I have a friend Sean who I'm trying to persuade to buy your cue so here is his phone number if you would like to call him.
He's currently playing pool with me on the league match+15164293981
hi sam ,
just light inquiry about the tasca you and it are in boston ?
i'm sure it'll move quickly but if it doesn't get snapped right up i'm here just south of town, and been shopping for a tasca
happy new years, and thank you for your time
Hi Kenny, I bought a Revo radial shaft from you earlier this year. I was wondering if you have any reasonably priced Scruggs player cues. Not looking for really fancy collectables, just an every day player with four points. Also not looking to break the bank being a senior on a very fixed income.
i was at steepleton's one tourney when he came down from ohio using an alias. he won the tourney. i sure enjoyed going to steepleton's, danny's all star in winchester and of course the continental inn tourneys. fun days.
i'm from pike/letcher county. i've shot a pretty good bit in eastern ky, including the 2 main pool rooms in hazard on main street right across from watson's, the room on the corner in late 80's(where i think somebody put a hit of acid in my can of coke), the bar box roomacross from dawhare's, and even shot some in becky's as well as philip noble's little room.
then there was goofy's in hyden, the 2 rooms in campton(late 80's-early 90's), mckenzie's in west liberty(RIP) and of course if you were ever in Jackson you had to hit one of the several( i can remember 5 at one time in late 80's/early 90's)poolrooms (remember the white flash/bus station?).
I've been trying to figure out how to edit a thread title I posted but I've not had any luck. At the risk of sounding foolish, how do I edit a thread title? Thank you for any assistance and have a wonderful day.