SJM at the 2023 Derby City Catastrophe


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I can't say for sure, but knowing this particular bar owner, I don't think there are any fees or kickbacks from the truck operators. He makes his money from keeping his place busy, and he understands that keeping people happy is the key to high traffic.

There is room in the building to install a small kitchen, but not enough actual dining space to make it practical to hire a dedicated cook. He feels that if he required the bartenders to do short order cooking the response time for beer and liquor sales would suffer. So, the food trucks during the tournaments are his way of solving a problem without creating another one. He's mentioned that if the food trucks work out well for the tournaments he is open to having them there for other high traffic times as well.
That's smart. Having a grill/kitchen sounds great until you actually have one. Colossal pia. Having the trucks come in is the way to go.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The brutal truth is that they need more tables or less competitors for starters. The last I knew they had it set up so that it was cheaper to be a competitor than a spectator trying to get all comers to compete in something. I think until other problems are solved this concept needs to be shelved, not buried forever, but a stopgate measure.

Good post, but this keeps getting repeated. Derby can limit their field sizes OR change their format some. Yes, changing their format would require some software changes, but there's plenty of bracket software already available. They wouldn't exactly have to reinvent the wheel.

Maybe I've been on here too long, and as a result, I've developed an unhealthy level of trust in Bob Jewett 😉 , but something tells me his plan may actually work.

How many times do we have to hear about tables being open at this tourney before people accept that there's a better way to do it?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
As someone who lives in the area the location is god awful. The road freezes over in winter and makes it a nightmare to get there or leave.

There are plenty of places that could be used for this event including even the old location (now called the crown plaza I believe). It might cost more for the rooms but it will be much better. Pool players will not pay anything close to a real price for anything.

There are plenty of hotels and restaurants in the city but again they will be more than $100/night. Pool players are cheap. We have a massive convention center and plenty of other large locations. The Q-lympics location might not be big enough but that was a great spot.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Not the first time everybody has said the food is shit there. If you're used to, or think McDonalds is good, then I guess almost anything else is good
I don't eat mcdonalds. I cook quality food for myself 95% of my meals. The other 5% is almost never fast food.

The food at the homestyle place was disappointing, although not horrendous. At the other two options it was fine--not great, but fine--if overpriced.

Not "everyone" has said the food was shit, as there were many hundreds (thousands?) of people there. Just the complainers. Which is my point. There was plenty to complain about with the the 4.25" pockets, the scheduling that pushed some players to play for over 24 straight hours, and trying to have 500 players on those few tables, that focusing on the food or the person who had wonky shower temperature or that there wasn't ice cream or whatever some people are harping on in this thread is missing the point and distracting from what really needs to be addressed.

decent dennis

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't eat mcdonalds. I cook quality food for myself 95% of my meals. The other 5% is almost never fast food.

The food at the homestyle place was disappointing, although not horrendous. At the other two options it was fine--not great, but fine--if overpriced.

Not "everyone" has said the food was shit, as there were many hundreds (thousands?) of people there. Just the complainers. Which is my point. There was plenty to complain about with the the 4.25" pockets, the scheduling that pushed some players to play for over 24 straight hours, and trying to have 500 players on those few tables, that focusing on the food or the person who had wonky shower temperature or that there wasn't ice cream or whatever some people are harping on in this thread is missing the point and distracting from what really needs to be addressed.
We brought some some packaged turkey,roast beef, cheese, a nice loaf of Italian bread, homemade jerky, deer sausage and drinks. Probably saved a couple hundred dollars and ate like kings.
Next time if we go look for an old guy selling jerky.


Rep for Smorg
Silver Member
I don't eat mcdonalds. I cook quality food for myself 95% of my meals. The other 5% is almost never fast food.

The food at the homestyle place was disappointing, although not horrendous. At the other two options it was fine--not great, but fine--if overpriced.

Not "everyone" has said the food was shit, as there were many hundreds (thousands?) of people there. Just the complainers. Which is my point. There was plenty to complain about with the the 4.25" pockets, the scheduling that pushed some players to play for over 24 straight hours, and trying to have 500 players on those few tables, that focusing on the food or the person who had wonky shower temperature or that there wasn't ice cream or whatever some people are harping on in this thread is missing the point and distracting from what really needs to be addressed.
If I'm somewhere for 10 days those are all very valid concerns


from way back when
Silver Member
its hard to run a short tournament in a dump with most of the players wanting excellence on a paupers budget. it doesnt happen.
they need to lengthen it so some can come and go for the events they want to play in or watch.

they need to end all days play at a certain determined time so all players can plan their agenda.

and have many action tables using the tournament tables so late night is fun and brings in more people to the venue.
and so others dont just leave after their own events.

would be good if the tournament had a bus that ran back and forth to town so people could utilize other food and places to stay.
however, the casino might not want or let that happen.

but so many want everything handed to them without paying or paying little. and complain about a 20 minute drive to town. come on.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
its hard to run a short tournament in a dump with most of the players wanting excellence on a paupers budget. it doesnt happen.
they need to lengthen it so some can come and go for the events they want to play in or watch.

they need to end all days play at a certain determined time so all players can plan their agenda.

and have many action tables using the tournament tables so late night is fun and brings in more people to the venue.
and so others dont just leave after their own events.

would be good if the tournament had a bus that ran back and forth to town so people could utilize other food and places to stay.
however, the casino might not want or let that happen.

but so many want everything handed to them without paying or paying little. and complain about a 20 minute drive to town. come on.
A lot of people there do not have a ride or the time if playing to be able to go out. No ones asking for handouts but the food situation is a fkng joke. Also with so many players combined with the buyback scam there's no way to end each each day at a given time.

jalapus logan

be all. and supports it to
Silver Member
What's the purpose of the buyback system? Why not just make it a double elimination tournament at 2x the entry fee?
I think the original intent of the buy back system was to turn spectators into players. DCC is a victim of its own success?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
As someone who lives in the area the location is god awful. The road freezes over in winter and makes it a nightmare to get there or leave.

There are plenty of places that could be used for this event including even the old location (now called the crown plaza I believe). It might cost more for the rooms but it will be much better. Pool players will not pay anything close to a real price for anything.

There are plenty of hotels and restaurants in the city but again they will be more than $100/night. Pool players are cheap. We have a massive convention center and plenty of other large locations. The Q-lympics location might not be big enough but that was a great spot.
Diamond gets paid to bring the fish to the casino.

Just like the APA does in Vegas.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What's the purpose of the buyback system? Why not just make it a double elimination tournament at 2x the entry fee?
I saw in an interview with Greg Sullivan that the buyback was so that everyone could get to play but they'd still be able to finish the tournament.
He said if everyone bought back in there's no way they'd finish, so it was just kind of built into expectations that only X% would buy back in.

I'd wager you could blame most of this year's woes on the smaller pocket sizes. Would be really interested to see an average match time this year vs previous years. Especially in banks.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What's the purpose of the buyback system? Why not just make it a double elimination tournament at 2x the entry fee?
Not everyone buys back. My guess is it allows the players that want to keep playing to do so. The buybacks are added revenue that help fund the master of the table as well as the payouts they have. What many people may not know is all someone has to do is get to round 5 and they make money. That number is not the same every year. I would be willing to guess that more people get a payout at Derby than any other tournament. What other big tournament like this can you cash by winning only 3 matches?


Well-known member
That's actually one positive takeaway from this tourney for me. It is often times assumed that all these marathon matches are between players that are getting some "assistance", but anyone that watched Fedor play, can now see what is humanly possible. Yes -- it's possible to push yourself to the absolute limit, still play phenomenal world-class pool, and do it clean!

Most of us already knew this, but maybe we don't get to see it quite at this level.
It's humanly possible, for a 22 year old ;)


Well-known member
You guys need to chill on the criticism of this event. It’s not Derby’s fault that matchroom scheduled the world championship 60 days ago.

Everything would have been fine if they would have just played on Sunday.

DO NOT LIMIT THE FIELD. Derby was awesome this year. We had record turn out, multiple streams, outstanding play, legends going deep. It was awesome.

Other than the debacle on the last day, everything was awesome and exactly how it’s supposed to be at Derby. A gambling shitshow 24/7 for 10 days straight!!!

The tournament organizers learned a few things about wifi, tight pockets, and schedule padding. Let them adjust and correct those particular items! DO NOT LIMIT THE FIELD.

Oh, and bad food? It’s a hotel dude. It’s not supposed to have awesome food.