Congrats to Skyler Woodword he wins Big Tyme


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The Mosconi Cup team selection isn't set in stone. It's still very early. Things can change. ;)

How did Skyler do at SBE? I remember reading he was there, I think.

I can't imagine mark calling these guys personally and then making a public announcement then ripping it out of there hands.


Silver Member
Top Players include 3 Mosconi Cup nominees, a U.S. Open Champion and a couple of Hall of famers!!
Josh Roberts Sylver Ochoia Cheng Yu Hsuan
Jeremy Jones Joey Barnes James Davis JR
Richie Richeson
Brandon Shuff
Justin Bergman
Justin Hall
Daniel Mckenney
Warren Kiamco
Cliff Joyner
Shane Mcminn
Sam Gilmer
Manny Chau
Ronnie Wiseman
Sky Woodward
Brittany Bryant
Robb Saez
Rafael Martinez
Robert Frost
James Walden
Sam Gilmer and many more i cant think of in a full field of 128 players

That I s a strong field...good job Skyler!!

Which of these "killers" did Skyler beat in the tourney?

Scott Lee

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Actually it is. Mark named 8 players already, to be winnowed down to 5 by next fall. Right or wrong, Skyler won't be there this year...neither will Landon Shuffett.

Scott Lee

The Mosconi Cup team selection isn't set in stone. It's still very early. Things can change. ;).
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Actually it is. Mark named 8 players already, to be winnowed down to 5 by next fall. Right or wrong, Skylar won't be there this year...neither will Landon Shuffett.

Scott Lee

Well, nothing in the pool world, Scott, is written in stone. I read the same press release you did, but things change in pool, especially American pool.


Big Tuna
Silver Member
Well, nothing in the pool world, Scott, is written in stone. I read the same press release you did, but things change in pool, especially American pool.

I'd agree. I actually hope the lineup is not set in st€one so there's still a possible opportunity for Skyler/Chip. At first I figured it was a good idea to get the team together early but things can change drastically over the next 6 months. The only guy that should be 100% forsure is Shane.


Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
$19,000 for a 20 year old is not too shabby

Did he have himself in the Calcutta? I always hate when people assume they did when they almost never do.. or at least never have 100% of themselves.
Well the boy has 19k to test your theory. I wish you had someone to put in the box I would back him vs a lot of people...any shortstop and any non top 10 pro.

If he plays anybody I got 1k to show I aint lying.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Josh Roberts, Bartrum, Chip, Joey, hall, shuff, mills, morra, klatt, shall I go on...are all a coin flip away.

You hug them nuts to hard eventually they'll get cracked.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I gotta agree with you man. Skylar plays jam up but to call those guys underdogs isa bit of a stretch .

Bro I think he is a great kid, and on track to be a great player. None on that list are gona say no to a head set against him. Bar table is close with all good players but that big boy track is a whole different monster.


C'mon, man!
Silver Member
Today, Skyler is a nice young man and I hope he models his game and life style after guys like SVB. But birds of a feather flock together.
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