My apology

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cue accumulator
Silver Member
So much for the cue review.
Unless somebody comes forward with the truth in the next 48-hours, I will not be logging into AZ Billiards.
The entire forum will be penalized for the actions of one.


Broken Lock
Silver Member
Man just when you think you have seen it all in this place.

Not gonna lie....I am entertained.

I concur...

please keep this fire going. gives me something to do in my down time at work.




AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
just for fun

i am setting at my desk and in front of me are a pile of recipts from usps shipping. i send my cues in the triangle box supplied from the post office, i wrap the cues with bubble wrap, then stuff the package with paper from the pages of old jewelry catalogues.
this is a list of the weights for shipping one cue and one butt.
2 lb 13 oz, 2 lb 8.8 oz ,2 lb 6.0 oz, 2 lb 6.4 oz, 2 lb 9.7 oz, 2 lb 9.9 oz, 2 lb 10.6 oz, 1 lb 13.1 oz, 2 lb 10.7 oz,


AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member

What people will remember is that you were under fire, took all kinds of heat, but did the right thing and sent the cue. You didn't hide and you didn't deceive.

What they will also remember is that Meridian Blades seems to have LIED in order to keep bashing you.

He has lost all credibility as far as I'm concerned.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Oh, how the tides have turned. It seems kind of quiet on the end of someone that was very loud before.

I hope that this gets settled either way, because reputations are being affected here and at the end of the day all we have is our word...or a couple of extra shafts!


Silver Member
Where's this video????? WHERE IS IT!!!!! LMAO

My opinion ,,, in the middle,,,,,,is starting to sway just a tad ,, because of the lack of responses from one side ,,,,,after saying he had video.

Maybe he had somewhere to go,,,maybe a road trip,, and is away from the PC.

How long of a drive would that be???

Knock knock


Quality Handcrafted Cues
Silver Member
Trent up until now has been at fault and deserved everything he got and will get....but concerning the shafts my own shipping scale kind of confirms his story of sending the shafts. Meridian needs to come up with some proof of some kind now. Why when he has been in the right for the most part he felt the need to go this route I have no clue.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
AZB Certified Cue Makers

I think AZ´s should make a list of cuemakers so we can buy from trusted people. I don´t know if it´s possible but with confirmed address, records of transactions, paypal accounts and some other information they can make that list.

People like me (In my country I have to work one entire month to get about US$300) are thinking about it. And to spend two months salary on a cue and have my money robbed I think it´s too much.

I´m saving for a longer cue butt, and right now I don´t know what to do, since this soaps are happening in the az comunity. I´m thinking about having my broomstick shaped... and shoot with it.

Who do we believe trent? or meridian????

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
This is almost as good as the Courtroom TV shows. We need Judge Judy to figure this one out! :grin:


Go for it.
Silver Member
Trent up until now has been at fault and deserved everything he got and will get....but concerning the shafts my own shipping scale kind of confirms his story of sending the shafts. Meridian needs to come up with some proof of some kind now. Why when he has been in the right for the most part he felt the need to go this route I have no clue.

See, this is part of the problem with these internet forums. How do you know Larry has been in the right at any point of this whole deal? All you have to go on is his word. Thats it. No pics from him. No video. No proof of what he and Trent discussed. The only people who know the truth are Larry and Trent. But since you dislike Trent, you cant pass up the opportunity to bash him and keep questioning his character. The guy acted poorly, realized it, made an apology to the whole AZ community, took pics as requested, and has done all he can to settle this issue, yet somehow, Larry has been in the right most of this time? Exactly how do you know this?



See, this is part of the problem with these internet forums. How do you know Larry has been in the right at any point of this whole deal? All you have to go on is his word. Thats it. No pics from him. No video. No proof of what he and Trent discussed. The only people who know the truth are Larry and Trent. But since you dislike Trent, you cant pass up the opportunity to bash him and keep questioning his character. The guy acted poorly, realized it, made an apology to the whole AZ community, took pics as requested, and has done all he can to settle this issue, yet somehow, Larry has been in the right most of this time? Exactly how do you know this?


It honestly doesnt matter, I say we just let it die off and move on to the next TAR match:grin: something thats real entertainment.

all the bickering online wont solve anything thats one thing ive picked up from this.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Where's this video????? WHERE IS IT!!!!! LMAO

My opinion ,,, in the middle,,,,,,is starting to sway just a tad ,, because of the lack of responses from one side ,,,,,after saying he had video.

Maybe he had somewhere to go,,,maybe a road trip,, and is away from the PC.

How long of a drive would that be???

Knock knock

Maybe he doesn't have time to upload it because he busy playing pool full time.

That's become my new favorite excuse for not getting things done. My only problem is I don't play full time. I need to quit my job and then I think I could get away with it. I've been trying to use a similar excuse at home. My wife says "when you gonna mow that lawn?" and I say "how in the world am I supposed to find time to mow the lawn when I'm so busy playing pool PART-TIME?"

The part-time thing is killing me.

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
Joe, when someone starts a thread on an open forum, they are essentially allowing the members to be the judge and jury.

We hear two sides and pick whom ever we decide presents the best case.

Up until now, Trent had erred large and Larry had the majority of members at his back.

Now, with a video being claimed as proof but no video and Trent producing a
receipt clearly showing the final weight, its looking quite different.

Packing a box with approx 8ozs of extra paper to make up the weight would be pretty hard to do.

Maybe Larry is just messing with Trent and if he is, he picked the wrong time to do it.
Last edited:


Go for it.
Silver Member
Joe, when someone starts a thread on an open forum, they are essentially allowing the members to be the judge and jury.

We hear two sides and pick whom ever we decide presents the best case.

Up until now, Trent had erred large and Larry had the majority of members at his back.

Now, with a video being claimed as proof but no video and Trent producing a
receipt clearly showing the final weight, its looking quite different.

Packing a box with approx 8ozs of extra paper to make up the weight would be pretty hard to do.

Maybe Larry is just messing with Trent and if he is, he picked the wrong time to do it.

I know what you mean Terry, but its just like you said, if it appears now that Larry is egging this on, then that should say something about his character all along. If he has the shafts, and is just doing this to bash Trent, then it should raise a red flag for all those who took his side in the first place. This whole thing could have and should have been handled better by both people, but it wasnt, and here we are. I agree with Trent, lets just let this issue die. If there was a real, legit video then it would be posted already. Now, if you will excuse me sir, i need to go watch some midget porn. Lol.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I agree

Trent up until now has been at fault and deserved everything he got and will get....but concerning the shafts my own shipping scale kind of confirms his story of sending the shafts. Meridian needs to come up with some proof of some kind now. Why when he has been in the right for the most part he felt the need to go this route I have no clue.
I agree with this post


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Been kinda reading the previous thread. reguardless what the out come now that between Larry & Trent. who lying or not it don't matter anymore.
I don't understand is, when a cue maker can show his A$$ on the forum & act the way Trent acted & telling people to shaft the cue up the A$$. after all this ordeal than come on here & pretend to apologize just to hopefully get some credit back from buyers is not gonna work.
Yes, everyone deserves a second chance but you are who you are. It will happen again with Trent & I for one will not come near you with a dime. but good luck with you & Larry on this situation.
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