My friend Max Eberle suggested that I get your book. He knows I am a fiend for pool books and stories. I went to book sales sites and they are asking an outrageous amount for your book in paperback form. Is this the price I should expect to pay ($117.00 to 165.00). I can't afford that and would like to know if you plan to do another run of this book. Thank you so much for your attention to this.
Hey bud. I tried texting you a few weeks ago, but not sure if you ever got it. I am already signed up for the tournament, they filled up last year before the day of the tournament so I know some players that were turned away. You might want to get your entry in soon. Call me sometime and I will hook you up with the info if you need it. 540-890-1929 (home) 540-397-5366 (cell). BTW, I am unemployed now!!
No PoolPlayer 2093 I dont.... but currently i use Jim Murnak Cue Case, Lambros Cue, Poison Break Cue
Hi Eric,
I read your post about back pain and I just wanted to let you know that are 4 very basic stretching exercises that will stop all back pain. I have helped several people in our area with these exercises and they have no pain! The key is breathing and never missing a stretching session. I recomend 4 times daily for 3 days. And then 2 times daily until pain is gone. Once the pain is gone stretch 1 time daily. if you are interested let me know i will try to explain via typing how to do the exercises. Never have surgery.

I made it back home today. But man, I really had it rough for awhile. That Big Mac combo I had must've been contaminated somehow. All I know is I was violently ill and am just now getting over it. Thanks for offering to help me out.

Other than that, I had a great time in town. Of course, visiting with you is always good. Too bad you didn't get out to the Riv very often; I know back problems can be a *****.

Let's hook up again if you come out to the Hollywood event.

i ant figure out why i'm not winning, its not because i'm the lesser player-i know when i'm getting my nuts shot off thats blatently obvious and while I dont like it, I aint afraid to admit i'm weaker. thus its not a ego thing. I'm losing when i shouldnt be losing, like in a basketball game, i'm missing free throws at the end of the game, or trpping on my own feet 1 yard out from the goal in football and then missing the field goal.

i'm losing in spots i should never lose in, I was in a game of 1P wasnt nervious calm i was stuck 12,500, so it was case $$ for me I was up 7 to -1 and somehow lost that game, I lost 10,000 in a different game and one game of 1P for 2500, it was the 2nd game of 1p, the first 10K i made a bad game, the first game of op i lost, the next game i just seemed to get lazy, i do that often when i'm ahead-thats the problem, I cant close out.
Hi Eric, hey thanks for inviting me as friend. Do you have a pm for private conversation. Wanting to tell you about the conversation with barry. later greg
i live in LA as well so perhaps we can meet there too, I have a small house in LA and a monster in Vegas. I'd like to meet you.



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