Danny DiLiberto is back in the hospital.


Grandpa & his grand boys.
Silver Member
You are loved by many Danny, and I coun't myself among those anonymous "many". You don't know me from Adam but you have played a most positive role in my life and I love you for it.

Praying for your speedy and full recovery. JimS


Straight Pool Fanatic
Silver Member
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Danny has brightened the lives of many in the pool world here in the Chicago area.
He is a fighter and I expect him to come back quickly.


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Best Wishes

All the best wishes Danny. You've always been a stalwart in the game of pool. Passing on your wonderful stories and insight of the game so freely. You've done so much for our sport and words can barely describe how grateful we all are.

I will be praying for your speedy recovery and hope to hear the news that your back on track shortly. All your friends and extended family in Florida miss you dearly and send their love.

Best wishes,

Raymond Linares


Silver Member
I am so sad to hear this...I had plenty of good times with Danny at the Worlds 14.1 a few months back, he shared plenty of stories over a few brews..and showed me quite a few things on the table..

Danny is a Grinder and i know he will pull through, i will keep him in my prayers !



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My best wishes and get well soon. I very much enjoy your commentary on the streams.


Burn all jump cues
Silver Member
Maybe someone could post an update on his recovery. I don't want to call the hospital as he needs his rest along with good wishes. Johnnyt


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Please get well soon. Hoping for a full speedy recovery, the pool world needs you.



Taught 'em all I know
Silver Member
Maybe someone could post an update on his recovery. I don't want to call the hospital as he needs his rest along with good wishes. Johnnyt

Times 2! It would be super good news to hear he's regained feeling in his left arm. Get well DD!


Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
You can tell by the many posts that we are all pulling for you to get well soon.

We have another Derby City Classic just around the corner and we want you in shape and at your fighting weight! :wink:



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hello Danny,

You can see how many are sorry to hear of your illness...you have touched many,many people in your life and I am one of them. You have brought some much pleasure to so many through your championship pool playing, your instruction and your life stories you have shared with all of us.

There are very few that have done all that you have experienced in your lifetime and so much more for you to experience.

As always whenever I see you and we talk it is always a joy.

Get well my friend!

Until that time,

Scott Haverland

wahoo bob

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Danny get well soon , you still have books to write and commentary to do. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.
Bob Baker


Silver Member
Danny DiLiberto is #1.
All others are #2, or lower :D
But seriously, great great guy and best wishes for a complete recovery.


Pool player
Silver Member
Hoping you get well soon, i'm reading your book right now and it rocks.
You will be in our prayers.


Silver Member
Progress Report!

I just received a call from Angela, Danny's daughter, with a progress report and some good news. While she was on the phone with Danny, he was able to raise his left arm up about 6 inches. The doctors feel that this is good news and definite progress in his recovery. I know that all the prayers and well wishes from his friends and fans here was a positive influence so keep them up so Danny will make a complete recovery in record time. He really wants to be in shape for the Derby City Classic, which he's often told me was one of the high points of his life each year! He wanted me to thank everyone who expressed their concerns and tell them that he really appreciates knowing that we care about him. I read in the other thread that Tom Ross has also shown some signs of improvement from his stroke. We have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Please keep Danny and Tom in your prayers, they are working!

God Bless!
