A real creep


Pro Player
I called Delta and was told that I could carry my cue onto the plane. TSA told me I couldn't as I was going through security. Luckily, I had a suitcase just big enough to wedge my case into it, after removing some clothing. Off to Atlanta, where there was a three hour layover plus another two hour delay and when finally in the air three hours of turbulance, where noone was allowed to even use the bathroom. Finally I arrive in Phoenix. I'm picked up by Lennie, who takes me to my motel.
OK, I've been up 18 hours. I'm tired and grumpy. All I want to do is go to the pool room and practice an hour and go to bed.I enter the pool room and there are three guys I don't know around what is obviously the action table. I ask would anybody like to practice? Before I continue, what place is there where players wouldn't love to practice One Pocket with Grady Mathews?
They pointedly ignore me and I get hustled by some young guy to play for money. I state again that I'd really just like to practice. Again my desire is ignored. The owner gets introduced to me. He doesn't want to practice either. Now remember I just travelled 2,000 miles at my own expense to patronize his place.
These guys won't say how they play or whether they're good players. I don't want to play for money then but the owner keeps harping on playing me but he doesn't offer to play even. Finally, exasperated and tired of this I give him a ball. He beats me worse than I've ever been beaten in my pro career, to the tune of $1,000. I only win one game.
Since I opened my place in Colorado in April of 1975, as a room owner or host pro somewhere EVERY time I made a game with a visiting dignitary or pro one of two things happened: 1. If I played good the match was close and 2. If I played poorly I would lose.
What NEVER happened, not once is that I robbed the visitor. And if I were robbing the guy I'd stop the game immediately and give the man his money back.
This Gomer Pyle Junior Samples acting creep ruined my trip and he should be ashamed of himself but he's not and as you may have gathered already he's found a way to blame me.
There were some attendees at my and John Henderson's match that should have had the decency and chutzpa to tell this guy that's he's way out of line.
Honestly, I thought I'd seen the limit with sleaziness and low-class but this guy breaks the record.


Socially Aware
Silver Member

That stinks Grady and if I were the owner I probably would have cleared the guys off the table to allow you to hit some balls. You know part of going out of town is knowing you are in good hands when you get where you are going. Of course I don't know the whole story, but I would say you definitely were not in good hands from the sound of it. With all you have done for pool a little respect is the least you deserve.

P.S. I think 2-3 years ago you would have been able to win your match with John and I don't know who you matched up with there, but they are all junior Scott Frost's in training there right now.


Kid Delicious' Evil Twin
Silver Member
I called Delta and was told that I could carry my cue onto the plane. TSA told me I couldn't as I was going through security. Luckily, I had a suitcase just big enough to wedge my case into it, after removing some clothing. Off to Atlanta, where there was a three hour layover plus another two hour delay and when finally in the air three hours of turbulance, where noone was allowed to even use the bathroom. Finally I arrive in Phoenix. I'm picked up by Lennie, who takes me to my motel.
OK, I've been up 18 hours. I'm tired and grumpy. All I want to do is go to the pool room and practice an hour and go to bed.I enter the pool room and there are three guys I don't know around what is obviously the action table. I ask would anybody like to practice? Before I continue, what place is there where players wouldn't love to practice One Pocket with Grady Mathews?
They pointedly ignore me and I get hustled by some young guy to play for money. I state again that I'd really just like to practice. Again my desire is ignored. The owner gets introduced to me. He doesn't want to practice either. Now remember I just travelled 2,000 miles at my own expense to patronize his place.
These guys won't say how they play or whether they're good players. I don't want to play for money then but the owner keeps harping on playing me but he doesn't offer to play even. Finally, exasperated and tired of this I give him a ball. He beats me worse than I've ever been beaten in my pro career, to the tune of $1,000. I only win one game.
Since I opened my place in Colorado in April of 1975, as a room owner or host pro somewhere EVERY time I made a game with a visiting dignitary or pro one of two things happened: 1. If I played good the match was close and 2. If I played poorly I would lose.
What NEVER happened, not once is that I robbed the visitor. And if I were robbing the guy I'd stop the game immediately and give the man his money back.
This Gomer Pyle Junior Samples acting creep ruined my trip and he should be ashamed of himself but he's not and as you may have gathered already he's found a way to blame me.
There were some attendees at my and John Henderson's match that should have had the decency and chutzpa to tell this guy that's he's way out of line.
Honestly, I thought I'd seen the limit with sleaziness and low-class but this guy breaks the record.

:eek::shocked2:**stunned speechless**:shocked2::eek:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Im sorry it happened to you my friend. Some guys never learn. Where this could have been a "win-win" for everyone, everyone ends up with a bad taste in their mouth.

Come back to Paducah, and I can assure you will be treated as the ambassador of one pocket that you truely are. Buddy Hall plays almost daily here, and there are plenty of games here.

I have been told of one of your trips here and it was fondly remembered by all.

Your friend in pool,



Silver Member

During the webcast, I heard someone say the owner was going to play for free but you were the one who wanted to gamble and you offered him a ball.

I love you and respect you more than almost any other pro, which is why I'm confused a gambler of your stature can get "hustled" by local players.

How does Grady Matthews put himself in the position to get hustled at all?



AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
I called Delta and was told that I could carry my cue onto the plane. TSA told me I couldn't as I was going through security. Luckily, I had a suitcase just big enough to wedge my case into it, after removing some clothing. Off to Atlanta, where there was a three hour layover plus another two hour delay and when finally in the air three hours of turbulance, where noone was allowed to even use the bathroom. Finally I arrive in Phoenix. I'm picked up by Lennie, who takes me to my motel.
OK, I've been up 18 hours. I'm tired and grumpy. All I want to do is go to the pool room and practice an hour and go to bed.I enter the pool room and there are three guys I don't know around what is obviously the action table. I ask would anybody like to practice? Before I continue, what place is there where players wouldn't love to practice One Pocket with Grady Mathews?
They pointedly ignore me and I get hustled by some young guy to play for money. I state again that I'd really just like to practice. Again my desire is ignored. The owner gets introduced to me. He doesn't want to practice either. Now remember I just travelled 2,000 miles at my own expense to patronize his place.
These guys won't say how they play or whether they're good players. I don't want to play for money then but the owner keeps harping on playing me but he doesn't offer to play even. Finally, exasperated and tired of this I give him a ball. He beats me worse than I've ever been beaten in my pro career, to the tune of $1,000. I only win one game.
Since I opened my place in Colorado in April of 1975, as a room owner or host pro somewhere EVERY time I made a game with a visiting dignitary or pro one of two things happened: 1. If I played good the match was close and 2. If I played poorly I would lose.
What NEVER happened, not once is that I robbed the visitor. And if I were robbing the guy I'd stop the game immediately and give the man his money back.
This Gomer Pyle Junior Samples acting creep ruined my trip and he should be ashamed of himself but he's not and as you may have gathered already he's found a way to blame me.
There were some attendees at my and John Henderson's match that should have had the decency and chutzpa to tell this guy that's he's way out of line.
Honestly, I thought I'd seen the limit with sleaziness and low-class but this guy breaks the record.


You had a choice to play or not play. The decision was all yours. Don't blame others. They knew you were there for a $3,000 match and wanted a piece of the cash.

You have a well deserved reputation as a gambler. Do you now want to become a mark? Maybe it's time to devout your full time to instruction to help up-coming players play better. Your knowledge and experience now exceed your physical game - my suggestion is to now share it and retire from the action scene.

Last edited:


Property of RackRunner
Silver Member
I hope I didn't read this story wrong. As I understand it, Grady was up traveling for way too long and then got in a game. Is that correct? Because if it is, I think with some rest Grady comes back refreshed and robs the jerk...JMHO...


What time is it?
Silver Member

During the webcast, I heard someone say the owner was going to play for free but you were the one who wanted to gamble and you offered him a ball.

I love you and respect you more than almost any other pro, which is why I'm confused a gambler of your stature can get "hustled" by local players.

How does Grady Matthews put himself in the position to get hustled at all?


My thoughts exactly. If you had the money in your pocket to gamble with, you obviously thought you were going to put it in action somewhere, somehow.

If you were getting the worst beating of your life, it took you $1000 to figure it out?

I would like to hear Lenny's take on this - if he would give it. I heard the same comments on the stream as Dave is stating. Lenny did state previously that neither player was getting an appearance fee. If that is true, then I don't see how any courtesy could be expected and a donation game received.

Grady - I know years ago, you would give 9-7 to any player that you didn't know. That was your line. Did you ever feel sorry for any of the players you robbed at that game?

BTW - Delta doesn't make the airline rules, the TSA does. Is this the first time you have flown since the 9-11 bombings?? And you didn't have to take your clothes out of your luggage to put your case in - you could have checked your case as is.


Club a member
Silver Member
If you were getting the worst beating of your life, it took you $1000 to figure it out?

I would like to hear Lenny's take on this - if he would give it. I heard the same comments on the stream as Dave is stating.

I'm curious about the comment. I missed most of the stream, but it is archived on Lenny's Ustream account. Anyone know where the comment was made?



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
BTW - Delta doesn't make the airline rules, the TSA does. Is this the first time you have flown since the 9-11 bombings?? And you didn't have to take your clothes out of your luggage to put your case in - you could have checked your case as is.

You are right, but they are tricky. I was flying Delta about 2 months ago and had my cue case in my rifle case to check onto the plane. The Delta guy said "What's that? A pool stick?"


"You can carry those on if you want."

"Really?! Since when?"

"It changed not too long ago."

I didn't take the chance, so I was relieved when I double-checked with TSA and they laughed at the guy.

I can see how an airport employee can convince you something is okay.

Fast Lenny

Faster Than You...
Silver Member
Well let me take some time to reply. It was a pleasure to meet Grady and I was more then happy to pick him up and take him back to the airport. Kolbys was happy to have Grady come there and for him and John to play as was I to stream it for all the one pocket fans to see.

I will tell people what I saw go down as I was there for most of it. I picked Grady up from the airport and we went to his hotel so he can get settled in, we walk over to the poolroom and I introduce him to the 2 owners and a few other people. I let Grady know his food and drinks are all comped for the time he is there as is Johns along with table time.

One of our top players is hitting balls on the action table and ask Grady to play and offers a ball, Grady remarked to me that he would rather not play a straight shooting young guy who runs a million balls. The owner does not play too often but is a good player but not as good as the player who Grady was thinking of playing who was offering the ball.

Grady Mathews is a legend, a champion, the owner is not. He did not know how Grady played and did not ask Grady to play, me and Grady talked and he was looking to either practice free or bet something, he remarked he did not play cheap. I asked the owner if he would play Grady and he remarked he would with hesitation but did not know how to play him so they were kind of at a standstill with neither knowing how the other plays. The owner is in his late 40 or earl 50s so he is not a spring chicken and not in the best of health. Grady offers 9-8 and the owner says okay and he ask Grady what he would like to play for, Grady said a race to 3 for $400, the good player who wanted to play Grady first ask Grady for $100 side bet. The owner would have played for $100 or even less, he has played me and others for $5-$10.

I got into action when the score was 1-1 in the first set so I did not see much of it other then the owner sweating profusely so I thought he might be losing or nervous. Grady is gone and I find out he has lost both sets, the first 9-8 and the second even. I heard the owner offered to give him 9-8 for the third set. I spoke with owner after when he went over to get Grady for the tournament the next day and he said Grady wrote a letter to him and was going on about Grady being very upset with him about what happened and Grady would not play in the tournament.

The owner told me he felt bad about it all and offered the money back to Grady right then and there at the hotel. He also told me they should have played even to start with instead of him getting 9-8 but Grady offered it up. It is not Gradys first rodeo and I was not in a position to steer him around considering I have no idea how Grady plays but I would have loved to just practiced with him. Grady did not have to play anyone, he set the weight and the bet, he gave 9-8 so the owner would play but if he said to play even which he never did then the owner would have played him even anyway.

Grady went off after Johns match in front of the whole room and it could even be heard on the live stream, Johns win was being overshadowed in a way by this which was wrong. Grady offered to play the owner again and said he would play for $20,000 on a neutral table and the owner replied "Heads!". I know Grady had just gotten off the plane, he was tired and on foreign land, trust me the owner was nervous playing Grady and did not know what to expect. He is willing to play Grady in a neutral room for $5000-$20000.

I feel bad about the whole situation because it really should not have been like that and the owner says he regrets even playing because of all the BS that happened because of it. He did not think anything of it really and did not think someone would be so "seething" with anger over losing 2 sets for $800, some people lose like that and are very sociable about it. I assure you the owner is not a bad guy and even San Jose Dick said that to you Grady. He did not hustle you or try to rob you at all, you made the game, you made the stakes.

That is the whole story and I hope your not mad at me Grady because I really like you and think a good deal of you and appreciate all you have done for the game. If you want that game, he says you have it for $5000-$20000. You remarked to me that you think he is a weak player, he is a good player but was never at the level you were at, he did not even play in the state championships. I think you offered 9-8 and bet accordingly believing you had soft action, if you won we would have never heard anything even if you tortured the owner. Most room owners would get tortured by you getting 9-8 but just not this one.

Well it took alot for me to write this, I really admire you Grady but perhaps you were tired and do not remember the whole deal and how it went down. People were there and saw you offer the game, you never offered to play even because you would have gotten played even. You and me even spoke and you said you preferred to play him over the young guy who played better. I wish you well Grady and know your having a tough time and a good deal going on. I have all the specs to get you going live streaming too, just shoot me your email.


Pro Player
Further info

We played two races to three for $500. He beat me 3 to 1 and 3 to 0. My expenses were $1,000; so I was already laying 4 to 3 on the money. With the extra $1,000 I lost to the owner, if I lose it's $5,000 and if I win I only win $1,000. Nice odds, huh?
NOW if he had said, "Grady, I'm a good player. I don't think you can spot me." That would have been different.
Listen, I'm not gonna argue this on the internet. If you don't understand my position, the rightness therein, I can't be friends with you. Why wasn't my desire to not gamble and just practice honored? I certainly don't feel that I was treated like an honored guest.
If you owned a country club and Tom watson appeared and asked to play 9 holes of golf just for practice, I promise the entire staff and members would leap at the opportunity and not cheap hustle him in any manner.
He embarrassed and humiliated me and I didn't like it one bit. This episode may retire me from gambling. With guys like this it's just not fun anymore.
This is all I have to say on this matter.


Friends Call Me "von"
Silver Member
So, a HOFer loses a dime to a local shooter.

Question: had you won those games (which you assumed you would), would you feel this bad about beating the guy???

Would you have returned his money? No.

You are an Ambassador but with all due respect, you're not 19 years old. Why even THINK about playing/practice/gamble after traveling all day?

And wasn't he playing YOUR game, including the spot??

How a man wins doesn't show his character, it's how he loses.


AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
Well let me take some time to reply. It was a pleasure to meet Grady and I was more then happy to pick him up and take him back to the airport. Kolbys was happy to have Grady come there and for him and John to play as was I to stream it for all the one pocket fans to see.

I will tell people what I saw go down as I was there for most of it. I picked Grady up from the airport and we went to his hotel so he can get settled in, we walk over to the poolroom and I introduce him to the 2 owners and a few other people. I let Grady know his food and drinks are all comped for the time he is there as is Johns along with table time.

One of our top players is hitting balls on the action table and ask Grady to play and offers a ball, Grady remarked to me that he would rather not play a straight shooting young guy who runs a million balls. The owner does not play too often but is a good player but not as good as the player who Grady was thinking of playing who was offering the ball.

Grady Mathews is a legend, a champion, the owner is not. He did not know how Grady played and did not ask Grady to play, me and Grady talked and he was looking to either practice free or bet something, he remarked he did not play cheap. I asked the owner if he would play Grady and he remarked he would with hesitation but did not know how to play him so they were kind of at a standstill with neither knowing how the other plays. The owner is in his late 40 or earl 50s so he is not a spring chicken and not in the best of health. Grady offers 9-8 and the owner says okay and he ask Grady what he would like to play for, Grady said a race to 3 for $400, the good player who wanted to play Grady first ask Grady for $100 side bet. The owner would have played for $100 or even less, he has played me and others for $5-$10.

I got into action when the score was 1-1 in the first set so I did not see much of it other then the owner sweating profusely so I thought he might be losing or nervous. Grady is gone and I find out he has lost both sets, the first 9-8 and the second even. I heard the owner offered to give him 9-8 for the third set. I spoke with owner after when he went over to get Grady for the tournament the next day and he said Grady wrote a letter to him and was going on about Grady being very upset with him about what happened and Grady would not play in the tournament.

The owner told me he felt bad about it all and offered the money back to Grady right then and there at the hotel. He also told me they should have played even to start with instead of him getting 9-8 but Grady offered it up. It is not Gradys first rodeo and I was not in a position to steer him around considering I have no idea how Grady plays but I would have loved to just practiced with him. Grady did not have to play anyone, he set the weight and the bet, he gave 9-8 so the owner would play but if he said to play even which he never did then the owner would have played him even anyway.

Grady went off after Johns match in front of the whole room and it could even be heard on the live stream, Johns win was being overshadowed in a way by this which was wrong. Grady offered to play the owner again and said he would play for $20,000 on a neutral table and the owner replied "Heads!". I know Grady had just gotten off the plane, he was tired and on foreign land, trust me the owner was nervous playing Grady and did not know what to expect. He is willing to play Grady in a neutral room for $5000-$20000.

I feel bad about the whole situation because it really should not have been like that and the owner says he regrets even playing because of all the BS that happened because of it. He did not think anything of it really and did not think someone would be so "seething" with anger over losing 2 sets for $800, some people lose like that and are very sociable about it. I assure you the owner is not a bad guy and even San Jose Dick said that to you Grady. He did not hustle you or try to rob you at all, you made the game, you made the stakes.

That is the whole story and I hope your not mad at me Grady because I really like you and think a good deal of you and appreciate all you have done for the game. If you want that game, he says you have it for $5000-$20000. You remarked to me that you think he is a weak player, he is a good player but was never at the level you were at, he did not even play in the state championships. I think you offered 9-8 and bet accordingly believing you had soft action, if you won we would have never heard anything even if you tortured the owner. Most room owners would get tortured by you getting 9-8 but just not this one.

Well it took alot for me to write this, I really admire you Grady but perhaps you were tired and do not remember the whole deal and how it went down. People were there and saw you offer the game, you never offered to play even because you would have gotten played even. You and me even spoke and you said you preferred to play him over the young guy who played better. I wish you well Grady and know your having a tough time and a good deal going on. I have all the specs to get you going live streaming too, just shoot me your email.

Thanks for the recount of this event, Lenny. You're a good guy and I know from our dealings you are 100% trustworthy and respectable.

Sadly, it goes to show we can no longer accept Grady's version of events.



Club a member
Silver Member
Munch, munch, munch...


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