Male

Race: White

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 170-180 lbs.

Hair (Color, Description, Facial Hair): Brown
Suspect has a receding hair line.
He may wear his long hair pulled back in a ponytail. Dark brown goatee

Other Phys. Characteristics: Suspect may have a rough and weathered appearance.

Location information: Police say that the killer is not afraid to be seen or to meet with friends and associates of his potential victims.

Last Seen: Ridgeland , MS
The suspect was last spotted at a sports bar in Ridgeland, Miss., the week following the murder.

Other Possible Locations: , GA, MS

Somebody needs to find this guy!


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Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
justice long overdue . . .

bump hoping someone will find this guy.

something else occurred to me as a possibility.

We have all heard before how the authorities have had a person of interest in their grasp but did not have enough evidence to charge them so I wonder, could the police already know who this guy in the pictures is, maybe have him in plain view but perhaps don't have enough evidence to go forward yet?

I only offer this up because I find it increasingly hard to understand how this picture and video have been out for so long, in addition to this case being aired on AMW, and that there could be no ID made on him or that he's been caught. :confused:

Has anyone received any updates from law enforcement?

Maybe gulfport doc?

brian kc


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
Sometimes these guys never get caught and cases remain unsolved because
their life-style has got them killed.
He might be buried in a swamp right now.

Lock N Load

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's been far too long for a murderer of a good man to be running around free to potentially harm someone else. :angry:

There has been video surveillance, still photos, and even an AMW piece run on the person thought to be connected to this crime.

Why hasn't he been brought in?

What are the police doing to find him?

Who can be called or emailed to get some answers?

Can we do anything more?

Mike Surber deserves justice.

brian kc

I hope they get him before he does this to someone else! It is sad that they have a photo of this guy and cannot do anything about him. This could have happen to anyone of us. Or it still can happen since they have not caught this guy. I agree that Mike Surber deserves justice! And his family as well.
Many Regards,
Lock N Load.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

It is hard to accept that one of our own has a little less priority than a hangnail but that pretty much covers it. His never was a high priority case as murders go although all murders are pretty high priority. With the passing of time his case has hit the dead case file. It is still officially open but the odds are that the only way the perp will be caught is if he is offered up on a silver platter, either somebody dimes him or he has a screw loose enough to confess to this while arrested for something else.

Somebody will read over the case every year or three along with all of the other old stuff hoping something has happened since the last time someone looked that there will be an easy case to be made now, if not back to the bottom of the pile.


Did you learn that on the job or watching TV?

The scary thing is the guy who killed Mike could possibly read this forum, there is a slim chance of that, and i'm guessing he wasn't part of the pool world and didnt know who Mike was.

Its tragic when ever anyone gets murdered, and even more tragic when the cases never get solved, which is a high % of them. However these days its easier to get caught, look at the Boston thing-they had video of those guys and pics fast. That was strong. Too bad there wasnt better surveillance when Mike got aught up with that guy who killed him.

For now all we can do is keep our eyes open, I know what the guy looks like and hope someone sees him, its harder than ever to hide.

Mike was a great guy, very sad story.


Cowboys are my hero's
Silver Member
Police may have a good idea that he did it, however, its not what you know, its what you can prove....prosecutors wont file charges on something unless they feel they can win it.......may take years, or may never happen at all...........

Here is another fact to consider. Even if the Police have a prim suspect, and have filed for an arrest warrant. If the suspect is caught like on a traffic stop in say Las Vegas, NV. Unless the local cops are willing to come get the suspect, he will be given his traffic ticket, and will drive away.

My cousin is in Las Vegas, and has many many friend on LV Metro Police Department because of the business he is in.

these Cops have told him stories of stopping some person on a minor traffic infraction, running them threw the NCIC System, a Warrant for Fist Degree murder pops up in Cow Poke Iowa.

There dispatcher contact the jurisdiction where the suspect is wanted, and the jurisdiction has no fund to send people to pick up the person. Jokingly the Cops tell the suspect many time, you are lucky, say out of Iowa, as you are want for Murder there.

The suspect walks, it is called lack of money, and justice for the criminal. BTW we just end a Murder Trail in PHX, Young Lady killed he boyfriend/lover, it cost the TAX PAYERS 1.5 Million Bucks, and when the verdict is read it will be national News.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Police are a joke

How can they not find and arrest the coward who murdered a fine man like Mike Surber's, the police are a horrible joke and should be ashamed of their shortcomings !


Fargo Rating 597
Silver Member
How can they not find and arrest the coward who murdered a fine man like Mike Surber's, the police are a horrible joke and should be ashamed of their shortcomings !

Shitty thing to say. They're doing the best they can with an impossible job.
A crime that takes five minutes to commit may take years to solve or may never get solved.
It's not like TV where guys in white lab coats can figure out everything in 45 minutes.
Sometimes there's just not enough evidence to work with... look at that pic posted earlier,
could you positively ID someone from that blurry mess? Or predict where they'd go next?

Thousands of murders will go unsolved, there's only about 256 cops per 100,000 people.
Mike deserves justice but so do all the other cases on their docket.