Mosconi Cup 2021 Day 3 Updates


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I’ve known Jeremy since 1995-1996 when I used to run into him at tournaments all over Houston. He always played hard and to take down the cash, but I never saw him cheat.

My .02? Critical mistake but an honest one. I don’t think (for whatever reason) he knew.

And for those who say he wasn’t out there? He was out. Still plays pretty sporty at 50 / not too many people have to like it playing him.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Terrible mental error by Jeremy. He had Alcaide on the ropes and played a heck of a match. Just when it looked like Alcaide was going to run away with it, Jeremy went into 1P mode, slowed the game down and got out when he had to. I figured him a favorite to run the last four balls after the safety battle. Very disappointing for the match to end the way it did. Alcaide and the Euros are a class act, consoling Jeremy post match. Alcaide appeared to genuinely feel for Jeremy. I'm certain he did not want to win like that.


recreational banger
Silver Member
Hey, cheer up folks. It's only a game. Odds are 99,9% if the USA population has not a clue that the Mosconi cup exists.

football match.jpg


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Shane's absence during Jeremy's match spoke volumes and was very disappointing. IMO, the Mosconi Cup isn't his jam. I don't think he cares much for the team aspect, the fanfare and the media attention. Year after year he looks like a fish out of water.

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
A horrible ending to a horrible day. Sad to the point of sickening. I doubt that even if Jeremy had somehow managed to win the match it would affect the eventual outcome of this MC. If he had won they would have played another match and we would have probably lost that one anyway, making it 9-6 going to the last day. The die was cast when Europe won the first five matches today in convincing fashion. The dream died today before JJ even started his match.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Okay.... I'm glad you've got it all figured out. It's easy to criticize, not so easy to actually perform in a pressure situation.

Interesting that you think he's senile. 🤯
He tried a move and it backfired ! I live in DENTON TX . I’ve seen his moves a thousand times personally!!!!! I’m so USA 🇺🇸,,,,, I can’t believe he did that !!!!!!

Chili Palmer

Give or take an 1"
Silver Member
Shane's absence during Jeremy's match spoke volumes and was very disappointing. IMO, the Mosconi Cup isn't his jam. I don't think he cares much for the team aspect, the fanfare and the media attention. Year after year he looks like a fish out of water.

Didn't he have a scheduled match immediately after the match being discussed. If I was in his shoes I would've been warming up also, especially given his recent performance.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
He's playing next
Ahhh. Nope.. JJ played the last match of the day and Shane was in the practice room by himself...
I wonder where Shane is, as he's Vice Captain, but MIA during Jeremy's match.
He was having a moment to himself (the entire match) while the rest of the team was out supporting JJ! No need to say more about that............


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ahhh. Nope.. JJ played the last match of the day and Shane was in the practice room by himself...

He was having a moment to himself (the entire match) while the rest of the team was out supporting JJ! No need to say more about that............
Maybe they had a craps table nearby


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Didn't he have a scheduled match immediately after the match being discussed. If I was in his shoes I would've been warming up also, especially given his recent performance.
Shane was got a couple guys here who are a little slow.

He practices....unless he's fishing. That is all.
Wasn't the Fan's Choice Doubles Match already pushed to tomorrow regardless of the Alcaide/Jones outcome?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
One player on this years team called it a 💩 show, his exact words to me. Won’t say who or when. But he wasn’t wrong. Sadly.

Sad situation,



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I thought JJ played well. I am guessing he has not been playing huge tournaments for a while. I can only imagine adrenaline was absolutely cranking at that point, and he made a mental error. I think the moment got away from him. Maybe the ball was dirty. Maybe he was looking to calm the nerves a little. Who knows. Bottom line, I bet he knows the rule, and simply was caught up in the enormous moment.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
One player on this years team called it a 💩 show, his exact words to me. Won’t say who or when. But he wasn’t wrong. Sadly.

Sad situation,


Not that any of us are there to know...but I wonder why it would be seen as a shitshow? Seems like we were outclassed in the early matches today, and then our top player did lost in a fairly crucial way.