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  • The picture is the one you are speaking of, in Palm Desert at the Del Webb Community. Harry Platis does come over often. I did not want to broadcast where it actually is. I just mentioned in a Del Webb Comm.
    I could buy a Chiron if I wanted to sell a rental property that is throwing off 250K clean a year. If I ever do anything that stupid I hope someone steals the car. Personally I like crusing around town in a Camry. I prefer not to look like I have any dough!
    Fatboy hoping you can help point me in the right direction. I'm in the market for another cue. I currently have a custom Joss that I had Dan build for me that I truly appreciate. I'd like to get another cue and after doing a fair bit of research I'm fairly convinced that I want to get a Black Boar. I know I can't fork out $20,000 for one of his fancy cues. I'm looking for something in the 3k - 5k range am I in the ball park to get one of his cues? I'm not looking to get one second hand but directly from him. I play 3 - 5 times a week and looking for the best playing cue I can buy for my money. I love great inlay work as well just don't know if I can afford it. here's a link to my current playing cue. I like it but after picking up a friends joss west I know I can find something better. http://forums.azbilliards.com/showthread.php?t=417490

    Would love your advice. Please shoot me a PM if have time.


    we had a conversationabourbarry over searing and I was fortunate enough to have both Barry and Gus build me cues, as well as Schick, Kikel, Mike Bender, Joel Hercek and have had two Gina's a Southwest and a few lesser known cue makers. Unfortunately I only have the Hercek which I am taking to the grave. Of all of them I think the Mike Bender and Hercek played the best but other than the Kiekel and Southwest there wasn't a dude among them. I played the Gus for 19 yrs and it was as straight the day I sold it as when I bought it.
    Hy Eric,
    In the passed weeks, I've crossed your username "Fatboy" so many times, here at AZB! In your threads, in other peoples threads, on different posts, on visitor messages and in almost every forum theme! But till now I haven't reed anything negative from or about you, which I didn't like at all! You seem to me, you're some one polid & friendly, who knows a lot about pool and already has more than 1'400 friends! You are definitive a person, I realy would like to know better!
    If you accept me, as your new friend from Switzerland?!
    Kind regards from Roberto / al-capool
    Hi, I am "Little Buddy's" (from San Jose) wife. He used to hustle with Bucktooth decades ago and was hoping to reconnect. Would u be able to help with this?
    Hey Eric, hope your Christmas was well. I haven't really seen you post much lately so I hope all is well? I know we don't really know each other but I have appreciated our conversations we've had as well as the advice you've given me. Odd not seeing you post though so I wanted to just drop a line. Hope everythings good!

    Happy new year also! Make it a good one. I know I will.
    Eric, thanks for the kind words and you to are welcome anytime. Glad you like everything........
    Thanks Eric for the rep.... I"m glad someone got the joke about "lead" !!!.... I was wondering if that sailed over a few too many heads.... See ya, RJ
    thanks for the green brother! ... I still have NEVER been to Vegas :( I'm married now and its awesome that I know you but noone else in vegas lol
    Thx for your kind words buddy-
    it was a fantastic evening in cologne. It was a pleasure to meet you in person.
    looking forward for a new game of ***** your neighbour* *grin*
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