mods, work for me, delete all my posts please. delete one, delete them all


Free T-Rex
Silver Member
Enzo, you couldn't just be a little cooperative when you were clearly breaking the rules and attacking Scott.

You threw a temper tantrum in private and when that failed, you threw one in public. I would have normally complied with your request if you'd have managed just a smidge of courtesy....but I will allow the whole ordeal to stand in public view for everyone's scrutiny.

Have a nice day.

You big 'ol meanie. :D


Enzo, you couldn't just be a little cooperative when you were clearly breaking the rules and attacking Scott.

You threw a temper tantrum in private and when that failed, you threw one in public. I would have normally complied with your request if you'd have managed just a smidge of courtesy....but I will allow the whole ordeal to stand in public view for everyone's scrutiny.

Have a nice day.

well said. god i hate people like that. thanks for doing the right thing Mr. Wilson


AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member


  • Banned enzo.jpg
    Banned enzo.jpg
    56 KB · Views: 261


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
So has enzo joined the pantheon with other noted luminaries as SC5 and PocketPoint?

I know, I know.... not at the level of FL.



That's ciao, Italian for goodbye and hello. Chao is the former world champion from Taiwan.

Interesting method of getting banned. Guess what though? When you get banned your posts are visible but your signatures are not. I believe that this is how it works. But I will be interested to see what happens.

bro, I read both these threeds, i noticed you were very responsive, and after the chao thing you shut up, like real good. any comment? in any case, im on your side dude, that guy was a total tool.

Mr. Wilson

El Kabong
Gold Member
Silver Member
bro, I read both these threeds, i noticed you were very responsive, and after the chao thing you shut up, like real good. any comment? in any case, im on your side dude, that guy was a total tool.

Sure :)

How about people understand when I ban someone and they re-up under another moniker...they figure out I'm going to dig deeper and check all their posting IP addys.

Doesn't help when you use the email ( enso55@ ) either.



Pool Addict
Silver Member
LOL good god isn't there enough crap with lawyers suing everyone that Jwalks these days without this BS being brought up here. The OP obviously is overboard but come on, geeez.

Wow, I didnt mean to step on a nerve! I didn't mean it that way at all. Just saying it sounds like he has done enough to get banned. If I was Scott I wouldn't appreciate someone doing this to me.


Judge Judy,


14.1 & One Pocket Addict
Gold Member
Silver Member
Sure :)

How about people understand when I ban someone and they re-up under another moniker...they figure out I'm going to dig deeper and check all their posting IP addys.

Doesn't help when you use the email ( enso55@ ) either.


Dammit Dave, you just spoiled the fun by dipping your hand like that! Now we're not going to get a pocketpoint-ish "enzo<insert_version_number_here>" traincar style of re-upping for comedy purposes!

You humor-killer, you! :p :D



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Wow, I didnt mean to step on a nerve! I didn't mean it that way at all. Just saying it sounds like he has done enough to get banned. If I was Scott I wouldn't appreciate someone doing this to me.


Judge Judy,

I think Scott's reputation in the community speaks for itself as well as he can handle himself here quite fine. Bringing up a comment like isn't this criminal is a good mentality why half the country is being sued for looking at someone wrong. Is it a nerve to me, no, but it is BS and mentality like that is a good reason why this crap is going on with all the ambulance chasing crack pot lawyers today. If that isn't what you was getting at and I came across offensive I apologise but the question did fit the catagory.


Pool Stream Advocate
Silver Member
Enzo, this obviously is not turning out like you wanted. You stepped in a big pile of donkey doo-doo, and, by your previous posts, I would say right about now you are totally embarrassed about how you handled the situation, and right now just want to run and hide.;)

Hey, we've all been there. It sucks when it happens, but it eventually happens to most of us. The best thing to do, is just suck it up, realize that most don't look at our mistakes as who we really are, and not care about those that are that shallow.

You now know that knocking the instructors on here is not the wisest route to take. Accept it, and continue to move on. In less time than you realize, most people will forget about it. Just try and make enough good posts that the bad ones don't matter so much in the overall scheme of things.

The irony would be if Wilson punishes you for your statement by NOT barring you and deleting all your posts! If I were you, I would delete this thread, or at least what you can of it.;)

Especially this part -->

maybe u should check it out... tal vez debes averigarlo. a proposito, tal vex eres un pinche huevon


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
Sure :)

How about people understand when I ban someone and they re-up under another moniker...they figure out I'm going to dig deeper and check all their posting IP addys.

Doesn't help when you use the email ( enso55@ ) either.


The interesting part is that he msut've had sleeper-cell accounts going for some time... Both the enzo name and the delarge account are from 5 years ago.

How many names do you suppose he's used, and for how long?

The larger question is why would you bother, especially keeping them active for multiple years...

Some people just don't have enough to do, I suppose.

Scott Lee

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Cdryden...Thanks for the kind words, but bboxgrinder is right. I'm definitely not thin-skinned! Tell you what would be really funny, is to have the people who get banned for this kind of behavior actually have to go in front of Judge Judy. That would be some "can't miss tv"! LOL One poolplayer actually did go up in front of JJ...of course, not for anything pool related! :D

Scott Lee

Wow, I didnt mean to step on a nerve! I didn't mean it that way at all. Just saying it sounds like he has done enough to get banned. If I was Scott I wouldn't appreciate someone doing this to me.


Judge Judy,


O8 Specialist
Silver Member
Sure :)

How about people understand when I ban someone and they re-up under another moniker...they figure out I'm going to dig deeper and check all their posting IP addys.

Doesn't help when you use the email ( enso55@ ) either.


Classic! SC5, meet Enzo...I think you guys have a lot to talk about. SC5 is trying to lay low on the radar even though I am pretty sure I know at least 1 if not 2 of his "newer" screen names.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Cdryden...Thanks for the kind words, but bboxgrinder is right. I'm definitely not thin-skinned! Tell you what would be really funny, is to have the people who get banned for this kind of behavior actually have to go in front of Judge Judy. That would be some "can't miss tv"! LOL One poolplayer actually did go up in front of JJ...of course, not for anything pool related! :D

Scott Lee

I certainly wasn't in agreement with op Scott, my point was I don't think you need any legal backup in regards to your character that has obviously proven itself many years in the industry. Too many lawsuits going on these days things are far out of control.

Now on Judge Judy, why anyone would dare step in front of her is beyond me, she makes the old executioners look feeble. :D


14.1 & One Pocket Addict
Gold Member
Silver Member
The interesting part is that he msut've had sleeper-cell accounts going for some time... Both the enzo name and the delarge account are from 5 years ago.

How many names do you suppose he's used, and for how long?

The larger question is why would you bother, especially keeping them active for multiple years...

Some people just don't have enough to do, I suppose.

Actually, a lot of those duplicate accounts are easy to find, by just looking for repeats of the originating posting IP address, or email address, or other normally-unique information. Granted, it's not fool-proof:

1. It won't distinguish between two legitimately separate accounts from people that work behind a common proxy address. (A good example is folks who work at a large corporation, or in the same town very close to each other, and their broadband Internet service happens to have a common speed-boost proxy server farm.)

2. It won't discover the really devious people who create these duplicate accounts using a different anonymizer server for each one. (I didn't reveal any secret by exposing this one, btw -- it's a well-known trick. The issue is laziness -- most folks are, and when creating duplicate accounts, they won't bother with this extra step.)

However, a good SQL script can quickly pull all those screennames that originated from a common IP address, or even list the same email address in the contact information.

I can be of service in this regard, if there's interest. <hint, hint>
