America vs Rest of the World


Silver Member
It's just my opinion and it won't be a popular one for all the USA diehards, but I seriously doubt an American player will win a Matchroom event in the next year or so. Shane was/is our only hope and he is not the player he once was and certainly not in a class (regardless of Fargo rate) with the top Europeans and Asians. I feel like he has burnout, but I'm probably wrong. Maybe he just isn't as competitive in his heart since he finally won a World title. I don't know, but what I DO know is that these waves and waves of new players from all around the globe are showing me just how far behind the curve American players are.

The several hopefuls following in Shane's footsteps are showing no signs of taking home a major event or any MR event anytime soon. Until some of our youthful rising stars get tournament ready, it appears to be a sad and hopeless proposition. The Mosconi Cup seriously ought to be played between Europe and Asian teams.

I don't wish it to be this way, but it's getting hard for me to cheer for players that I know aren't really going to go deep into a tournament bracket. Maybe it will turn around sooner than I expect it to. I certainly hope so.

As of this moment, I'm going to root for Ralf Souquet to take this Open down (although I know that's not going to happen either).


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
With Matchroom's format, I just think it's really difficult for anyone to dominate. This may be the sort of blue collar appeal of pool vs snooker. It's an easier sell -- globally. Players from all over the world can compete. Snooker is much more top heavy, where the sell is consistently having the big names in the finals.

While I think Woodward isn't quite top notch, he's pretty close, and he's good enough with some luck to get to the semi's. And you just never know at that point.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's just my opinion and it won't be a popular one for all the USA diehards, but I seriously doubt an American player will win a Matchroom event in the next year or so. Shane was/is our only hope and he is not the player he once was and certainly not in a class (regardless of Fargo rate) with the top Europeans and Asians. I feel like he has burnout, but I'm probably wrong. Maybe he just isn't as competitive in his heart since he finally won a World title. I don't know, but what I DO know is that these waves and waves of new players from all around the globe are showing me just how far behind the curve American players are.

The several hopefuls following in Shane's footsteps are showing no signs of taking home a major event or any MR event anytime soon. Until some of our youthful rising stars get tournament ready, it appears to be a sad and hopeless proposition. The Mosconi Cup seriously ought to be played between Europe and Asian teams.

I don't wish it to be this way, but it's getting hard for me to cheer for players that I know aren't really going to go deep into a tournament bracket. Maybe it will turn around sooner than I expect it to. I certainly hope so.

As of this moment, I'm going to root for Ralf Souquet to take this Open down (although I know that's not going to happen either).
America is basically a third-rate country in pro pool terms these days. SVB and Sky are the only players that have even a glimmer of hope in big MR events.
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Billiards Improvement Research Projects Associate
Silver Member
America is exporting Panozzo. His reports are great assessments for the world field. To be a sanctioned or unsanctioned champion serves different purposes.

Billiards is American and American culture is sports. To say America vs the world is incorrect. Its more about the private enterprise way vs traditional regime/govt way.

America is a young country and its like the Borg from Star Trek. Everyone would be incorrect to say America is unified in its pool effort.

When American players short change each other at major nineball events, its a sign that its America VS America. I am talking about the poor conditions American pool players had to face because refs are not available at the table.

For the entry fee paid, to not have a ref. Jayson Shaw needed a ref when Earl called the ten instead of the two. And there was only one active table that day.

Its also America vs the rulebook. Its doubtful any other federation will oppose strengthening the WPA position in terms if control. They are running unopposed.

If its America VS the world without drug testing its a different ballgame.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
America is exporting Panozzo. His reports are great assessments for the world field. To be a sanctioned or unsanctioned champion serves different purposes.

Billiards is American and American culture is sports. To say America vs the world is incorrect. Its more about the private enterprise way vs traditional regime/govt way.

America is a young country and its like the Borg from Star Trek. Everyone would be incorrect to say America is unified in its pool effort.

When American players short change each other at major nineball events, its a sign that its America VS America. I am talking about the poor conditions American pool players had to face because refs are not available at the table.

For the entry fee paid, to not have a ref. Jayson Shaw needed a ref when Earl called the ten instead of the two. And there was only one active table that day.

Its also America vs the rulebook. Its doubtful any other federation will oppose strengthening the WPA position in terms if control. They are running unopposed.

If its America VS the world without drug testing its a different ballgame.
WTF?????????? Please send me what you're smoking.


Billiards Improvement Research Projects Associate
Silver Member
Sanctioned sports is supposed to be the professional side of the sport.

Sanctioned sports are not always good for its athletes. Look at the amount of corruption and sexual harassment taking place in Olympic sports. Key examples being Figure Skating and Women's Gymnastics.

When people say America is it the America of newly arrived immigrants or the America of descendants.

The US Open is no longer run by an American company. The favorite to win will no longer be SVB. Early draws do not place teammates against each other in early rounds.

Players do compete as a team at individual events. Most teams are multinational.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Sanctioned sports is supposed to be the professional side of the sport.

Sanctioned sports are not always good for its athletes. Look at the amount of corruption and sexual harassment taking place in Olympic sports. Key examples being Figure Skating and Women's Gymnastics.

When people say America is it the America of newly arrived immigrants or the America of descendants.

The US Open is no longer run by an American company. The favorite to win will no longer be SVB.
Ok i'm bored so i'll bite here: Just what the fk are you trying to say???????? Is there a point to be made or is this just more pshchotropic chemical-fueled rambling????? Wait, don't answer that. Don't know what i was thinking even dipping a toe into this pond. Carry on, i'll just be a awed/confused spectator.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's all an interest/numbers game. Pool has caught on all over the world, but its popularity has significantly waned in the States. Forty years ago, most guys knew how to play even if they didn't play all that much. Now, it's hard to find anyone who can play at all outside of a pool hall. 🙁


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
We are comparing one country against the world and we have became couch potatoes sitting in front of TV's and computers. Drive around the suburbs. Chances are you won't see a child outdoors playing. Even pool requires skill and coordination. There is a certain amount of crossover between physical activities that doesn't happen between computer screen and physical activities. This shows up in all physical pursuits. Look at pool, the olympics, or combat.

We have the raw talent to dominate pool or any other pursuit. Unfortunately we are doing little or nothing to develop that talent. We will have a few individual stars but I don't think we are going to see the US beating the world in wide areas anymore. We may have the ability, we don't have the hunger.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I believe Shane has a higher chance than any other "single" player to win a big MR event in the next year. The reason is he will go to ALL of them. He has no issues with WPA crap. Amongst the players in the same boat as him that has no issues with whatever comes of WPA sanctions, he is the best. Filler, other Europeans, all the Asians, all have issues and probably won't play in each one.


Well-known member
Silver Member
It's just my opinion and it won't be a popular one for all the USA diehards, but I seriously doubt an American player will win a Matchroom event in the next year or so. Shane was/is our only hope and he is not the player he once was and certainly not in a class (regardless of Fargo rate) with the top Europeans and Asians. I feel like he has burnout, but I'm probably wrong. Maybe he just isn't as competitive in his heart since he finally won a World title. I don't know, but what I DO know is that these waves and waves of new players from all around the globe are showing me just how far behind the curve American players are.

The several hopefuls following in Shane's footsteps are showing no signs of taking home a major event or any MR event anytime soon. Until some of our youthful rising stars get tournament ready, it appears to be a sad and hopeless proposition. The Mosconi Cup seriously ought to be played between Europe and Asian teams.

I don't wish it to be this way, but it's getting hard for me to cheer for players that I know aren't really going to go deep into a tournament bracket. Maybe it will turn around sooner than I expect it to. I certainly hope so.

As of this moment, I'm going to root for Ralf Souquet to take this Open down (although I know that's not going to happen either).
I said a long while back, since 2006, only 2 Americans have won the US Open 9 ball event, John Schmidt 1X and SVB 5X and that an American player will never win it again!