Bonus Ball playoffs start today

Roger Long

Sonoran Cue Creations
Silver Member
There will be one match today. The Los Angeles Wave plays the Atlanta Scorpions to see which team goes on to face the Phoenix Fire on Sunday.

There will be one more match on each of the following three days to see which teams will advance to challenge the other top seeded teams.

Regardless of the game being played, a playoff with world-class players and a total prize fund of $120,000 is of interest to me. I just thought it may be of some interest to a few others here, also.



Silver Member
is Bonus Ball going to make an announcement/reminder?

i thought it was supposed to be 2 matches/day, to double-down & cut expenses in half?

Nick B

This is gonna hurt
Silver Member
....Regardless of the game being played, a playoff with world-class players and a total prize fund of $120,000 is of interest to me. I just thought it may be of some interest to a few others here, also.


You are correct sir. That's why on Sunday when I arrive in Las Vegas I will be going directly to TAR to watch Efren vs SVB. Pumping air into this flat tire called BB is not worth the sweat equity. Though I will give you style points for trying to keep the dream alive.



Kim Walker
Silver Member
A playoff??????????????

you mean they have been playing??????

never mind.......... I don't care any way


one stroke

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
There will be one match today. The Los Angeles Wave plays the Atlanta Scorpions to see which team goes on to face the Phoenix Fire on Sunday.

There will be one more match on each of the following three days to see which teams will advance to challenge the other top seeded teams.

Regardless of the game being played, a playoff with world-class players and a total prize fund of $120,000 is of interest to me. I just thought it may be of some interest to a few others here, also.

It could be for 5 mil. It still won't make the gimmick game any more interesting
I hope that Money is in escrow


Cory in DC

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Obviously, some here are not willing to give it another chance. But it's a fun, strategic, high-skill game and all the players know how to play the game now, which makes it fun to watch. The team aspect makes it even more fun.

If you're on the fence, take a look at the video in my signature. Or look up Thorsten's 61 (ish) point run.



Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
There will be one match today. The Los Angeles Wave plays the Atlanta Scorpions to see which team goes on to face the Phoenix Fire on Sunday.

There will be one more match on each of the following three days to see which teams will advance to challenge the other top seeded teams.

Regardless of the game being played, a playoff with world-class players and a total prize fund of $120,000 is of interest to me. I just thought it may be of some interest to a few others here, also.


I appreciate that you are letting folks know, in case they are interested in what happens.

Myself, I'm not terribly interested. But others may very well be. Might as well let those folks know, whoever they maybe.

one stroke

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Obviously, some here are not willing to give it another chance. But it's a fun, strategic, high-skill game and all the players know how to play the game now, which makes it fun to watch. The team aspect makes it even more fun.

If you're on the fence, take a look at the video in my signature. Or look up Thorsten's 61 (ish) point run.


I doubt anyone who does not like the game has not seen it ,, most of the cities the teams represent don't even know they have a team and sorry what interests people in pool are the games they play and theirs thousands of YouTube videos to watch great play in all of them ,, hell I watch some great one pocket play yesterday at Fast Eddies unfortunately I was in the other end of it:frown:



Team Ramrod
Silver Member
I guess I'm one of not many people on here that enjoy bonus ball. I think the game is entertaining, and I personally play it all the time at home.

Is this gonna be streamed anywhere?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Can Alanta finally get it together? So many mental errors! I think the Wave will wash right over those Scorpions.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The regular season was diced into chop liver and now the playoffs are best of one! Money problems from day one, horrible management, player unpaid, players paid but had to come to Vegas to play for next to nothing to collect back pay....ppv never worked for what they had of the regular season, why on earth would anyone risk buying it again!

Really, this is the swan song of epic failure! The format is way to long and i fell asleep many times trying to watch all the defensive shots! You get a few great shots but the action is very slow. Better than one pocket but still hard to watch. No crowds to speak of, free veiwing, who in their right mind will keep funding this pipe dream! Chiborak should be shown the door and removed back to Canada! Even there I hear the game has no following!

Archer should have insisted that the money be put in escrow and all the customers that did pay for ppv in advance should have been reimbursed immediately! It really stinks how Chiborak has lied to the players about all his millions! Mr. Steak and Lobster can barely buy the players the sunriser at Denny's! Im definitely going to pass on these so called play-offs. It's the first and last season for this. Mark my word!
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real bartram

Real Cold Steel
Silver Member
The regular season was diced into chop liver and now the playoffs are best of one! Money problems from day one, horrible management, player unpaid, players paid but had to come to Vegas to play for next to nothing to collect back pay....ppv never worked for what they had of the regular season, why on earth would anyone risk buying it again!

Really, this is the swan song of epic failure! The format is way to long and i fell asleep many times trying to watch all the defensive shots! You get a few great shots but the action is very slow. Better than one pocket but still hard to watch. No crowds to speak of, free veiwing, who in their right mind will keep funding this pipe dream! Chiborak should be shown the door and removed back to Canada! Even there I hear the game has no following!

Archer should have insisted that the money be put in escrow and all the customers that did pay for ppv in advance should have been reimbursed immediately! It really stinks how Chiborak has lied to the players about all his millions! Mr. Steak and Lobster can barely buy the players the sunriser at Denny's! Im definitely going to pass on these so called play-offs. It's the first and last season for this. Mark my word!

Good post
Sums it all up


I see dead balls
Silver Member



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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I hope it works out and they have my support for sure........

I sure hope they make it work and I would do whatever I can to help if can.

I talked to my little buddy, Jesse Engle and he's excited about playing in these finals.

Whether it's the US Open, The Derby or bonus ball, they are all teying to make something good happen with pool.

I'm sure there are hundreds of players around the US that would just love to go out there and help with whatever they could except for the fact that they have jobs, families and other commitments that keep them in one spot.

I know they would all love to play and compete, including myself.

I say support bonus ball and do whatever will help. It's all of our's game.

These guys are just trying to make it just a little bit better.

My hats off to them all...........

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
Don't be such a Debbie Downer Chris.

BB is being marketed, and then the players will find themselves on their butts wondering what happened to all the promises.

Hope I am wrong for their sake but I have a nagging feeling that if it works out, they won't be included in the deal.

A couple of times, they weren't treated very well. I doubt that Chibbs will give them a second thought when it comes to achieving his end goal.
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