OMGWTF gets stiffed in money game...


Accu-Stats Messenger
Silver Member
Nothing to disagree with here really.

All good points.

The added attraction is that 9ballspaully show the ingredients that makes up his personallity.

I do like OMGWTF from the live streams. Commentary of hers can be very entertaining and I like to see her play too. I am friends with her on Facebook and I am glad I am. As far as the blog goes I haven't read anything there in quite a while. But if I did I am not the kind to come out and knock her style. I don't think thats what having a blog is all about.
You can like it or not and read it or not. It's just that easy !


Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
JoeyA doesn't make the rules, he just follows them as best he can.

It's a free forum JoeyA. Don't try and tell people what YOUR rules are. You are not the rule maker. Did you know that?

I think Melinda is one of the most talented non-professional writers I've ever read. She should consider taking it up as a profession. However, I don't like her message or the pride she takes in being belligerant. That's my opinion and i get to say it no matter what Joey A says or thinks.

You should try reading THIS FORUMS rules sometime. You either haven't read them or simply don't wish to follow the rules that are already set up for this forum They aren't JoeyA's rules, they're the forum's rules.

This weekend Girlwon1 or something like that was complaining that you are rude and always harassing her when she does commentary.

Others have complained about your attitude in this forum and it is finally starting to settle in.

I regret that I didn't chime in on the chat to confirm just what Girlwon1 had to say about you. If it is a different Girlwon1 that was in the chat, my apologies to the one that post here in this forum.

You should try making positive contributions to this forum or at the very least, try reading and following the forum's rules and don't go getting all belligerent on me. It would be unprofessional for such a professional writer as yourself.


You should try reading THIS FORUMS rules sometime. You either haven't read them or simply don't wish to follow the rules that are already set up for this forum They aren't JoeyA's rules, they're the forum's rules.

This weekend Girlwon1 or something like that was complaining that you are rude and always harassing her when she does commentary.

Others have complained about your attitude in this forum and it is finally starting to settle in.

I regret that I didn't chime in on the chat to confirm just what Girlwon1 had to say about you. If it is a different Girlwon1 that was in the chat, my apologies to the one that post here in this forum.

You should try making positive contributions to this forum or at the very least, try reading and following the forum's rules and don't go getting all belligerent on me. It would be unprofessional for such a professional writer as yourself.

You should try not being a sanctimonious cheerleader with an inflated ego.
I'm fine with Tina's opinion. Just as I'm fine with your opinion. But i find it pretty funny that a former barroom hustler feels he's in charge of morality on an open forum.


Socially Aware
Silver Member
The real question everyone is wondering about right now....

Is 9ballPaul the father of SC5Thom/Interceptor?

I see some similar patterns.


Silver Member
My waterboarding equipment is available for all who wish to sample it. When should I expect you?

You can expect me anytime you wanna post your cash to a trusted 3rd party. Oh lord - don't corner yourself AGAIN! :confused: Some people never learn.


Socially Aware
Silver Member
WOW 1 day of AZ being down we have fireworks in all forums. I'm about to go say some shit that might get me banned on NPR just to get that crowd rolling. I need to think of a topic that incorporates Obama, racism, guns, Marxism, and Al Queda.


Known Sinner
Silver Member
WOW 1 day of AZ being down we have fireworks in all forums. I'm about to go say some shit that might get me banned on NPR just to get that crowd rolling. I need to think of a topic that incorporates Obama, racism, guns, Marxism, and Al Queda.

Don't forget to throw in some Ron Paul, Bilderbergs, and 911.


Silver Member
Post up and I'll bet 10K you can waterboard me for a full 30 second no problem. That's triple the time of your wager. You pay for my flight over though.


CHIRP CHIRP CRICKET CRICKET......that's all you'll hear... just like the last time he peeped a squeak.

The Schwartz

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
CHIRP CHIRP CRICKET CRICKET......that's all you'll hear... just like the last time he peeped a squeak.

LOL I figured as much, but on the other hand, if he actually does bet, I'll stream the mother ****er as well as call all the major news outlets. It'd be a grand old time for sure.


Club a member
Silver Member
I'm curious if anyone on this thread has actually tried getting "waterboarded"? Unless you have great control over your gag reflex, it can be pretty rough (assuming your buddy is doing it properly to you).

Anywho, carry on.


The Schwartz

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm curious if anyone on this thread has actually tried getting "waterboarded"? Unless you have great control over your gag reflex, it can be pretty rough (assuming your buddy is doing it properly to you).

Anywho, carry on.


All I know is I could take 30 seconds of ANY nonlethal torture. Bring it on for 10K IMO