Mosconi's 526 record...Who could break it???

Penrose Cues

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hal said:
........What a jerk.

On what do you base that? :confused:

He might have expressed himself in a very direct way here, but I'm sure mister Matthews is aware of what he's saying... :)

Not all things we here about other people are nice things, but they could be so very true. And sometimes it hurts to get such information. But no reason to shoot the messenger...

So, please cool down just a little... ;)

By the way, if anyone knows about a 300+ run in pool history, please let me know the exact run so that I can add them to the list. Thank you so very much... :D

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If straightpool was the premiere pool dicipline I would think those records would be threatened. The great talents of the world today simply doesn't play enough of it to break it. That's my opinion anyway. Mind you I've never witnessed the great "old ones".

I would think some of the top snookerplayers like Ronnie O'Sullivan could threaten that record. He's simply genious and theres much more similarity between snooker and straightpool, than snooker and 9-ball.


Mike Eufemia

Mr. J said:
I believe this record was achieved on an 8 foot table...and there is nothing wrong with that of coarse. I would like to know your opinions of who you think could break this long time record. Please list only your absolute top 5 choices...Let's keep this one on the 9 foot table for exact purposes.

Mike Eufemia ran 626, New York, on a 9 foot table. Witnessed.


Rack'em Sausage
Silver Member
Hal said:
I just lost all respect I had for Grady Mathews. What a jerk.

I completely agree. I've lost all respect for him. He seems to be a bitter man.



Enjoying life
Silver Member
Bob Jewett said:
Such an event will occur in January in Louisville.

Bob Jewett ! You better share more info on this event ! Anything confirmed yet ? Playing format, location, players, invitational/open, price for beating 526, equipment specs ? Well, without any detailed info, the event already sounds like a success. It should be about time to beat the Mosconi's ol' 526 which has passed the half century mark already.

I could think of a couple of dozen players attending this event right away...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
1. Efren Reyes
2. Alex Pagulayan
3. John Schmidt
4. Mike Sigel
5. Charles Bryant

However, the list is not as important as the equipment they play on. The specifications of the pocket (opening width and angle) will determine whether a record like that is attainable or not. If Mosconi did this on an eight foot table that is important also. The smaller the table the more congested it is after the break shot. With everything being equal, it is harder to run balls on a smaller table. Topnotch straight pool is about playing patterns and it is easier to maintain a pattern on a larger table.

This topic brings up a larger question. For records to be comparable over time there needs to be standard specifications for the equipment that the players perform on. Then records like Mosconi's 526 run in straight pool is put into perspective.


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
Paul8ball said:
This topic brings up a larger question. For records to be comparable over time there needs to be standard specifications for the equipment that the players perform on. Then records like Mosconi's 526 run in straight pool is put into perspective.

Excellent point, but even that wouldn't be enough.

Today's players, when they miss shape, often don't have to give up the table. Often, they just take out this absolutely ridiculous contraption (that surely has the old masters rolling in their graves) called a jump cue and continue their run. To me, the inclusion of even a single shot with a jump cue should make any run ineligible for consideration as the record.


Tom Ferry
Harder Or Easier - Who Knows?

I saw & played on the table that Mosconi ran 526 on at Pekin, IL. The pockets were humongous and balls dropped in. It was a 4 X 8 with slow cloth. I was there watching Jimmy Caras give an exhibition and was very impressed. A Great player & gentleman.

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
OldHasBeen said:
I saw & played on the table that Mosconi ran 526 on at Pekin, IL. The pockets were humongous and balls dropped in. It was a 4 X 8 with slow cloth. I was there watching Jimmy Caras give an exhibition and was very impressed. A Great player & gentleman.


I completely agree. I saw Jimmy Caras give an exhibition at the University of Michigan Student Union in 1972. He was great.....great player and very engaging personality. He played a stright pool match there and he lagged for the break leaving the cueball less than a quarter inch from the end rail. The opponent seeing that, decided not to even bother lagging. Mr. Caras offered to give the result of his lag to his opponent and lag again. This time Mr. Caras froze the cue ball to the end rail....beating his original lag! Very entertaining!


Swim for the win.
Silver Member
Grady said:
Surfer Rod played excellent 14.1 on the bar table but that's not championship conditions nor is a 4 by 8. Practice doesn't count either. It has to be tournament, gambling or exhibition play to be recognized.
We're becoming ridiculous by mentioning some names from yesteryear. Two gentlemen that were cited couln't play anywhere except their home room and one dogged it horribly in the world championship, even though that event has always featured cavernous, I repeat, cavernous pockets.
Do you all herein know what Ervolino would have done to any of these modern players playing Straight Pool on a four inch pocketed table for big money? Or Liscotti?
I rest my case.
"The Professor"
anyone ever hear of mike euphemia or james evans,,, rest my case


Swim for the win.
Silver Member
Grady Relax,,,after senility comes peace

Grady said:
For starters it didn't really happen and it was on a 4 by 8, whatever it was. I tried to get a company to underwrite what most of us belive is close to the all time high run, 400. They wouldn't even consider it.
I was going to insure against somebody breaking it to the tune of a million bucks. Diamond smart tables, Simonis cloth, four and a half inch pockets,etc.
I suspect that most of why no company would underwrite this had to do with the Earl 10 rack run situation. It's a lot harder to run 400 than it is to run 10 racks on easy equipment, where a pro is allowed to rack his own balls!!!!
I still may do this for say a quarter of a million dollars someday
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Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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Paul8ball said:
... The smaller the table the more congested it is after the break shot. With everything being equal, it is harder to run balls on a smaller table. Topnotch straight pool is about playing patterns and it is easier to maintain a pattern on a larger table....

I think this is false. I've played a lot of 14.1 on both 4x8 and 4.5x9 and I found the 4x8 much easier. This is true especially after the break when any tough shot you might have to make is easier because the shots are all shorter. For players with good short-range control of the cue ball -- I'm not talking about free-range 9-ballers here -- the smaller table is an advantage. Maybe crowding is a problem on 6-foot tables, but certainly not 8-foot.

I asked Caras about the relative difficulties of 8 vs. 9, and he said that for the top players, only fatigue could make them miss on an 8-foot table. I think Jimmy may have known what he was talking about.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
OldHasBeen said:
I saw & played on the table that Mosconi ran 526 on at Pekin, IL. The pockets were humongous and balls dropped in. It was a 4 X 8 with slow cloth. I was there watching Jimmy Caras give an exhibition and was very impressed. A Great player & gentleman.


Actually, Mosconi never ran the 526 in Springfield Ilinois but in Springfield Ohio.


Pro Player

I'm just tired of people like this screwing me. The nicer I am the more they do to me. Well, I'll no longer be the target of lowlife's rage and paranoia. I have befriended Keith for more than 35 years and as you might imagine I took way the worst of the money, which I don't care about.
He beat me a set for $13,000 in 1990, where he jumped around like a litte flea. On top of that, his backer's wife screeched and howled every time keith made a good shot. It was totally unprofessional and it's bothered me for a long time. In Portland, ME we both had only $500 so we decided to play for it.
Right off the bat he started squiggling and talking. I asked hin to please sit down and be quiet when I shot and what I got was a lecture about how I've changed, this from a lush.
JAM verbally attacked my wife for no reason when all she's ever done is be nice to her and Keith.
I stated that Larry was an alcoholic. So what. I told him that to his face and
to Keith, both of whom I've tried to get to enter re-hab many times.
Now, Bob Ogburn, who I thought was my friend for 40 years and I got in a fight. he's 6' 4" tall, outweighs me 60 lbs. and tried to gouge my eye out. He's a felon and the hotel people came to me and said he and his girlfriend were the worst guests they'd ever had. That's saying something. They then asked me if I wanted to press charges. I declined, although him being a felon, you can imagine what would have happened. Next, Jerry Bento. I let him have $300 when he was really down and out, ten tears ago. He never called or anything. Then, he wins $4,700 in three days and still won't pay. He gives me $100 and threatens me. Nice, huh?
Tony Miller comes to our event in MS, so stoned that he's a joke. He accuses a nice young black guy of stealing three of his cues. My wife and Pineapple the venerable doorman of the U.S Open) tell him that no way did the young man touch his stuff. He called them liars and he's now mad at me and I kept him from getting arrested.
I'm extra tired of people playing the race or victim cards on me. Tell someone else your problems. I've been nice for a long time but I'm sick of getting uckfeyed.
As far as this internet goes I don't need it either. I was man enough to quit smoking. You assholes who have been substance abusers all your lives ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Be a man and quit and stop making everyone else miserable.
Now, as far as me and Keith playing. I have some business through the summer. But after that, I'm more than available. But we'll be playing with a referree, a neutral audience and he will sit down and be quiet when I shoot,


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
StoneCold said:
Regardless of what everyone gotta like it when a man tells it like it is!

I jumped a little ugly initially but I do respect someone who speaks their mind and isn't afraid of the fallout.

Koop - not my battle, not taking sides


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Grady said:
I'm just tired of people like this screwing me. The nicer I am the more they do to me. Well, I'll no longer be the target of lowlife's rage and paranoia. I have befriended Keith for more than 35 years and as you might imagine I took way the worst of the money, which I don't care about.
He beat me a set for $13,000 in 1990, where he jumped around like a litte flea. On top of that, his backer's wife screeched and howled every time keith made a good shot. It was totally unprofessional and it's bothered me for a long time. In Portland, ME we both had only $500 so we decided to play for it.
Right off the bat he started squiggling and talking. I asked hin to please sit down and be quiet when I shot and what I got was a lecture about how I've changed, this from a lush.
JAM verbally attacked my wife for no reason when all she's ever done is be nice to her and Keith.
I stated that Larry was an alcoholic. So what. I told him that to his face and
to Keith, both of whom I've tried to get to enter re-hab many times.
Now, Bob Ogburn, who I thought was my friend for 40 years and I got in a fight. he's 6' 4" tall, outweighs me 60 lbs. and tried to gouge my eye out. He's a felon and the hotel people came to me and said he and his girlfriend were the worst guests they'd ever had. That's saying something. They then asked me if I wanted to press charges. I declined, although him being a felon, you can imagine what would have happened. Next, Jerry Bento. I let him have $300 when he was really down and out, ten tears ago. He never called or anything. Then, he wins $4,700 in three days and still won't pay. He gives me $100 and threatens me. Nice, huh?
Tony Miller comes to our event in MS, so stoned that he's a joke. He accuses a nice young black guy of stealing three of his cues. My wife and Pineapple the venerable doorman of the U.S Open) tell him that no way did the young man touch his stuff. He called them liars and he's now mad at me and I kept him from getting arrested.
I'm extra tired of people playing the race or victim cards on me. Tell someone else your problems. I've been nice for a long time but I'm sick of getting uckfeyed.
As far as this internet goes I don't need it either. I was man enough to quit smoking. You assholes who have been substance abusers all your lives ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Be a man and quit and stop making everyone else miserable.
Now, as far as me and Keith playing. I have some business through the summer. But after that, I'm more than available. But we'll be playing with a referree, a neutral audience and he will sit down and be quiet when I shoot,

You are not telling stories every other person who has had close contact with pool players could not tell. I owned a nice pool room for years and when I sold it I had like $10,000 in IOU's. One for $4500.00 from a guy where I had picked up the back payments on his house keeping it from forcloser. He managed to sell it for a profit of over $20,000. after all was said and done. Needless to say, I never saw my $4500. to this day. (I know it probably come as no surprise he is a well known champion pool player) About ten years ago I removed myself completely from a life I had lived since I can't remember in the pool world. In a short time looking at it from the outside it is not something I ever have an interest in being involved with again. I don't even have any interest to attend a tournament as a spectator much less play. I wish I had gotten away from it years earlier. I read on here things said by fans that think they know these guys but trust me they don't. View them from afar, admire their abilities at the game, but get no closer then that. All the bad image the game and it's players have are well deserved. I said a few things on here last night about Larry but deleted it, feeling it was water under the bridge and what the hell. I will repeat one thing I had said though regarding players or people in general who have passed on. Many of them didn't care what was thought of them when they were alive as they were screwing anyone and everyone who crossed their path, so why should someone care what they say about them after they are dead.
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Keith McCready

Pro Player
Grady said:
Now, as far as me and Keith playing. I have some business through the summer. But after that, I'm more than available. But we'll be playing with a referree, a neutral audience and he will sit down and be quiet when I shoot.

Grady, I read your post, and in an effort to not lower myself to your level on this forum, I am going to try to respond.

I have read many of your ramblings in the past, and I feel sorry for you. I wish you could play like you did 25 years ago, then nothing would bother you. It seems like everything you do nowadays, whether attempting to promote a pool tournament or gamble, when things go wrong, it's everybody else's fault, but never yours.

If you've seen this show called The Surreal Life, I think that it would be a good place for you to go audition. I see a lot of you in it, a bunch of people who were great at something 20 and 25 years ago and now they are miserable as hell, so they take all of their aggrevations out on each other. What a resemblance!

As far as you and me playing, I will play you at any time, anywhere, for any amount, and the first one to say one word loses their money guaranteed. Put your money where you mouth is. This is a challenge I make to you personally. When it's all said and done, we'll see what your excuse is then.

Earthquake Out.