*****they are all dead*****


They call me 2 county !
Silver Member
I wonder how the story really went...this one's pretty detailed as if the writer was there.
With my bad memory ,I don't think I would remember half of what happened. :)

I think he actually watched king pin to many times drunk.:D

Pretty Good story though.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Never know?

Is this the perfect aim guy writing dumb fanfiction?

it could be true.

When drugs are there anything is possible and lots of money.

Good read and pretty good story.

I could see this happening back when I was on the road.

I had a guy once was going to take me to a spot and had plans on knocking me in the head and feeding me to the alligators after we won the cash. I had already decided not to go with this guy because he was just too scary and on drugs and had just got out of prison.

A young kid that was steering me around a little bit named David had a friend that had talked to this guy and had been shared the plan. he told David and David told me.

I then told david that I had already planned on not making the trip with this guy.

About a month later this guy raped a 70 something years old woman and left her tied up. he ended back in prison.

That was a story that could have included me in a real bad way, like dead, but my street smarts kept me safe.

But playing pool on the road I did get myself into about a dozen bad situations anyway.

Nobody got shot or killed but could have and it would have been me.

I guess a person that read what I wrote down could say it wasn't true also. I was there.

This story is possible. Do I think it is true? Maybe.

You never can tell...............unless you were there...............:wink:
Last edited:


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
not bad

A little light on research here and there but overall not terribly poorly written especially considering the writing of most high school students. I thought the hedge fund manager instead of one of the more usual villains was at least a touch of imagination. The author should have been on the scene in the story then he could have added much more detail. I'd give him a c+ or B- for the storyline in creative writing, didn't bother considering the grammar and punctuation.

The forum has largely been taken over by fiction anyway, I think we need more of this type! A little factual fiction and fictional fact is always entertaining.



Silver Member
Hey Built, do you even believe the drivel that you write here???
The giveaways in your story are too many details, like the ring of coke around Hedges face, looking at Arizona to see if chest is rising and falling, if this shit really went down the scene would be utter chaos, the guy probably wouldn't remember half the details in your story. Fight or flight, it has been ingrained into the most primitive parts of our brains for millions of years. The only thing New York would have been doing was frantically looking for a way out of the situation, not looking to if Arizona's chest is rising and falling, unless of course New York has had done many tours in Delta Force, Rangers, Seals, etc.. or is that the sequel?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The original post, was trying to sell info about the 2 monsters. It was/is a scam. How does AZ deal with scammers?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Derivative. Funny. I thought it was entertaining. Whoever didn't know it was fiction from the start and is still stuck on calling bs needs to take things less seriously IMO. Or don't. It's all good.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Sunday - July 13, 2014 - 5:45PM

Dear Group,

Something horrible has happened…

I was at Hard Times Billiards today taking a break after Mika and Efren’s match for the 5th-6th position and decided to stretch my legs and walk around the non-tournament side… when I spied what looked like a VERY disheveled New York sitting by himself over by the last row of nine foot tables in the far corner of the room sitting by himself. Way at the end of the row, in the corner.

Well, I got up the courage and walked over there and as I drew closer I could tell it was in fact New York but he was cradling his right arm, his clothes where ripped, and he had what looked to be dry blood on his forehead. With what looked like a bullet graze wound to the head. He was looking down at his phone almost willing it to ring and totally in another world. And didn’t even notice me approaching.

I touched him on his left arm (the arm he wasn’t favoring) and got his attention.

To make a long story short I mentioned I knew who he was and what him and Arizona where planning on doing at Hard Times. Maybe take down the tournament or stall in the tourney but for sure win a ton of money in after tournament action until nobody else would play them… MAKE A HUGE SCORE, and then start dominating the circuit all around the world.

So… I asked him what was happening. And commented on his condition.

It really looked like he needed a friend or anyone to talk to at this point.

And the words just spilled out of him.

Last night they lined up some private party action at an uber rich billionaire hedge fund guy’s mansion way out in Ojai, CA.

New York said they had played (and partied) there before and played the owner and his guests some one pocket on a 5 by 10 that was set up in his study.

New York said they beat those guys out of 30-40 grand that night and they acted like they were playing $10 or $20 dollar sets and gladly invited them back when they were in town next.

Well, New York and Arizona went there last night with their Stakehorse and Strong Arm Russian guy planning on playing for everything they had in their sock.

The hedge fund guy was delighted, and they decided on scotch doubles New York and Arizona playing the hedge fund guy and his partner for some 50 grand sets of Nine Ball racing to 11.

New York and Arizona where giving the hedge fund guy and his partner the 3 out with New York and Arizona having to bank the nine.

Well, things where going as planned and seeing this guy was an uber billionaire they were playing on the wire. Although they had the Russian with a duffel bag with a little north of 500 GRAND IN CASH in the bag just in case these guys wanted New York and Arizona to post up front.

And as the night went on things got weirder. A couple of girls came over to watch. And the booze started flowing and some coke was busted out.

And these hedge fund guys where acting super cool even though they where losing badly but they were encouraging New York and Arizona to simply enjoy themselves claiming they loved their action. Win or Lose.

Well, it seems their strong arm guy has a thing for big busted blondes so he excused himself after one of the girls made multiple moves on him. So into the other room they went while their Stakehorse sat with the duffel bag and watched the play… which was a fatal mistake.

Turns out he was in the other room banging busty a bit too long because after the lead hedge fund guy missed an easy 3 ball on their fifth set when New York and Arizona were on the hill, the hedge fund guy went ballastic and tossed his cue across the room and said they were quitting.

Which was fine with New York and Arizona. They were up 250 GRAND!

Well, after some polite arguing about how and when they would get paid the hedge fund guys says he’ll go into his safe and get what he owes them right now.

And the whole time they were politely calling out for the Russian guy, that they were done, but without making it obvious that things where getting uncomfortable but the Russian was in a room off the study down a hall with My Sharona blasting on the stereo doing who the **** knows what with the busty blonde.

Anyway, after a tense moment the hedge fund guy turns around and walks out of the study. Says he’ll give them what he owes them right now.

While New York and Arizona and their Stakehorse exchange concerned glances with the hedge fund guy’s partner and the other girl who was partying with them.

But the partner told them it was all cool. He’d come back, settle, and he just needed to cool off a bit.

Well, after what seems like an eternity, the hedge fund guys comes out with an AR-15 with a Laser Sight. With what looked like a bunch of Coke around his mouth and nose and he pulls the slide back on the action. Chambers a round in the AR and flashes the laser sight onto the their Stakehorse’s chest.

Tells them to get the **** out and he won’t be paying. And if they don’t like it they can try and collect.

Well, the hedge fund guy’s partner and the party girl start arguing with the hedge fund guy just as the Russian comes back into the study.

The Russian sees the loaded AR-15 with the laser sight beaded on the Stakehorse and draws his Glock.

And New York said everything after that got really fuzzy and played out in slow motion and it was a blur and he can’t be sure what exactly happened.
He doesn’t know if the Russian or Hedge Fund guy fired first but the Stakehorse took a short burst of automatic fire to his chest.

And then everybody dived for cover with the Russian and the Hedge Fund guy shooting up the place.

Arizona got hit and was trying to run out of the room when he got hit again in the back. And fell.

New York looked at the Stakehorse and saw that his eyes where open and blood was pouring out his mouth and his chest wasn’t rising or falling. Assumed he was gone and then looked for the Russian and Arizona.

The Russian was behind a desk.

Arizona was two feet away from a shut door. Face down.

The partner and other girl where hiding in the corner screaming at the hedge fund guy to put the weapon down.

But the hedge fund guy still is firing around the room as he moves over to where the stakehorse and was lying and standing over him the hedge fund guy kicks him in the side. Then says “****… he’s dead. Now I have to get them all.”

Know New York knews he has to get Arizona and the Russian out of there or they’re dead.

The Russian peeks his head around the side of the desk and motions for New York to make a move. Motions he still has half a clip.

So just as the Russian sticks his hand up over the top of the desk and starts laying down some covering fire New York makes his move and runs to Arizona and tries to drag him through the door. But the door is locked and New York can’t tell if Arizona is even still alive.

So he starting throwing his shoulder into the door and finally gets it to bust open just as the Russian is out of ammo.

He gets through the door and starts dragging Arizona and the Russsian throws his gun at the owner and bolts for the door too… but the Hedge Fund guy sprays the room and hits the Russian in the back of the head and splits his skull open and he falls on top of Arizona and causes New York to lose his grasp on Arizona.

And with tears in his eyes New York broke down and said he tried. He tried. But he couldn’t get them to move and he had to run.

I guess the partner and other girl somehow talked the hedge fund guy down and said he needs to put the guy down so they can figure this all out and while they were arguing New York made a run for it!

Got out of there and flagged down a motorist and told him he was in a motorcycle. accident and asked him if he could give him to family in Bellflower.

And New York has been waiting at Hard Times all day hoping his phone rings and its Arizona.

But he continually started to turn away and break down. Claiming they were all dead and that the hedge fund guy had so much money he will simply clean up the mess and bury the bodies somewhere they will never be found.

New York is alone. Hurt. No money or friends.

He has nobody to call or come for him.

It’s horrible.

The whole situation is horrible.

I told him he should go to the police but he said that won’t do any good. It’d just make things worse. This guy might have him killed.

I realized New York was right.

I told him if he ever needs a place to stay I have an RV.

Trying to pull himself together he thanked me but said no. But continued to thank me.

After sitting with him for awhile I think he realized he needed to keep moving and thanked me again. Told me he’d maybe see me around.

I gave him a couple hundred bucks to run with. Told him to stay in the shadows. Get well and hopefully I’d see him again.

He refused to take the money but after a lot of arguing he realized it’d be easier to get me to leave if he took it.

So he did.

And he thanked me again. Limped out Hard Times and into the Sunset.

New York… wherever you go. We are pulling for.

Be safe and see you on the other side if I don’t see you again on this Earth.

Best wishes,
Built to Last

I told you in your first thread, please put down the keyboard before somebody gets hurt!

And you just wouldn't listen, now look what happen!


If you would put all your hard work into writing a fictional book then you could make some real money. Great story, fictional no doubt but still a good read.

Sent from my RM-917_nam_usa_100 using Tapatalk


Club a member
Silver Member
Guys, this is all real. Bullsh!t_to_Last said so.

What those undercover monsters/APA 9's didn't know is that the hedge fund was a front for a coke op. The shooter was really Tony Montana.

"Say helloh to mah lil fren..."
