Jay Helfert resigned as Tourney Director at the US Open


AzB Gold Member
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Silver Member
So it appears that Barry "fired" Jay and Jay called his bluff....


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Dear Fran, thanks for your contributions to this thread and your opinion on what I should have done other than what I did do. As you can see none of that will change now after the fact. Bottom line is that Barry fired me for not going along with his plan to get ALLEN into the tournament and rather than beg his forgiveness I quit.

I first knew this was coming at 7:30 Sunday morning (the first day of the tournament) when I got a text from Barry telling me that I had to put Allen in the tournament. After I responded that I couldn't do that since we had already done the draw the night before and posted it, he persisted in making more texts which became increasingly hostile and profane. I then called Allen in his room at 8 AM and told him that he could not get into the tournament, even though Barry had made an oversight in leaving his name off the list of past champions. The issue as to why this happened was between Barry and Allen! Allen said that he understood and that he didn't care if he played or not. I thought the problem had been solved.

How wrong I was! Barry went into hyper-drive about getting Allen into the field by hook or crook. He began exploring ways to find a player (any player) who would withdraw and give Allen his spot. He went so far as to post a notice to this effect by the tournament chart at mid day. I continued to go about my business as TD, hoping that no one would go along with this scheme of Barry's.

It has never been easy to run this event (I returned home sick last year) and this year I was left to pretty much shoulder it on my own. There was no Ken Shuman (a previous Barry fire), no Bill Stock, no John Leyman to help with the myriad tasks involved in making this event run smoothly. I had only Karl Kantrowitz to assist me as a referee, a good man but not the co-director that I needed. I was left to do the work of three men. It's not as simple as "just showing up" as you so innocently described it here. In fact I prepare for several weeks to do this job, communicating with Barry and Pat to make sure things are in order.

So on the first day of the event (after having done the players meeting and draw the evening before) I was faced with running a very difficult tournament on my own and dealing with an out of control promoter who was breathing down my neck asking me to bend my ethics to cover up his failures. I refused!

Unbeknown to me Barry had found a candidate who was willing to withdraw from the tournament for a nice settlement (more than his entry fee!). It may have helped him to make that decision knowing he was facing Warren Kiamco in the first round. So during the dinner break Barry had one of his workers white out the name of the player and write in Allen Hopkins name. I found this out when I returned from a quick dinner. No one was willing to do this while I was around! Barry then left a message on my phone saying I was fired. I continued to work the rest of the night (until after 1 AM) posting up the results, officiating the matches and scheduling the next two days of matches on the tournament board.

Barry never showed his face or spoke to me in person after his nefarious plan was enacted. He knew how I felt about it. I think you get the gist of what was at stake here from all the posters who understand what integrity is. I could have stayed (once again begging the forgiveness of Lord Barry) and just compromised my principles and tacitly condoned what had gone on, leaving my ethics at the door.

For me Fran, it was a Sophie's Choice. I couldn't win either way. If I stay I'm part of what went on and if I leave I deserted my post. I did my best to prepare Scott (our emcee) to take over in my absence, leaving him all the materials I use to run things. The man that I brought in to assist me (Bobby Chamberlain) was willing to stay and help out, even though Barry at first wanted him off my team. Barry needed Bobby now so he switched course and asked him to stay on.

I talked with several players that night and told them what had happened (none of them agreed with Barry and what he did) and that in good conscience I could not stay as TD. Whatever authority I had was now gone and Barry could continue to do things his way, right or wrong. Pat Fleming also asked me to stay, and he tried to rectify things and get Allen to not play. Unsuccessfully I might add.

I couldn't sleep that night, knowing what was ahead. The combination of Barry's abusive texts, feeling totally exhausted after only one day and then being asked to look the other way while the tournament board was compromised was a little more than I could bear. Unless you were in my shoes Fran you wouldn't have any idea what I was going through. It may have been the hardest decision I've ever made as a TD to accept Barry's firing and leave, but for me it was the right one to make. And I would do it again under similar circumstances.

I flew home the next day (on Monday) and slept good on the long flight back to California. I woke up with no self doubts, knowing that I had done the right thing, and in the end that's what matters most to me. Not how people feel about what I did, but how I feel about what I did. To thine own self be true and I was!

Jay, I'll be the first to ask you - do you see any scenario possible in which you would return as TD next year or any other subsequent years? I do applaud you for standing up for what you believe right.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Just remember...without Barry there would be no US Open.

Big tournaments have come and gone but Barry keeps on going on every year.

If you don't like it, start your own tournament and see how it goes.

I can't believe all the cry babies on this forum...people that don't even play

in the US Open just want to cry about something:crying:.


I'm not so sure that without PF holding the money there would have been an Open this year. Which basically leads to: what has worked for BB in the past will not work any longer.

Lou Figueroa

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
Jay, I'll be the first to ask you - do you see any scenario possible in which you would return as TD next year or any other subsequent years? I do applaud you for standing up for what you believe right.

No, not as long as BB is the promoter.


Do I bug you?
Silver Member
Of course you did the right thing, Jay. Barry was already on "two strikes" after last year (actually, I thought he struck out), so it wouldn't have taken much, and this was a whopper of a move he made.

Luckily, I don't think anyone will have to deal with Barry after this year.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Barry is being Barry.

He can, does and will make all calls. Right or wrong.

It's his business (event).

Jay did the right thing here.

It may be Barry's event, but the role of Tournament Director includes being final decision maker. The event "owner" can not trump the Tournament Director. He did, so the Tournament Director quit. Kudos to Jay. Shame on Barry.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You don't walk out in the middle of a major event. Nobody would have blamed Jay for staying. NOBODY. In fact, it's the opposite.

Barry was used to maintaining control of the roster, and this time it was different. If you've ever done something the same way for decades and then suddenly you're doing it differently, you're bound to make a mistake or forget something.

You're all trying to turn this into a cheating event. It's not. You can take as many polls here as you want but I know a lot of people in our industry who don't post here and what they're saying, and I happen to agree with them. So, the fact that Barry was able to come up with $70,000 (or whatever that figure was), wasn't good enough for you? I don't know about you all, but I'm impressed. I didn't think he could do it. But that's not good enough for you all. In your eyes he's still a criminal because he forgot to add Allen Hopkins to the roster and tried to fix the problem. Seriously? Get down off your high horses and get real and commend the guy for what he was able to do here instead of beating him to the ground. Instead you're applauding the TD who didn't have to sweat and toil and beg to get this event done. He just had so show up, and if necessary, do damage control, and he even failed at that.

There were possible solutions to be explored. None of those possibilities were even discussed because Jay walked out.

Fran, I can't claim to have all the details of how things went down. I never met Barry, but even if I did, it wouldn't sway my opinion in this matter. This isn't about something unrelated being "good enough for you". That's not an appropriate comment or position to take.


Though these rules attempt to cover the vast majority of situations that arise in competition, there still
may be an occasional need for interpretation of the rules and their proper application under unusual
circumstances. The Tournament Director or other official who assumes final responsibility for a
tournament will make any such required decision (other than referee’s judgment calls) at his discretion,
and they shall be final.​

This isn't about friends doing friends favors. If that's what this is about, let's all give up on the game of pool ever having the chance of being recognized as a legitimate thing.

When a Tournament Director makes a decision and the promoter tries to twist his arm, its called corruption.

I want nothing to do with corruption. I stand behind the Tournament Director. Always have. Always will.

If you care about the "sport" (really its a game), I would suggest standing behind what is right.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
No, not as long as BB is the promoter.

I was really surprised you gave Barry this chance and I know you did it because of Pat's involvement. We'll see you at the DCC.

I hate Barry has done so much to destroy this event. This was the first time in over 25 years I didn't make it. We have had a group who always met there each year from different areas and watched the tournament and enjoyed our company and all the good food in the metro area. This year, after the fiascos of the last few years we decided not to make it.

I wish you the best of luck for the future and I firmly believe you did the right thing. There is only one person who can maintain your credibility and ethics and that is you. You have to do what you think is right.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Fran, hugs and kisses right back at-cha but you are off base about what happened at The Open. Jay was hired to be the TD, not a flunky to twist and bend to BB's whims.

Lou Figueroa

Thanks, Lou. That's very interesting, though. The story continues to change. In Jay's first explanation, he gave Barry notice that he was leaving. In a later explanation, he was fired. That's the first I've ever heard of someone giving notice when they're fired.

The event went on without a hitch without Jay. I guess they all managed to survive very well and as far as I have heard from my sources on the scene, no one there was crying foul except for some posters here.

I have not been a fan of Barry's for several years because of the money situation at that event. I applaud him this year for coming through. Rome wasn't built in a day. He's making progress, and I say good for him.


Registered Pool Offender
Silver Member
Just remember


Just remember...without Barry there would be no US Open.

Big tournaments have come and gone but Barry keeps on going on every year.

If you don't like it, start your own tournament and see how it goes.

I can't believe all the cry babies on this forum...people that don't even play

in the US Open just want to cry about something:crying:.


You seem to think that it's OK for Barry to manipulate a Major tournament just so his friend can play.

Barry should just go away and let the U.S. Open be run by someone with integrity and fairness for all.

Allen should be ashamed of himself for even playing in the event, especially since we now know what really happened. But for some, bad attention is better than no attention.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Do you applaud barry or pat for making sure the money was there. Seems he couldnt do it by himself, he need a babysitter. The only applause for Barry will come when he steps down.

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
Thanks, Lou. That's very interesting, though. The story continues to change. In Jay's first explanation, he gave Barry notice that he was leaving. In a later explanation, he was fired. That's the first I've ever heard of someone giving notice when they're fired.

The event went on without a hitch without Jay. I guess they all managed to survive very well and as far as I have heard from my sources on the scene, no one there was crying foul except for some posters here.

I have not been a fan of Barry's for several years because of the money situation at that event. I applaud him this year for coming through. Rome wasn't built in a day. He's making progress, and I say good for him.

Fran, I'm sorry that I didn't live up to your expectations. I'll try to do better next time. To clarify for you, I told Barry that I would not continue as TD if he followed through on his attempt to insert Allen into the field. When he actually found a way to put Allen in he sent me a text saying I was fired. Not that the sequence of events really matters that much in this scenario. I think you're grasping at straws to make your point, whatever that is.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks, Lou. That's very interesting, though. The story continues to change. In Jay's first explanation, he gave Barry notice that he was leaving. In a later explanation, he was fired. That's the first I've ever heard of someone giving notice when they're fired.

The event went on without a hitch without Jay. I guess they all managed to survive very well and as far as I have heard from my sources on the scene, no one there was crying foul except for some posters here.

I have not been a fan of Barry's for several years because of the money situation at that event. I applaud him this year for coming through. Rome wasn't built in a day. He's making progress, and I say good for him.

The sequence is irrelevant and so they got through the tournament. Hoo-ray.

None of that is pertinent to the fact that BB cooked the books and that Hopkins was complicit.

Lou Figueroa


Big Tuna
Silver Member
Thanks, Lou. That's very interesting, though. The story continues to change. In Jay's first explanation, he gave Barry notice that he was leaving. In a later explanation, he was fired. That's the first I've ever heard of someone giving notice when they're fired.

The event went on without a hitch without Jay. I guess they all managed to survive very well and as far as I have heard from my sources on the scene, no one there was crying foul except for some posters here.

I have not been a fan of Barry's for several years because of the money situation at that event. I applaud him this year for coming through. Rome wasn't built in a day. He's making progress, and I say good for him.

Your opinion is hardy relevant after your last couple posts, Fran

Jay, your the man.. Integrity goes a long way in my books


Silver Member
The event went on without a hitch without Jay. I guess they all managed to survive very well and as far as I have heard from my sources on the scene, no one there was crying foul except for some posters here.

I have not been a fan of Barry's for several years because of the money situation at that event. I applaud him this year for coming through. Rome wasn't built in a day. He's making progress, and I say good for him.

First you were complaining that Jay should've fought to stay on. Now you are saying how amazingly well they survived without needing Jay.

Implying Barry is making progress simply because he may have managed to pay prize money once after messing up so many times is patently absurd.


C'mon, man!
Silver Member
No doubt a passionate discussion, and everyone has the right to dig their heels in regards to their beliefs, no matter how right or wrong you may be. But we don't need to chastise, belittle or insult others simply because we disagree.

No matter what side you fall on most of us believe that the US Open is an important topic, hence this threads popularity. We all can agree that an Open title would bring the champion a sense of accomplishment to last their entire lifetime. It would be something to cherish.

In this thread we have those that thrive on nostalgia of past years and past champions. Their deepest wish would be another glimpse of the past, a flashback, or a chance to see past champions like Allen and others compete, a field of dreams. And yes, that's me too. How awesome would it be to see Nick Varner or Buddy Hall win the US Open again. Or even see an ex, aged Champion go deep, oh the excitement that would create. They could video tape it and take a bunch of photos and talk about it for 20 more years. It would be the highlight of their life to see. And some (not all) of this group are willing to bend the rules for this type of enjoyment. I love these fans. They have passion for the sport. Pool needs these types of fans.

In this thread we also have those more conservative believers that surmise, in no uncertain terms, that a competition of this magnitude and prestige must follow the rules to the highest level. The Promoter, TD and other officials must act above and beyond reproach 100% of the time. They also believe if these officials act in any way dishonest or unfair as they execute their duties those actions would diminish the validity and prestige of the event outcome. I love these fans. They have passion for the sport. Pool needs these types of fans.

Both of these types of fans will likely never change their opinion on this topic. And that's OK. I see both sides but in this case the conservatives trump the dreamers. It's OK to wish, hope and dream. But there's too much on the line not to follow the rules to the letter, period!

I believe, after the fact, all of this is Barry's fault, he screwed the pooch as usual. I also believe that it is extremely unfair and down right insulting to Allen that he was promised a spot and the bracket was drawn without him on it. That stinks to high heaven for sure. But Allen was wrong for playing, he knows better. Jay was right for resigning his duties because he believed he could no longer fulfill his duties in good faith.

The fact is it should have been inconsequential that Allen was promised a spot once the brackets were drawn. Case should have been closed! It's Barry's fault, period.
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Private Citizen
Silver Member
It's been a long day and I just returned home. I was not happy to leave the U.S. Open but I had no choice. To continue as TD would be to compromise my principles and I won't do that. I strenuously objected to Allen Hopkins being put into the field a day after the tournament flow chart had been posted. Barry asked me to find a player we could remove (paying them off if necessary) and insert Allen into his spot on the board. I refused to do this and made it clear to Barry that it was cheating. This went on all day Sunday with Barry making every attempt he could to find someone who would drop out. He posted flyers to that effect by the tournament board and asked me to make announcements, which I wouldn't do.

If it had been Shane Van Boening, what would you have seriously done?