Castle Billiards NJ, throw player out for being too good


Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member

2nd place paid well.


I dealt with it just fine. :)
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Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
What I don't get in this story is why didn't the handicap solve the problem of different speeds?

Jeff Livingston

Well, in our amateur tournaments, there is a ceiling. He was clearly above that ceiling and he was asked to leave and got his $80 back. Not really a terrible deal considering 7th/8th place was $50.

The handicap chart is games on the wire... for every level above you, you get an extra game. I guess they could have just bumped him to A+++, then A++++ until it was impossible for Jesus to win... but I think it would have resulted in the same type of thread.


If not now...
Silver Member
Well, in our amateur tournaments, there is a ceiling. He was clearly above that ceiling and he was asked to leave and got his $80 back. Not really a terrible deal considering 7th/8th place was $50.

The handicap chart is games on the wire... for every level above you, you get an extra game. I guess they could have just bumped him to A+++, then A++++ until it was impossible for Jesus to win... but I think it would have resulted in the same type of thread.

Thank you. That makes sense.

Jeff Livingston


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ramesh Danny Gokul

This is normal? Even worse many were indicating that race had something to do with it ...

I have a question. I understand you are from England. Does whining about your race work in England or did you learn that in the USA?

If the USA is such a horrible place why don't you return to good old England?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have a question. I understand you are from England. Does whining about your race work in England or did you learn that in the USA?

If the USA is such a horrible place why don't you return to good old England?

Danny is from England, and being from Britain myself this kind of bullying and manipulation by the TD would not have happened.

The race issue got brought up by players at the event because they had said players of dannys level play all the time and never get kicked out especially after playing 6 matches and losing one. What people are more concerend about is steve simonnetti? Having a player still in he had a share in and himself who ended up winning his own tournament lol he obviously didnt like the look of playing danny.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Danny is from England, and being from Britain myself this kind of bullying and manipulation by the TD would not have happened.

The race issue got brought up by players at the event because they had said players of dannys level play all the time and never get kicked out especially after playing 6 matches and losing one. What people are more concerend about is steve simonnetti? Having a player still in he had a share in and himself who ended up winning his own tournament lol he obviously didnt like the look of playing danny.

Let it go Danny. It aint working for you.

Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
Danny is from England, and being from Britain myself this kind of bullying and manipulation by the TD would not have happened.

The race issue got brought up by players at the event because they had said players of dannys level play all the time and never get kicked out especially after playing 6 matches and losing one. What people are more concerend about is steve simonnetti? Having a player still in he had a share in and himself who ended up winning his own tournament lol he obviously didnt like the look of playing danny.

You are a new membr here and you have chosen an interesting first topic to post about.

You have strong opinions along with an accusatory tone towards Scott Simonetti, the TD at Castle, who has enjoyed a great rep for a long period of time.

If you came on here looking for advice, for instance, on how to change the cushions on your table, then you'd simply be another new member who is looking for advice and whose identity doesn't really matter.

But when you come on as a new member and, ike you have, calling someone's integrity and character into question, then your identity becomes very important.

So, it's your choice. You can either be a man and say who you are, calling Scott's character into question...


you can be an anonymous pot-stirring troll whose opinions don't mean jack shit. :smile:

brian kc
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Cardigan Kid

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Danny is from England, and being from Britain myself this kind of bullying and manipulation by the TD would not have happened.

The race issue got brought up by players at the event because they had said players of dannys level play all the time and never get kicked out especially after playing 6 matches and losing one. What people are more concerend about is steve simonnetti? Having a player still in he had a share in and himself who ended up winning his own tournament lol he obviously didnt like the look of playing danny.

I'd like to know what they do in England in regards to handicapping or weight of a local tournament. Is the system different? Just curious.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Danny is from England, and being from Britain myself this kind of bullying and manipulation by the TD would not have happened.

The race issue got brought up by players at the event because they had said players of dannys level play all the time and never get kicked out especially after playing 6 matches and losing one. What people are more concerend about is steve simonnetti? Having a player still in he had a share in and himself who ended up winning his own tournament lol he obviously didnt like the look of playing danny.

I woud like to meet with you in person to discuss bullying,scott simonetti has more class and character than anyone i know(including outside pool)so please keep up the internet routine,word this however you like your boy got caught,let it go.


Dave Manasseri
Silver Member
Well, in our amateur tournaments, there is a ceiling. He was clearly above that ceiling and he was asked to leave and got his $80 back. Not really a terrible deal considering 7th/8th place was $50.

The handicap chart is games on the wire... for every level above you, you get an extra game. I guess they could have just bumped him to A+++, then A++++ until it was impossible for Jesus to win... but I think it would have resulted in the same type of thread.

Doing the whole A++ thing would upset the nature of the whole amateur tournament. The way they run things, once they consider you better than "A" level players, you're ready for the big show. I think that's why Scott invited the player to play in the pro/open tournament.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Many years ago in my prime I played at good short stop speed.
I walked into a pool room I had never been in before and was asked if I was there to play in the tournament. Sure I'm in.
The guy running it says it's handicapped and because I'm a stranger i would have to play at the highest handicap. OK it was a $10 entry for a weekly tournament with all locals.
So i entered and figured i would have a little fun.
Cut to the chase I soon figured out these were all B players or lower.They had no chance to beat me.
Now I'm a pretty honest guy and it did not sit well with me that I was going to rob these people for a very small pay out.
I played 2 matches and then I apologized to all and withdrew.
Measureman has some ethics.Not a lot but some.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
There is a povPool vid on the YouTube where Daniel mentions Danny didn't want to split the finals with his opponent.

Daniel says something to the effect: "it's only a$50 difference, but he's on the I can understand it"

Sounds like he's 'on the road' again.


Idiot Savant
Silver Member
Many years ago in my prime I played at good short stop speed.
I walked into a pool room I had never been in before and was asked if I was there to play in the tournament. Sure I'm in.
The guy running it says it's handicapped and because I'm a stranger i would have to play at the highest handicap. OK it was a $10 entry for a weekly tournament with all locals.
So i entered and figured i would have a little fun.
Cut to the chase I soon figured out these were all B players or lower.They had no chance to beat me.
Now I'm a pretty honest guy and it did not sit well with me that I was going to rob these people for a very small pay out.
I played 2 matches and then I apologized to all and withdrew.
Measureman has some ethics.Not a lot but some.

That is a very familiar story but with a different result. I am a decent but not great player (B at best) and went to a tournament one night that I heard about. There were a lot of younger guys (20 - 25, but not real players).

I played (2) matches and went to the tournament director and told him that I wanted to forfeit the rest of my matches because I was not looking to "rob" the tournament. The TD said; "Oh, you think you are that much better than everyone else?"

So I went ahead and played and won...didn't feel great about the win, but I did try to get out of the tournament....


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Good morning colonial cousins..

I am an infrequent poster but have been on and off here a bit. Some know that I am based in England and am primarily an E8B player. I like watching AP on the interweb and also follow some of my former E8B buddies smashing you lot at your own game over there :D

A quick search through my posts will show all of this. A quick search will also show I have form as a TD, commentator, backer, governing body committee member, blah blah blah though retired from the game completely about 8 years ago and only came back in about 18 months ago.

I trust this will be sufficient for those who consider I have registered this username for the sole purpose of defending the player.

I saw Danny tonight at an E8B tournament in London, England - for the first time in about 8/9 years.

He told me about this event and he also told me about this thread.

I did have a load of posts I was going to reply to but I am not going to bother. I will make a few simple points.

In the 15 or so years I have known him, I have never ever heard of or experienced any kind of behaviour that is less than honourable on the part of Danny at any point. Ever.

Any tournament of mine he has played in I have never ever had a problem.

Danny did not hide his identity. Danny Gokhul is not a run of the mill name. It strikes me as easy to research.

Danny has never played professional E8B.

I know nothing of the TD for this tournament, except that he went on to win the tournament.

It is entirely possible to play up and down in ability/standard/speed. "If horses ran to form, we would all be millionaires".

The TD claims to have had 25 years of experience in pool but "appears" to have failed convincingly in his duty to "weed out" a distinctive looking little foreign looking chap with a London accent and a foreign name - which he gave honestly. Perhaps another 25 years of experience will give him the skill set he needs to get past this cunning disguise employed by the player.

My view is that the player felt he was wronged and had legitimate grounds for complaint. The tournament director thought he was being conned and felt he had legitimate grounds for complaint.

Both may have been right. Both may have been wrong.

It may be possible that neither the player nor the TD were dishonest.

I think some of the posts, coming from people that appear not to know either the player, the TD and were not even in the same state as the tournament let alone actually at the tournament are disgusting.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Did he dump the match he lost on the winners side?
If not then who the hell beat him?
And how can a tournament director not use his smartphone and do a quick google search just in case, but I'm shocked they hadn't heard of him before.

With 25 years of experience in pool and the internet being around for millions of years. Shocked too..