Which Cue Plays Better...Balabushka or Szamboti?

Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
While there can be some generalizations made regarding each makers cues, there will always be exceptions. Also, we have to accept that there is subjectivity so what I consider a big plus for playability may be a negative to the next guy.

With that said, I've had some of each (Guses and Georges - no Barrys) and tried a number of others and there have been true magic cues from both and I've hit a couple that I felt were duds.

The 2 that I would consider to be the absolute best hitters were both Bushkas, one that a fellow I know plays with (see below - red) and one I have (see below - green).

I will say that another fellow I know has a Gus he let me hit with that I could have easily and happily made my lifetime player. :wink:

Glad I could clear all of this up for everyone. :p :eek:ink: :rotflmao: :grinning-moose:

brian kc


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I own a plain four point Gus... absolutely love the hit ! I remember hitting some with a friend's Bushka at the old Hollywood Billiards, it was one of those earlier ones with the green bowling ball rings on the butt sleeve... hit a TON. I had a fancier Barry for a short time, didn't hit as firm as my Gus, so sold it on.

So my vote is a little biased... GUS.

My regular player is a four point Tim Scruggs which hits real close to the Gus.


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
‘89 Nashville BCA trade show
A man had a Balabuska for sale...$1500 with six shafts...had to look....
...all six shafts were off....and so was the butt....
..told him...if the butt was straight, I’d give you the $1500...
..he sorta looks down his nose at me...says..”You seem pretty particular, what kinda cue
you got in that case?”....I didn’t say anything, I just reached in and started to pull out one
of the shafts....my hand was covering the joint part...he could see about four inches of the
shaft....he says..”That’s a Szamboti....I can tell by the shine....you got a right to be fussy.”

I know quite a bit about cues...people bring cues to me to appraise....
...but some of these guys can give me the orange crush at cue knowledge.

Gus is still the Stradivari of cuemakers.....IMO


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've owned a few of both and the Scam cues played a little better to me.

Their collectible as hell but performance, ehh, there is better for far less.

Again, like most know, some like this.....others like that.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've hit with a Szams as I've know several folk that owned them. Both of the guys sold their cues for big money.

Fat Boy played one day at Hollywood Billiards with a Bala and he said it was worth like 25 grand. It had blue plastic that looked cheap south of the wrap.

Personally I have never liked the hit of ivory ferrules and steel joints.

What you are buying is brand legacy and collectibility.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I played in a room in Jersey where there were 6 or so Gus cues everyday and the owner had about 15 of them.
i always thought they hit like a steel pipe,no feel.
But thats just me.


Super Gun Mod
Silver Member
So my vote is a little biased... GUS.

My regular player is a four point Tim Scruggs which hits real close to the Gus.

I'm glad you said that, because I agree. I have several Tim Scruggs cues, and they hit as good as the Gus cues I've hit with. I lived close to Tim, and often saw him at his shop. Tim told me more than once that getting rid of voids is the most important thing, whether joint, ferrule, buttplate, etc.

I'll still go along with either George or Bushka hits great, and it more depends on the player. But it's nice to hear another is in that league, and I agree.

All the best,


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I own both

I own both, the Balabushka is an incredible cue, and it plays about the same as my Gus.

My Gus Hoppe cue is something special, by far the best playing cue I own.

Generally these cues are back heavy. If it works for you then it works for everyone else I suspect.

Sent from my iPhone using AzBilliards Forums


I Love Box Cues
Silver Member
I am enjoying this discussion.
It's like trying to solve the ancient riddlle:

"What happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object?".

Kinda like:
Hoppe vs. Mosconi,
SVB vs. Efren,
Mantle vs. Ruth,
Lebron vs. Jordan,
Brady vs. Manning,
Earnhardt vs. Petty,
Diamond vs. Gold Crown,
Chevy vs. Ford,
Harley Davidson vs. Triumph,
iPhone vs. Android,
Superman vs. Batman,
Fox vs. CNN,
Trump vs. Obama,
Which is even the best matchup of the above?
Clearly, the answer is...........?

Will Prout
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The King of Memes
Silver Member
I am enjoying this discussion.
It's like trying to solve the ancient riddlle:

"What happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object?".

Kinda like:
Hoppe vs. Mosconi,
SVB vs. Efren,
Mantle vs. Ruth,
Lebron vs. Jordan,
Brady vs. Manning,
Earnhardt vs. Petty,
Diamond vs. Gold Crown,
Chevy vs. Ford,
Harley Davidson vs. Triumph,
iPhone vs. Android,
Superman vs. Batman,
Fox vs. CNN,
Trump vs. Obama,
Which is even the best matchup of the above?
Clearly, the answer is...........?

Will Prout

Exactly why I started the post, Will! There aren't any real answers to these kinds of rhetorical questions, but they stir up some great conversation. I would suspect you have an opinion, as you have probably had one or two in your collection? I'd love to hear it! :thumbup:


Registered Pool Offender
Silver Member
Hi all,

I recently acquired my second Szamboti, which is a Barry. I play against a guy every week whose family owns some of the finest Bushkas and Szams in existence. Last Saturday, I was playing with my Barry and he was playing with a Gus.

We started a conversation about which cues hit better. Now, I know that Bushkas tend to get better prices and are the Stradivarius' of cues, but we both think that the Szams play better.

There is was no question about George's early cues. They had Titlist forearms and George hadn't started using some of the adhesives we see in today's cues. They buzzed before he came up with his famous buzz rings. They had fat butts and neither of us thought they hit nearly as well as some of his later cues.

His later cues had much nicer fronts (especially the Gus fore ends) and definitely played better than his early cues, but neither of us think that George's cues hit better than the Gus he uses or my Barry.

What say you all that have been fortunate enough to try both?

Which tastes better, Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream? :rolleyes:


I Love Box Cues
Silver Member
Exactly why I started the post, Will! There aren't any real answers to these kinds of rhetorical questions, but they stir up some great conversation. I would suspect you have an opinion, as you have probably had one or two in your collection? I'd love to hear it! :thumbup:

I like the thread, I agree with you, interesting discussion.
I still have 25+ Gus Szamboti cues, a Barry and a George or two.

I like all of them, but do have an opinion.
Over the years, tables have changed immensely in rail response, cloth design, balls, etc., and what is asked of a cue has changed along with table design and capabilities. Cues are lighter, thinner, different balance point, tip design, sometimes cues are longer, etc., to go with changes in tables. Obviously.

For what I like, my preference between Gus and George is Gus. I love'em.
BTW, I also would take:
Gold Crown 1 or 2
Some old school, some not. Like my cues.
Whew, I probably triggered half of America with that selection....and no, I don't wear my politics in public.

Great thread, thanks.:thumbup::thumbup:
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Don't hashtag your broke friends
Silver Member
IMHO.. I do not believe that enough has changed from a game standpoint, cloth, balls, etc.. the only thing that has changed is the value of the cues. A- Most players cannot afford them, B- if they have them and need money, they are gone.
I believe if you sponsored a pro and paid their nut and told them to shoot with a Gus or George that would be like.. OK.. no problem. It's basically financial motivation. Give them free sh*t and pay their way.. and they will play with a dead frog stapled to the end of a traffic cone.

But to the OP's question. I have handled a few of each and to be honest.. I have hit with two of each really stand out.. Gus.. we had a nice four point cue, Bushka ring above wrap, linen, etc.. and my Gus.. play lights out. We had a Bushka that was Mike Karella's, and a Spain rosewood cue, that I could have played with, with no problems.



World's best B player...
Silver Member
I've never seen or heard of a Gus or Barry that had structural issues.

There was an old timer in Memphis at one time that had 2 Bushkas,one of them was a steel jointed 4 pointer,the other was a plain jane with an ivory joint.

The ivory jointed cue felt and sounded like the A joint or something was cracked,like a Wal-Mart cue with a loose screw-on tip,it was that bad :scratchhead:.

That steel jointed cue was just amazing ;). Tommy D.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Neither. They are both cues with unique characteristics . What you like has nothing to do with what someone else may like.