Types of people you see at the Pool Hall


Pool Addict
Silver Member
The free loading Hipster.

Always wanting whatever beer is cheapest, never tips, constantly bums smokes, spends more time looking at the phone than the table, wont bet a dime EVER and is completely convinced that he is the smartest player in the room even though he is constantly asking me "Hey Chris, how would you play this?" :rolleyes:


Silver Member
"This pool hall is a dump, this town is a dump, the women are ugly here, where I used to live was so much better, I gotta drive four states away to get a decent meal, there's never any action here, the weather sucks . . . "

How long have you lived here?

"37 years"

You're retired, no wife, no kids, you don't even own your house. Why not move?

"Cuz I like it here!"

LOL.I have had this exact conversation with an older local player.He still plays great but swears he hates pool and would never play again if he had money.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
A few I have not read about in this thread

The Pool Player: Knows everyone, likes to gamble, always wants to go to some other place where the pickings are easy. Has nothing but distain for league players and bar table players. Real men play 9-Ball on a nine footer.

The Girlfriend: Shady past some unspecified prior drug usage, rumored to have a kid or two she left with the family. Usual occupation is waitress at some other place.

Mr. Know It All: Can’t help but explain to you how you should have played the break and run you just finished.

The Roofer (carpenter, plumber etc): Known to have a type of work he hasn’t practiced in the last six months, superb pool player and is known to only hang out with other excellent players. Always seems to be in some sort of trouble usually involving money.

The Affable Counter Man: Plays pretty sporty himself, but really does know everyone and has an uncanny ability to set up games and matches. You wonder how he does it and everyone still likes him.

The Real Loser: Always looking for a game / match he can’t win. Appears to have much heart /grit but inside you feel a little sorry for someone so stupid as to blow that much money consistently when he knows or should know he can’t win. Seems this guy has other losses in his life too, wife died or divorced him, kid’s an addict, got let go from his job. After a year or so he is gone, probably living on the streets somewhere.

The other drivers on the road, the guy in front who drives to slow and the guy behind who drives to fast.

Would that we all could be pool hall saints with too much chalk on our hands.


Another Bum !
Silver Member
Drill, baby, drill. That's all he does. Always the same table. Middle of the day, so he can take advantage of the quiet time and the 8 dollar special. Bangs the same shot into the same far corner 150 times. Plays weird practice games with his buddies. Has books and dvds sitting on his back seat. Rocking the glove.

Now this thread is funny and i laughed to myself at this one. I was playing in room a few tables away from one of these guys and all he did was slam the ball as hard as he could and cuss when he missed the shot, which was quite often. lol
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I need the wild 2.
Silver Member
Glad this is back. Ran into another type a couple weeks ago that I haven't seen on here yet either.

Its in the bag Guy - Gets in a game with a guy who is 'easy money'. Asks if the other guy wants a spot. Uses quotes like, 'Its your funeral.' or 'Don't cry after, I offered.'
Talks to the guys on the rail while the other guy shoots.
Always finding a way to ignore the game.
Gets to the table, drills the first 2 shots dead center at 100 mph, jaws the 3rd. Shrugs shoulders.
Plays the first shot great, ends up with no position on the 2nd shot, safes himself on the 3rd shot. Misses kick. Shrugs shoulders.

Entire time thinking there is no way he can lose.


Wants weight the next set. Agree to give him weight, quits you anyway.

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
Mr. Know It All

Hey, I know this guy.

Against my better judgement, I joined the third team this year. I am on the League committee this year. I help teams get players if they are short. One of my duties if I can help a team out.

I put my friend on an upper intermediate team with only 2 guys. I was going to find them a fourth, then decided, what the heck, its only a half season so will play in myself, and besides, my Bud is playing.

Team Captain comes over and sits beside you after every game and critiques every shot, whether you made it or missed. If you made the shot, he wants to know why you picked that ball and not the one he would have gone with.

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned to him, "you do realize that there are approx 40 different ways to see a table layout don't you". It would be much different if the guy never missed a shot himself or at least offered you good advice. I'm always up for learning and won't turn down help.

Oh well, only 2 more league games and the tourney. Then I can hang my hat up on that one.

book collector

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The Know It All "Old Guy".
Remembers every shot made to win a championship or big money.
Never can make them but knows how to set them up perfectly.
Is a mediocre player, but says he used to play better.

Charlie Hustle

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hey, I know this guy.

Against my better judgement, I joined the third team this year. I am on the League committee this year. I help teams get players if they are short. One of my duties if I can help a team out.

I put my friend on an upper intermediate team with only 2 guys. I was going to find them a fourth, then decided, what the heck, its only a half season so will play in myself, and besides, my Bud is playing.

Team Captain comes over and sits beside you after every game and critiques every shot, whether you made it or missed. If you made the shot, he wants to know why you picked that ball and not the one he would have gone with.

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned to him, "you do realize that there are approx 40 different ways to see a table layout don't you". It would be much different if the guy never missed a shot himself or at least offered you good advice. I'm always up for learning and won't turn down help.

Oh well, only 2 more league games and the tourney. Then I can hang my hat up on that one.

That's when you tell that bastard, wanna play some 9 ball, couple of hundred dollar sets.


C'mon, man!
Silver Member
Talk about depressing.

A few I have not read about in this thread

The Pool Player: Knows everyone, likes to gamble, always wants to go to some other place where the pickings are easy. Has nothing but distain for league players and bar table players. Real men play 9-Ball on a nine footer.

The Girlfriend: Shady past some unspecified prior drug usage, rumored to have a kid or two she left with the family. Usual occupation is waitress at some other place.

Mr. Know It All: Can’t help but explain to you how you should have played the break and run you just finished.

The Roofer (carpenter, plumber etc): Known to have a type of work he hasn’t practiced in the last six months, superb pool player and is known to only hang out with other excellent players. Always seems to be in some sort of trouble usually involving money.

The Affable Counter Man: Plays pretty sporty himself, but really does know everyone and has an uncanny ability to set up games and matches. You wonder how he does it and everyone still likes him.

The Real Loser: Always looking for a game / match he can’t win. Appears to have much heart /grit but inside you feel a little sorry for someone so stupid as to blow that much money consistently when he knows or should know he can’t win. Seems this guy has other losses in his life too, wife died or divorced him, kid’s an addict, got let go from his job. After a year or so he is gone, probably living on the streets somewhere.

The other drivers on the road, the guy in front who drives to slow and the guy behind who drives to fast.

Would that we all could be pool hall saints with too much chalk on our hands.
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C'mon, man!
Silver Member
How about we cheer things up around here and discuss the physically handicapped person who loves pool with a burning desire. I've known a few.

Guy is in his mid 50's and has worn leg braces his entire life as a result of polio (I think). Can hardly move around the table but still comes out to play each and every day. And plays very well I must say and gambles. He's a bit of a dick but he's cool in a sarcastic kind of way. But hell, I'd be much more of a dick if I had polio.

Or the guy whose paralyzed from the waist down and stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He loves pool and hanging out and he's one of the most friendly people you'd ever meet. He's on like 4 league teams and goes to Vegas 5 times a year. And his wheel chair is a modern marvel equipped and mechanized with every pool and billiard related gadget ever brought to the market.

These folks should be a real inspiration to the rest of us. So when we are complaining about trivial things let's remember that there are others who really have something to complain about but they suck it up and get it done.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The Trader: Has four or five high end cues from $500 - $1,500 and knows where to get others. Some of the deals are too good to be true and there is something a little shady. Always willing to deal and will swap your Scruggs Sneaky Pete and $200.00 for a Schon. Should you do it -- it might be stolen.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This thread is great. I only have one to offer, but I've seen this guy in every pool hall I've spent some time in...

The Employee works at the pool hall, is probably in his late 30s (rumored to be much older), and has a name like Steve. You never see him on a table, but it is widely understood by locals that he is very nearly the best player the world has ever seen. He does nothing to discourage his rep, but he doesn't directly encourage it either; he is a man of mystery, a better man than you, a man of restraint, and he has seen it all.

If asked to play, he will smile sadly, and say that his playing years are behind him, and besides, you should keep practicing, and consider his gracious refusal a cheap lesson. Railbirds will grin and nod their heads knowingly, and The Employee will return to his post behind the bar. He won, you lost, and balance has been restored.

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
Ah, very close to the bar tender, slash, instructor. At our hall, the manager will come out from leaning on the bar to waste your table time up critiquing your last shot telling you how you should have done it.

I have offered to play him on the 9 footers many times but he has never taken me up on it, saying that his game is Snooker anyway.

Admittedly, he does play Snooker fairly well but not any competition by a long shot for the regular Snooker players that hang out.

He won't play them either, preferring to practice by himself. He always has an excuse to justify him not playing.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Rand McNally

Haven't seen old Rand McNally mentioned yet.

Any good players need to map out their run. But this guy will get down on each imaginary cue ball for all 5,6,7 shots in his map. Go back to the first shot, sink it and miss the mapped position and do it all over again from his new position. Takes him several minutes for his 3 ball run.